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EDEN 2009 Annual Conference 10-13 June 2009 Gdansk, Poland 

EDEN 2009 Annual Conference 10-13 June 2009 Gdansk, Poland . Digital Educational Content Economy - General Recommendations and Experience from everyday practice Piotr Mróz Executive Director Business Development & Strategic Partnerships Young Digital Planet SA piotr.mroz@ydp.com.pl

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EDEN 2009 Annual Conference 10-13 June 2009 Gdansk, Poland 

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  1. EDEN 2009 Annual Conference10-13 June 2009Gdansk, Poland  Digital Educational Content Economy - General Recommendations and Experience from everyday practice Piotr Mróz Executive Director Business Development & Strategic Partnerships Young Digital Planet SA piotr.mroz@ydp.com.pl www.ydp.eu

  2. Goals of the presentation: • Introduction of ELIG • Presentation of DECOM Declaration • Digital Educational Content Economy – industry member perspective

  3. About ELIG WHAT IS ELIG? The European Learning Industry Group, ELIG, is an open consortium of leading ICTcompanies and eLearning contentproviders who seek to promote innovation in learning by leveraging new technologies throughout Europe, in schools, universities, the workplaceand homes. The extended group also comprises key academic players, research institutions and associations. ELIG‘s MISSION Policy input at European level Thought leadership, pragmatic, realistic Communication channel to marketplace Member Network – „coopetition“ BASIC BELIEFS & PRINCIPLES Inclusive and representative Coherence between all stages of Life Long Learning Openness of underlying technology Balance between „supply-side“ and „demand-side“ perspective

  4. ELIG members • Technology Infrastructure • Intel, IBM, Cisco, Hewlett Packard… • Media, Content and Publishing Industry • SanomaWSOY, Cambridge Hitachi, McGraw Hill, Wolters Kluwer, Cegos, Elsevier...... • Learning Platform SW and Services Providers • Giunti Labs, Blackboard, U&I Learning, Fronter, PAU Education, oncampus, Line Communications, Learning Guide, bit media.... • Research, Associations and User Organizations • IMD, ECDL, Fachhochschule Kärnten, Swiss Center for Innovation in Learning, EPFL, EFMD.....

  5. ELIG becomes a Centre of Gravity 54 Members 19 new in 2008 • 2002: 33 Members More information available at www.elig.org

  6. DECOM Declaration DECOM - Digital Educational Content Marketplaces DECOM Declaration Document summarizes the outcomes of an open consultation organized by ELIG to investigate the opportunities and challenges faced by Europe’s learningcontent publishing industryin a market that is undergoing huge and continuous changes.The intention of the consultation was to provide a shared understanding among the ELIG memberorganizations in order to contribute with a single industryvoice to the many national and international public policy debates that members of ELIG are calledto join in. This includes EU expert consultation groups to help the European Commission framedevelopment and funding lines for its next generation R&D and educational programs.

  7. DECOM – The main recommendations New Opportunities & Business Models: • Ensure educational publishers are allocated a key role in the development of the newlearningprocesses. • Encourage business model experimentation for free and published content so as tocontinue to increase usage whilst ensuring quality and sustainability. • Support experimentation in new business models for accessing and downloading learning materials. • Revise teacher training programmes, on both technical and pedagogical levels, to enableteachers to make maximum use of classroom. • Encourage partnerships between educational publishers, learning system providers and allstakeholders in the education and learning processes.

  8. DECOM – The main recommendations Learning ResearchPriorities: • Funding to support R&D into device-specific content delivery is needed, in particularcontent aimed at maximizing the different characteristics of mobile devices and classroomdevices such as Digital Boards, eBooks and all other e-educational tools. That contentshould enable student engagement, allow teachers to act as facilitators, coaches andmentors as well as instructors as and when necessary, and be delivered at a cost level thatensureswideadoption. • Support for research into adaptation of content to enable educational publishers tomaximize the possibilities and capabilities of Web 2.0 technology. • Support for research into pedagogical needs for new platforms. • Support for research into the use of technology as a major enabler for new ways of skillbuilding and personal development.

  9. DECOM – The main recommendations Learning Technology & Standards: • Promotion of learning technologies and learning standards must become aconcerted effort of the learning and publishing industry, the official European (CEN)and international (ISO)standardization bodies and global standards consortia (e.g. IMS,AICC & OASIS).The focus of standarisationactivities needs to shift from a technology orientation to a learner, applicationand business perspective. • Standard contractual terms for downloads and managing institutional content acquisitionis essential in order to preserve the business interests of educational publishers at a timewhen the development of technology is challenging and changing traditional educationalpublishing business models. • Learning content should become independent from the specific channels that are used toaccess or deliver it. The adoption and use of XML-related standards in the creation oflearning content should be more widely encouraged.

  10. Digital Educational Content Economy – Young Digital Planet experience & perspective

  11. Young Digital Planet Basic facts: Started operations in 1990, located in Gdańsk (Poland) eContent publisher for K12 Education Strategic ICT development partner for leading textbook publishers ICT projects vendor and integrator for ministries of education Operates via business partners in more than 20 countries 360 employees eContent Publishing Development Services eLearningPlatforms AuthoringTools

  12. Our partners

  13. (Digital) Educational Content Economy Major driving factors: • The central objective for national and EU policymakers is viable delivery of effective educational content to all citizens. • Digital content is a natural extension of a textbook (coreoffering of traditionaleducational publishers). This results in two general models of the digital marketplace: „SupplyDriven” Markets „DemandDriven” Markets 3. Increasing role of Web2.0, volunteer generated digital content: Will this create a new model(?): „Volunteer Driven” Markets?

  14. The three myths about eContent that shall be abandoned: • High quality electronic content may be created by the teachers themselves. • Attractive educational content will be created by volunteers. • Once created content will last forever.

  15. Conclusion: In order to secure fast adoption of highest quality electronic content in education the policy makers shall: • Facilitate development of „Demand Driven” markets that secure the healthy competition among the publishers and thus the largest level of innovativeness with the best possible level of economical efficiency. • Encourage creation and acceptance of standards that secure: technical openness and interoperability of e-content, pedagogical correctness, consistent reporting data, business efficiency and security. • Encourage and provide sufficient training to teachers in respect of technology based teaching and learning.

  16. EDEN 2009 Annual Conference10-13 June 2009Gdansk, Poland  Thank you for your attention Piotr Mróz Executive Director Business Development & Strategic Partnerships Young Digital Planet SA piotr.mroz@ydp.com.pl www.ydp.eu

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