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Trigger information in CMSSW Robert Fischer, RWTH Aachen (robert.fischer@cern.ch)

Trigger information in CMSSW Robert Fischer, RWTH Aachen (robert.fischer@cern.ch) PAT Tutorial, Jul 15-19, 2013. Credits. Thank you for the slides: Volker and Norraphat. PAT. Contents. Trigger Basics: - Trigger and Particle Physics - CMS Trigger system

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Trigger information in CMSSW Robert Fischer, RWTH Aachen (robert.fischer@cern.ch)

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  1. Trigger information in CMSSW Robert Fischer, RWTH Aachen (robert.fischer@cern.ch) PAT Tutorial, Jul 15-19, 2013

  2. Credits Thank you for the slides: Volker and Norraphat PAT

  3. Contents Trigger Basics: - Trigger and Particle Physics - CMS Trigger system - High Level Trigger (HLT) and CMSSW - Available trigger information - Trigger and Analysis Summary Color code: - Color: Important concept - Color: Strongly recommendation - Color: Should try - Color: Questions

  4. Preface What is this tutorial about? - Introduction into basic concepts of trigger in general and in CMS. - Which trigger specific information is available in the PAT? - How is it produced? - How is it used? What is this tutorial not about? - How do trigger related studies look like conceptually? - PAT (and especially PAT trigger) data formats inherit from or use more basic but still complex CMSSW data formats, like e.g.: - reco::Candidate - edm::RefVector These are not explained.

  5. Trigger and Particle Physics High Energy Physics is a statistical science: Processes have a probability to happen. The smaller it is, the more data (collisions) are needed for an observation, discovery or finally precision measurement. The more events, the better! But this also produces a lot of “garbage”! http://www.popsci.com/category/tags/large-hadron-collider

  6. Trigger and Particle Physics http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/article/august-2012/particle-physics-tames-big-data • High Energy Physics hits technological limits: • Extremely high event rates require too much resources: • Bandwidth • Storage space • CPU power Throw away garbage keep only “interesting” events!

  7. CMS Trigger system (Glossary) “Trigger”, “Trigger bit” Often used as synonym for a particular HLT path. “x-trigger” A HLT path selecting on more than one object type. “leg” That part of a x-trigger dealing with only one particular object type. “pre-scale” Reduction factor of an HLT path (or L1 algorithm), or you can say it is the probability that an event which passes a trigger will be recorded. Question: (PS = 0) means ?

  8. CMS Trigger system • The Trigger is the system to select the events to be kept online. • Mainly physics motivated decisions • As much as needed↔ As few as possible • Factorisation to deal with high input rates • Level-1: Fast hardware trigger • Uses detector response • No complete event yet available in DAQ system • High Level Trigger (HLT): Smart software trigger • Full event available • Performs (special) reconstruction of physics objects as needed • Further factorization: • L2, L3 • Can still have sub-components.

  9. CMS Trigger system (L1)

  10. CMS Trigger system (Prompt, Parked, Scouting) http://profmattstrassler.com/articles-and-posts/lhcposts/triggering-advances-in-2012/data-parking-at-cms/

  11. HLT Offline Analysis HLT and CMSSW HLT is CMSSW and CMSSW is HLT • A process is structured in path: • to serve particular, separate tasks • A path consists of modules: • producers, filters, analyzers • path fails, if a module fails • subsequent modules are not executed • Results are saved: • path succeeding or failing • module succeeding or failing • Whole analysis chain • Analysis modules • Cut flows

  12. HLT and CMSSW HLT is CMSSW and CMSSW is HLT • A process is structured in path: • to serve particular, separate tasks

  13. Level-1 Sequence of producers Filters Filters Producers HLT and CMSSW HLT is CMSSW and CMSSW is HLT • A path consists of modules: • producers, filters, analyzers • path fails, if a module fails • subsequent modules are not executed

  14. HLT and CMSSW HLT is CMSSW and CMSSW is HLT • Results are saved: • path succeeding or failing • module succeeding or failing How many filters in this path?

  15. Filters Filters Filters Trigger Results HLT and CMSSW HLT is CMSSW and CMSSW is HLT • Results are saved: • path succeeding or failing • module succeeding or failing

  16. Path 1 L1 Filter 1 Prod 1.1 Filter 1.1 Prod 1.2 Filter 1.2 I N P U T D A T A HLT and CMSSW

  17. Path 1 Path 2 L1 Filter 1 L1 Filter 2 Prod 1.1 Prod 2.1 Filter 1.1 Filter 2.1 Prod 1.2 Prod 2.2 Filter 1.2 Filter 2.2 I N P U T D A T A HLT and CMSSW

  18. Path 3 Path 2 Path 1 L1 Filter 1 L1 Filter 2 L1 Filter 2 Prod 2.1 Prod 2.1 Prod 1.1 Filter 2.1 Filter 2.1 Filter 1.1 Prod 1.2 Prod 2.2 Prod 3.1 Filter 3.2 Filter 2.2 Filter 1.2 I N P U T D A T A HLT and CMSSW

  19. Path 4 Path 2 Path 1 Path 3 L1 Filter 1 L1 Filter 2 L1 Filter 4 L1 Filter 2 Prod 4.1 Prod 2.1 Prod 1.1 Prod 2.1 Filter 2.1 Filter 2.1 Filter 1.1 Filter 4.1 Prod 1.2 Prod 2.2 Prod 3.1 Seq 4.1 Filter 2.2 Filter 4.2 Filter 1.2 Filter 3.2 I N P U T D A T A HLT and CMSSW

  20. Path 4 Path 1 Path 3 Path 5 Path 2 L1 Filter 1 L1 Filter 4 L1 Filter 2 L1 Filter 2 Prod 2.1 Prod 1.1 Prod 4.1 Prod 2.1 Filter 2.1 Filter 1.1 Filter 4.1 Filter 2.1 Prod 2.2 Prod 3.1 Prod 1.2 Seq 4.1 Filter 4.2 Filter 2.2 Filter 3.2 Filter 1.2 L1 Filter 5 P 5.1 F 5.1 P 5.2 F 5.2 P 5.3 F 5.3 I N P U T D A T A HLT and CMSSW

  21. Path 4 Path 1 Path 3 Path 5 Path 2 L1 Filter 1 L1 Filter 4 L1 Filter 2 L1 Filter 2 Prod 2.1 Prod 1.1 Prod 4.1 Prod 2.1 Filter 2.1 Filter 1.1 Filter 4.1 Filter 2.1 Prod 2.2 Prod 3.1 Prod 1.2 Seq 4.1 Filter 2.2 Filter 4.2 Filter 3.2 Filter 1.2 L1 Filter 5 P 5.1 F 5.1 P 5.2 F 5.2 I N P U T D A T A HLT and CMSSW Fail

  22. Path 4 Path 1 Path 3 Path 5 Path 2 L1 Filter 1 L1 Filter 4 L1 Filter 2 L1 Filter 2 Prod 2.1 Prod 1.1 Prod 4.1 Prod 2.1 Filter 2.1 Filter 1.1 Filter 4.1 Filter 2.1 Prod 2.2 Prod 3.1 Prod 1.2 Seq 4.1 Filter 4.2 Filter 2.2 Filter 3.2 Filter 1.2 L1 Filter 5 P 5.1 F 5.1 P 5.2 F 5.2 I N P U T D A T A HLT and CMSSW Prescale 4 (HLT) Fail

  23. Path 4 Path 2 Path 3 Path 1 Path 5 L1 Filter 2 L1 Filter 4 L1 Filter 2 L1 Filter 1 Prod 2.1 Prod 4.1 Prod 1.1 Prod 2.1 Filter 2.1 Filter 2.1 Filter 4.1 Filter 1.1 Prod 1.2 Prod 3.1 Prod 2.2 Seq 4.1 Filter 3.2 Filter 2.2 Filter 1.2 Filter 4.2 L1 Filter 5 P 5.1 F 5.1 P 5.2 F 5.2 I N P U T D A T A HLT and CMSSW Prescale 1 (L1) Prescale 4 (HLT) Fail

  24. Path 3 Path 5 Path 2 Path 1 Path 4 O U T P U T D A T A L1 Filter 4 L1 Filter 1 L1 Filter 2 L1 Filter 2 Prod 1.1 Prod 2.1 Prod 4.1 Prod 2.1 Filter 2.1 Filter 1.1 Filter 4.1 Filter 2.1 Prod 3.1 Prod 2.2 Prod 1.2 Seq 4.1 Filter 4.2 Filter 3.2 Filter 2.2 Filter 1.2 L1 Filter 5 P 5.1 F 5.1 P 5.2 F 5.2 I N P U T D A T A HLT and CMSSW Prescale 1 (L1) Prescale 4 (HLT) Fail

  25. Available Trigger Information Concept: - Space efficiency - no duplication of information anywhere, independently of existing information source - Neglect user friendliness Sources: - EDM data - Databases - Provenance Consequences for analysts: - Wide spread of information - Hard to reconstruct cross-links

  26. Available Trigger Information EDM (RECO/AOD):

  27. Available Trigger Information EDM (RECO/AOD): cont’d Databases:

  28. Available Trigger Information Tools to ease the fundamental access tasks: - Command lines or Scripts - The recommended way of obtaining L1 and/or HLT prescales (and luminosity information) for recorded data is via scripts provided by the Luminosity group available here. - HLT Command line summarized here [by A. Bocci.] - Web based tools - CMSWBM- HLT Config Browser - cmsRun - The L1 and HLT prescale factors can be retrieved from the data themselves, via L1GtUtils (L1 only) and HLTConfigProvider (L1 and HLT). - PATTrigger

  29. Exercise 9a) Exercise 9b) Exercise 9c) Afternoon class Exercise 9d) Available Trigger Information Tools to ease the fundamental access tasks: - Command lines or Scripts - The recommended way of obtaining L1 and/or HLT prescales (and luminosity information) for recorded data is via scripts provided by the Luminosity group available here. - HLT Command line summarized here [by A. Bocci.] - Web based tools - CMSWBM- HLT Config Browser - cmsRun - The L1 and HLT prescale factors can be retrieved from the data themselves, via L1GtUtils (L1 only) and HLTConfigProvider (L1 and HLT). - PATTrigger

  30. Available Trigger Information Exercise 9a We want to collect information on a particular HLT path: HLT_Ele25_CaloIdVT_CaloIsoT_TrkIdT_TrkIsoT_TriCentralPFJet30 - Identify the run range, this trigger had been online. For this, search the path on the list of HLT menus and paths in 2012. - Trigger version ran from ? to ? - Check, if this trigger has been prescaled at any point (lumi section) during data taking. Consider only certified data using the proper JSON file from /afs/cern.ch/cms/CAF/CMSCOMM/COMM_DQM/certification/Collisions12/8TeV/Prompt/ You may need to edit the file in order to limit it to the run range you have identified for the trigger path of interest. - Use the tool to provide you with prescale information for runs or run ranges. Try lumiContext.py script in RecoLuminosity/LumiDB.

  31. Available Trigger Information Web Based tools: - CMSWBM: Provides a wide variety of run related information. - HLT Config Browser: Every HLT menu ever used, with different view options. Summaries and listings: - HLT menus and paths (related to run numbers/ranges) - TriggerTables (“release notes” of HLT tables) - GlobalTriggerAvailableMenus (all L1 menus)

  32. Available Trigger Information (CMSWBM) CMS Web Based Monitoring (CMSWBM) https://cmswbm.web.cern.ch/cmswbm/

  33. Available Trigger Information (CMSWBM) CMS Web Based Monitoring (CMSWBM) Fill Report >> Choose Fill >> Choose Run

  34. Available Trigger Information CMS Web Based Monitoring (CMSWBM)

  35. Available Trigger Information (CMSWBM) CMS Web Based Monitoring (CMSWBM)

  36. Available Trigger Information (CMSWBM) CMS Web Based Monitoring (CMSWBM) (From previous page)

  37. Available Trigger Information (CMSWBM) CMS Web Based Monitoring (CMSWBM)

  38. Available Trigger Information Exercise 9b (Optional) Try to play with cmswbm: - Choose the run number which the PS had changed for HLT_Ele25_CaloIdVT_CaloIsoT_TrkIdT_TrkIsoT_TriCentralPFJet30 from Exercise 9a - Find the average rate of this path in that run. Note: - Trigger rate normally mean “average” rate. - Sometimes, you need to consider also “instantaneous” rate. Average = 38.12 Hz Peak = 82.92 Hz

  39. Available Trigger Information (Config Provider) HLT Config Browser L1 Steam Paths HLT Prescale Menu PDs http://j2eeps.cern.ch/cms-project-confdb-hltdev/browser/

  40. Available Trigger Information Exercise 9c Try to play with HLT Config Browser to inspect the modular structure of the path 1 3: Search 2 Question: What is the final filter of this path?

  41. Available Trigger Information hltGetConfiguration orcoff:/cdaq/physics/Run2012/8e33/v1.2/HLT | hltDumpStream Steam PDs HLT Prescale L1 Paths hltGetConfiguration orcoff:/cdaq/physics/Run2012/8e33/v1.2/HLT Give you a full configuration file hltListPaths orcoff:/cdaq/physics/Run2012/8e33/v1.2/HLT Give you a list of paths Note: hltGetConfiguration/hltListPaths run:runnumber does not work after summer12.

  42. Available Trigger Information Exercise 9d PDs Question: Which primary dataset(s) do the events triggered by our path finally end up??

  43. Available Trigger Information (Summary) Aim of the PAT: - Collect event data from spread sources and re-arrange them in a meaningful way - provide easy user access Situation in RECO/AOD: - trigger information: - access complicated as cost of space efficient storage - information spread and partially hidden Conclusion: The aim of the PAT can and should also be applied to trigger information.

  44. The analyst needs to know his/her triggers just as well as his/her analysis Trigger and Analysis Triggers are an integral part of each analysis, since they apply the first selection on data. - What is the trigger efficiency? - How does the turn-on curves look like? - Which offline selection cuts can I apply? - Which filters do what with which objects? - Trigger objects are not the same as offline objects, quite similar, but not exactly the same.

  45. Every Run Period, separately. Why? - Correction factors. - Trigger modules. - Alignment. Better to compare trigger efficiency between Data and MC RunA RunB RunC RunD Trigger and Analysis How often do you need to check your trigger? HLT_MET120_HBHENoiseCleaned

  46. Can you answer these questions? General information about trigger: - How does the HLT work in CMS? - Which trigger information is available, where in CMS data? - Where can I find detail information? And very important questions: - What do I need to consider for my analysis? - Do you know about your trigger?

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