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LHC FMCM Project

LHC FMCM Project. Introduction. Beams dumped upon 5 occasions by FMCM following network perturbations, ie 02-MAY-10 AM (400kV - all LHC) at 450GeV 01-MAY-10 AM (18kV ring line, seen on dump septas) at 450GeV

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LHC FMCM Project

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  1. LHC FMCM Project

  2. Introduction Beams dumped upon 5 occasions by FMCM following network perturbations, ie 02-MAY-10 AM (400kV - all LHC) at 450GeV 01-MAY-10 AM (18kV ring line, seen on dump septas) at 450GeV 19-APR-10 AM (400kV - all LHC) at 3.5 TeV 07-APR-10 AM (18kV ring line, seen on dump septas) at 450GeV 03-APR-10 AM (400kV - all LHC) at 3.5 TeV All trips happened at flat top (either injection or 3.5TeV) and did not result in a (self-)trip of any of the power converters, apart from the latest one 2nd of May which tripped both RD1s, RD34s and the ALICE and LHCb dipoles (+ LHC Coll and RF equipment) The trips are analyzed in the following and compared to the electrical network disturbations to confirm the validity/necessity of the current FMCM thresholds for the LHC FMCMs

  3. 02-MAY-10 AM – RBXWTV.L2 + others ∆I = 2A ∆I /I = 3.4 •10E-3 ∆V = 1.5V ∆V /V = 5 •10E-2 Measured excursion > 1.5 Threshold : 0.6

  4. 01-MAY-10 AM - RMSD ∆I = 0.09A ∆I /I = 1.76 •10E-3 ∆V = 2.2V ∆V /V = 7.8 •10E-2 Measured excursion > 0.8 Threshold : 0.4

  5. 19-APR-10 AM – Trip of RD1s in IR1 an IR5 ∆I = 0.7A ∆I /I = 2 •10E-3 ∆V = 20V ∆V /V = 8 •10E-2 Measured excursion > 8 Threshold : 0.4

  6. 19-APR-10 AM – Perturbation on RB.A12 ∆I = 0.018A ∆I /I = 3 •10E-6 ∆V = 4V ∆V /V = 8 •10E-1

  7. 07-APR-10 AM - RMSD ∆I = 0.075A ∆I /I = 1.4 •10E-3 ∆V = 2V ∆V /V = 7.1 •10E-2 Measured excursion > 0.8 Threshold : 0.4

  8. 03-APR-10 AM – RD34 circuit ∆I = 0.18A ∆I /I = 5.6 •10E-4 ∆V = 10V ∆V /V = 6.5 •10E-2 Measured excursion > 2.5 Threshold : 0.4

  9. 03-APR-10 AM – Fault in 400kV S phase -40kV , 30ms Courtesy of D.Arnoult Typical perturbation originating in 400kV (2 phases, V dip of ~15% for some 60ms)

  10. Comparison to spec of “minimum immunity of equipment” • Based on the statistic of past network disturbances, a minimum immunity for equipment has been defined in an LHC ES ‘Main Parameters of LHC 400/230V Distribution System’ Voltage Swells = +50%, 10ms U nom= 400 / 230V ± 10 % Typ. Variations = ± 5 % Transients= 1200V for 0.2ms THD = 5% X X X X 03-APR-10 AM 07-APR-10 AM 19-APR-10 AM 01-MAY-10 AM Voltage Dips = -50%, 100ms

  11. Conclusions FMCMs have proven to be reliable and (rather) sensitive detectors for network perturbations RD1.LR1, RD1.LR5, RD34.LR3, RD34.LR7, RMSD.LR6B1 and RMSD.LR6B2, are connected to the 18kV distribution and thus most sensitive to perturbations coming from the 400kV. 18kV perturbations well visible on voltage of RB (but damped by >>L of circuit) FMCMs connected to the 400V network (such as the RQ4.LR3/7, RQ5.LR3/7 and RBXWTV.L2/R2) are more sensitive to local network perturbations The 5 perturbations were all within the ‘allowed’ minimum immunity requested from the equipment No converter (self-)tripped apart from event on 2nd of May (but might well happen more frequently during ramping,…) All 5 trips were well above the specified threshold for the FMCM (simulations of Verena/Andres assuming worst case scenario @ 7TeV), in all cases between 100 – 2000% above current thresholds) FMCMs tripped correctly according to current spec/requirements, as we’ll not run at 7TeV for quite some time it might be worth considering relaxing the thresholds e.g. on RMSD (to be confirmed with additional simulations?)

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