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Good to Know: The Five Most Useful Things I’ve Learned About Kids’ Brains

Good to Know: The Five Most Useful Things I’ve Learned About Kids’ Brains. William R. Stixrud, Ph.D. The Stixrud Group 8720 Georgia Avenue, Suite 300 Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 (301) 565 -0534 www.stixrud.com. The Five Most Useful Things I’ve Learned.

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Good to Know: The Five Most Useful Things I’ve Learned About Kids’ Brains

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  1. Good to Know: The Five Most Useful Things I’ve Learned About Kids’ Brains William R. Stixrud, Ph.D. The Stixrud Group 8720 Georgia Avenue, Suite 300 Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 (301) 565 -0534 www.stixrud.com

  2. The Five Most Useful Things I’ve Learned • 1. The development of the prefrontal cortex is remarkably protracted. • 2. The developing brain’s most essential function is survival. • 3. The developing brain is highly active, even at rest. • 4. The developing brain craves autonomy. • 5. Kid’s brains today are about like they were 10,000 years ago.

  3. Important Brain Structures

  4. The Brain as a Work in Progress

  5. Severely Delayed Brain Development

  6. Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure

  7. The adolescent brain is extremely powerful.

  8. The adolescent brain is highly adaptive.

  9. The developing brain is “plastic” and vulnerable.

  10. Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers

  11. All Stressed Up and Nowhere to Go


  13. Important Brain Structures

  14. Hyperactive Amygdala

  15. “Rest is the basis of activity.” Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of Transcendental Meditation

  16. Sleep and Memory Consolidation

  17. Sleep and Motor Learning

  18. Effects of Minimal Sleep Deprivation Study of minor sleep restriction for three nights (Avi Sadeh, Tel Aviv University) Fourth and sixth graders slept one hour more or less than usual for three nights. Sixth graders who slept 35 minutes less functioned like fourth graders on tests. They lost two yeas of cognitive efficiency in working memory, attention, and reaction time.

  19. Active Brain, Peaceful Brain

  20. Important Brain Structures

  21. The DMN and the Brain at Rest

  22. Balance of Rest and Activity

  23. It Starts Early

  24. Early Multitasking

  25. Carol Dweck’s Growth and Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset: Abilities and qualities are things you can cultivate through effort. This belief creates love of effort, challenge, growth, learning. Fixed Mindset: Abilities and qualities are carved in stone. Every situation is a test of ability, personality, character, etc.

  26. Self-Determination Theory

  27. FLOW

  28. Reward System

  29. Language Goes Back 100,000 Years

  30. Motor Control and Mental Control

  31. Brain Gym — Cross Crawl

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