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Symbolic execution based model checking of open systems with unbounded variables

Tests and Proofs 2009. Symbolic execution based model checking of open systems with unbounded variables. Nicolas RAPIN nicolas.rapin@cea.fr. CEA LIST Laboratory of Model Driven Engineering for embedded systems F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, FRANCE. Spec (  ). design. Conforms to ?. Model ( M ).

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Symbolic execution based model checking of open systems with unbounded variables

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  1. Tests and Proofs 2009 Symbolic execution based model checking of open systems with unbounded variables Nicolas RAPIN nicolas.rapin@cea.fr CEA LIST Laboratory of Model Driven Engineering for embedded systems F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, FRANCE. CEA LIST

  2. Spec () design Conforms to ? Model (M) refinement Conforms to ? (TAP’07) Model implementation Conforms to ? (TestCom’06) System (black box) Critical embedded systems => formal methods Context and motivation M |=symb exec ? • Several problems, one technique, Symbolic Execution (SE), one platform (AGATHA). • shift from space complexity to time complexity (for verification). • concise representation: for simulation, test purpose definition … CEA-LIST

  3. Outline • Models: IOSTS formalism • Specifications: IOLTL logic • IOLTL tableau calculus • Symbolic Execution technique • Tableau calculus and SE (|=symb path) • Termination • Experiment, Conclusion, Futur works CEA-LIST

  4. Data part: first order decidable theory Th (ex: Presburger Arithmetics) • state variables: {v,b} • Graph part : states, transitions • label: Guard [I|O|] {Substitution} • I: channel ? Variable • O : channel ! Term IOSTS Formalism v > 1 [motor ! -1]{} Relative speed regulator (virtual trains for trucks) T [] {b : = 1, v : = 0} T [] {b:=0} T [rel_speed?v] {} t4 q p r I t3 (b = = 0) [] {} v < -1 [motor ! 1]{} -1  v  1 []{} a run: (p,v-5,b 0) rel_speed ? -5 motor ! 1 (q,v-5,b 0) (r,v-5,b 0) (p,v0,b 0) (I,v0,b  1) CEA-LIST

  5. BNF Grammar: • ::= atom | T |  |  1 | 1  2 | X 1 | 1 U 2 | 1 R 2 • Atomic propositions: • properties over states: (v > 0) • properties over I/O: (c ! u, u > v+1) Satisfaction: • M |=iosts if for all r  Run(M), r |=run  IOLTL Implicit Kripke structure : |= X  if I I,e1 e1 p e2 |=  p,e2 CEA-LIST

  6. Goal: transform satisfaction relation |=run into an operational procedure. Idea : reduce it to a satisfaction relation on state |=state which can be reduced itself to Th |= f (the data theory Th is supposed to be decidable). IOLTL tableau calculus r[i] r: r |=run means r(0) |=run  r(i) |=run  can be reduced to: r[i] |=state Now() or r(i+1) |=run neXt() where Now()  Atoms r[i] |=state Now() means T |= /\ r[i]  /\ Now() r(i) (transition) (transformation) 2 kind of inference rules  neXt Now neXt Now’ neXt’ neXt  CEA-LIST

  7. Tableau calculus: example F p (abbreviates: T U p) F p  p  X (F p) r(i) |= F p iff r[i] |= p or r(i+1) |= F p {F p}, {F p}, F1 F2 {},{F p} {p}, Prove p now … … or prove Fp in the next state. If p is not an atom: after F1 rules dedicated to p main operator are applied and so on until Now set contains only atoms. {},{F p} NSR (Next State Rule) p {},{F p} {},{F p} p {},{F p} {F p},{} p Build the next state. CEA-LIST

  8. Principle: symbols are used instead of values. Symbolic execution Correct, complete. Intentional representation of all runs (concise and exact). (I,T,{v  v0, b  b0})  (p,T,{v  v0, b  0}) M |=iosts iff for all sp  SP(M) we have sp |=symb path  rel_speed?v1 Red symbolic path: contains the run of slide 4. (q,T,{v  v1, b  0}) (r,T,{v  v1, b  0}) (r,T,{v  0, b  1}) Motor ! -1 Motor ! 1 (p,v1 < -1,{v  v1, b  0}) (p,v1 > 1,{v  v1, b  0})  (p,-1  v11,{v  v1, b  0}) CEA-LIST

  9. IOLTL tableau calculus and symbolic execution (p, vi>1, vvi) {F (v < 5) } E, F1 (p, vi>1, vvi) { (v < 5)} E, Atom (p, vi>1, vvi) { (v < 5)}E, (p, (vi>1)(vvi)(v<5), vvi) E, (p, (1<vi<5), vvi) Atom Rule transfers atoms into path condition. CEA-LIST

  10. IOLTL tableau calculus and symbolic execution (p, vi>1, vvi) {F (v < 5) }, F2 (p, vi>1, vvi) ,{F (v < 5)} NSR (p, vi>1, vvi) ,{F (v < 5)} rel_speed?vi+1 (q, vi>1, vvi+1) {F (v < 5) }, Context Rules build sequences of transitions linking contexts: we call them unfoldings (an unfolding is consistent if the path condition of its symbolic state component) CEA-LIST

  11. Satisfaction problem with Until formulas v > 1 v > 0 Consider: F(v<0) and the kripke structure above. Rule F2 applies forever (i.e. build an infinite consistent unfolding) although (v<0) is never satisfied ! Consistency of an infinite unfolding is not a sufficient criteria for the satisfaction relation. The technique requires a third set of formulas which stores Until formulas (remember that F is an Until) never proved: initialized with all Until (Finally) sub-formulas. With above example: USet always contains F(x<0) ! USet, {}, neXt NSR (modified to take Uset into account) Emptiness of the Uset provides a sufficient criterion. USetneXt, neXt, {} CEA-LIST

  12. Lemma With Uset emptiness criterion (never infinitely non empty) |=run and |=symb path are equivalent (i.e. we can use |=symb path instead of |=run in the definition of |=iosts ) CEA-LIST

  13. An unfolding: Termination criterion 1: lassos detection b O2 a O1 prefix Context with Uset =  loop O1 , O2 are omega sets (see paper) with respect to symbols present in the prefix) Lemma: O1 O2   => There is a lasso (see red execution a.b) Moreover, if there exists, in the loop part of the unfolding, a context with Uset =  then: a.b* satisfies . CEA-LIST

  14. Termination criterion 2: “dead end” detection S2 S1 Uset  O1 , O2 (omega sets of S1 and S2 with respect to  ) O2 O1   => unfoldings “after” S2 cannot prove more than those “after” S1 => cut on S2. CEA-LIST

  15. Theorems Theorem 1: If there exits an unfolding satisfying the lasso criterion and the Uset criterion then there exists a run r |= . Theorem 2: If all unfoldings satisfy the inclusion criterion but not the Uset criterion then there exists no run satisfying . (the two criteria are applied in a defined sequence) CEA-LIST

  16. Diagnosability. A model is not diagnosable with respect to a fault if we can find two different runs, having the same observable traces, one being affected by the fault and not the other. The speed regulator IOSTS model of slide 4 contains a fault whose occurrence is characterized by the value of b). Diagnosability can be reduced to a model-checking problem: M  M |=iosts F G (b1 = T  b2 = ) ? First experiment Answer about the speed captor failure: Not diagnosable when relative speed is maintained at 0. CEA-LIST

  17. Conclusion • |=symbpath can be used instead of |=run • Allows analysis of models with unbounded variables or huge domains • SE and tableau calculus combination provides an operational technique for |=symb • semi-decision verification algorithm (between test and proof) CEA-LIST

  18. FUTUR WORKS • Improve verification algorithm with strategies (priorities over rules: F1 >F2 to check F G  ) • Monte Carlo methods for large systems (adaptation of the MC2 PLTL checker approach) • What about FIFO channels ? • Use tableau calculus and SE to generate tests purposes (TestCom’06) from IOLTL properties (Test purpose refinement). Thank You ! CEA-LIST

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