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INITIAL POLICE TRAINING IN CLEVELAND POLICE An Innovative Model of a Police-University Partnership

INITIAL POLICE TRAINING IN CLEVELAND POLICE An Innovative Model of a Police-University Partnership. Sean Price QPM Chief Constable Cleveland Police. Overview. Brief History of the British Police Service Current Governance arrangements Cleveland Police British Police training pre 2004

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INITIAL POLICE TRAINING IN CLEVELAND POLICE An Innovative Model of a Police-University Partnership

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  1. INITIAL POLICE TRAINING IN CLEVELAND POLICEAn Innovative Model of a Police-University Partnership Sean Price QPM Chief Constable Cleveland Police

  2. Overview • Brief History of the British Police Service • Current Governance arrangements • Cleveland Police • British Police training pre 2004 • IDLPD • The Cleveland Police- Teesside University partnership

  3. Policing in the UK- a brief history • 992 AD – First mention of High Sheriffs in the history books – appointed by the King in Saxon times to keep the King’ Peace using a posse of deputies, they also collected taxes for the King. • 1361 – The Peace Act – three men appointed in each county to “arrest, take and chastise offenders”. • 1750 – The Bow Street Runners – small plainclothes force in London. • 1805 – The Bow Street Horse Patrol – founded to clear London of Highwaymen. • 1829 – The Metropolitan Bill introduced the first “modern” police force in London run by Sir Robert Peel. • 1831 – Special Constables Act. • 1856 – By this date, there were over 200 police forces in England and Wales. • 1915 – Edith Smith the first woman to be given powers of arrest.

  4. The Bow Street Horse Patrol

  5. A slightly more modern Horse Patrol….

  6. Governance • 43 separate territorial forces • Tri-partite governance structure (Home Secretary, Police Authorities, Chief Constables) • Central government provides 51% of the Police Authorities’ approved budget, the remainder comes from the precept (local council revenue) • Chief Constable appointed by Police Authority with ministerial approval • Chief Constable responsible for direction and control of Force • Police Authority has a general duty to maintain an adequate and efficient police force for the area (Police Act 1964) • Police Authority can call Chief Constable to account for competence and conduct of Force

  7. One of 43 territorial forces 1727 police officers and 700 police staff Ethos of “Putting People First” since 2003 Partnerships, People, Problem Solving and Professionalism Intention by 2014 of being one of the leading forces in the UK Recently scored the highest of all 43 forces on public confidence in the police and a lead force on house burglary investigation Policing Priorities – citizen focused policing, reduce harm from drugs, reduce crime and anti-social behaviour, protect public from threat of serious crime and terrorism Cleveland Police’s vision underpinned by investment in developing and training our staff ClevelandPolice

  8. Police Training in the UK in 20th Century • As early as the 1800s the need for formal police training was identified • However the first formal probationer training courses did not begin until the 1940s • These courses were aimed at recruits who had recently been “de-mobbed” from the services were often located at military bases away from the community • Heavy emphasis on legal knowledge • Significant amount of time spent on military drill, in fact……

  9. Police training was quite similar to that in the 1870s!

  10. Police Training 2000 onwards • HMIC Review “Training Matters” published 2002 – concluded that current probationary training was not fit for purpose • Identified a lack of strategic direction in police training, need for quality assurance, modernisation and community focus • Crime Fighting Fund (2000 onwards) aimed to increase police numbers by 5000 but did not include specific plans to improve training – emphasis on quantity rather than quality of recruits • In addition issues such as the Macpherson report (1999) and the Secret Policeman documentary (2003) identified issues surrounding racism and lack of community confidence in police service • Increasing drive to link vocational training in the public sector with nationally recognised qualifications • Government agenda for reform of the Police Service.

  11. Cleveland Police Training pre 2004 • Cleveland Police probationers formerly attended a traditional residential training school in another Force area which cost in excess of £2k per annum per student • Residential course requirements could result in work-life balance issues • Officers did not have contact with their teams and the communities they would be policing for several months

  12. Initial Police Learning and Development Programme (IPLDP) • IPLDP was created in 2004 • Aimed to give officers a better understanding of their role in the community • Designed to professionalize initial police training (first two years of police service) by identifying approved national occupational standards and a recognised qualification • Cleveland was a pilot force for this programme and unlike most other Forces decided to deliver the IPLD in partnership with a local University

  13. The Cleveland Police – Teesside University Partnership • Partnership formed in 2004 • A foundation degree in Policing Studies was specifically designed for the purpose of delivering the IPLDP • This was the first such degree to be introduced nationally • After completion of their foundation course, students have the option of continuing onto an honours degree if they wish to self-fund and study in their own time • Foundation degree can also be used as credits towards an alternative honours degree course • Teesside University receive an income from the Higher Education Funding Council which covers the cost per student of the IPLDP

  14. Foundation Course Structure • Newly recruited officers become registered students at Teesside University and are in uniform throughout their training. • They receive 30 weeks of initial training delivered by a combination of academics and police tutors – police and academic inputs are intermingled • This includes a diverse mixture of training including principles of patrol policing, investigation, personal safety, criminology, knowledge of law and procedure, and contemporary issues in policing • They also visit specialist facilities such as mock court rooms, police stations, and scenes of crime houses to complete exercises and carry out role plays of operational scenarios in both the University campus and the community • Students gradually move to operational duties eg patrol with a tutor constable and then independent patrol whilst still completing academic assignments and community placements to enhance awareness of local issues and diversity • In total the course lasts two years – students must pass both the academic and practical parts of course to be confirmed in rank and receive their Foundation degree

  15. Benefits • Partnership arrangement means that there are significant cost benefits to the force for initial police training • The University also benefit as their income from central government directly relates to student numbers • Professionalisation of training assists in raising status of the service to that of comparable professions within the criminal justice arena • Probationary officers acquire a nationally recognised qualification • Police trainers now undertake a nationally recognised a Certificate of Education rather than their previous non-accredited training Probationary constables can contextualise their role as a police officer within the community, society and particularly the University environment • Improved police visibility at University – has enhanced perception that Teesside is a safe campus and has contributed to a significant drop in crime in Middlesbrough • Increased interest amongst Teesside University graduates in a police career • Non-residential course supports work-life balance

  16. The Future • Cleveland Police have expanded their partnership with Teesside University and now use specialist trainers to deliver training side by side with academics in a range of subjects eg informant handling / management and ethics. • Other Forces have formed partnerships with University to deliver part of their initial police training eg West Mercia, Military Police • The Metropolitan Police now send forensic scientists and CSIs for academic training at the University of Teesside • Many other forces are now forming partnerships with local Universities

  17. Any Questions?

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