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“Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” meeting, Luxembourg 15-16 February 2006

Dr Nozha Boujemaa INRIA Imedia, Paris MUSCLE NoE. “Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” meeting, Luxembourg 15-16 February 2006. Project Overview.

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“Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” meeting, Luxembourg 15-16 February 2006

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  1. Dr Nozha Boujemaa INRIA Imedia, Paris MUSCLE NoE “Dissemination & Awareness Strategy” meeting, Luxembourg 15-16 February 2006

  2. Project Overview • MUSCLE is a European network of excellence designed to foster close collaboration and integration between research groups in multimedia datamining and machine learning in order drive breakthrough progress towards: • Harnessing the full potential of machine learning and cross-modal interaction • Applying machine learning to effectively assist users in the exploration of multimedia content. • Improving interoperability and exchangeability of heterogeneous and distributed (meta)data • Ensure durable integration and collaboration through the creation of a virtual teams • Contribute to the distribution and uptake of the technology through dissemination, liaisonandtraining Network Activities • Joint Programme of Activities designed around a joint scientific agenda shared by the MUSCLE community • E-teams, acting as virtual labs designed to focus on intermediate scientific challenges • Education and training: internal fellowship programme and summer school • Integration of European research community • Joint publications • Conference and event sponsoring

  3. Dissemination Scheme Dissemination targets • The main dissemination targets are the European and International scientific communities in image processing, image retrieval and machine learning. • Future MUSCLE dissemination activities will aslo target • General public to democratise scientific activities • Industrial stakeholders in the field (showcasing) to promote technology uptake Dissemination vectors • Website:www.muscle-noe.org • Web links pointing towards the MUSCLE web site • Posters, flyers, leaflets and give away “MUSCLE NoE business cards” • Press releases, Interviews: ERCIM news (10 00 copies worldwide), Technology television Channel invited to Istanbul meeting (http://www.teknolojitelevizyonu.com)  . • Online showcases: To stimulate interest from industry and the public at large, • Muscle Scientific Meetings (largely aimed at the NoE consortium but open to outside participants). • Online Publications: Public deliverables, preprint archive, articles

  4. Dissemination Activities • Events (to increase visibility in the research community) • Muscle is (co-)organizing and sponsoring a number of high-profile scientific events: • 2nd Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, in conjuction with ECCV06, Graz, Austria (May 2006); • 8th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, in conjuction with ACM Multimedia 2006, Santa Barbara CA, USA, Oct. 2006; • 6th Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM 2006, July 14-15, 2006, Leipzig Germany • Several Special sessions IEEE-ACM conferences (CBMI’05,MIR’05, PCM’04, ACIVS’04,…) • Summer schools: • Joint Delos-Muscle Summer school: Multimedia Digital Libraries: Machine learning and cross-modal technologies for access and retrieval, 12-17 June, San Vincenzo, Tuscany, Italy. This summer school is aimed at graduate students and will be open to external participants. • Second Muscle summer school June 2007 : location and title to be determined. • Book Projects • Summer school lectures will be collected to produce a tutorial book for graduate students (LNCS end 2006) • Machine Learning applications in multimedia access and retrieval (Springer LNCS, early 2007?) • Cross-modal interaction (Springer LNCS, May 2007).

  5. Dissemination Activities • Benchmarking workshops(to increase awareness of both the challenges and possible solution strategies (including standards) in the research community) • Image and Video Retrieval Evaluation, in cooperation with ImageCLEF (DELOS-funded). It will be held at the ECDL 2006 in Alicante in September. • Coin Recognition Competition (huge ground-truthed database of pre-Euro coins) . Open to student teams and a prize will be to the victorious team. DAGM conference in Berlin in September. • Planned Benchmarking Initiative on “Closing the Numerical Gap” • Exploring collaboration with non- European : • Southeast Asia • Promotion of the Muscle activities in the ENGAGE meeting in Manilla, Philippines on the 39,30 and 31 March 2006, in the De La Salle University • Chinese Academy of Science (CASIA), NII (Japan) • USA (NSF)

  6. Thank you* *Merci

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