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C ombinatorial O ptimisation and De cision S upport

C ombinatorial O ptimisation and De cision S upport. http://www.kuleuven-kortrijk.be/CODeS/ Departement Computerwetenschappen Groep W&T KULAK Vakgroep IT KaHo St.-Lieven. People. Subjects. The underlying technology is heuristic optimisation Hence the issues:

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C ombinatorial O ptimisation and De cision S upport

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  1. Combinatorial Optimisation and Decision Support http://www.kuleuven-kortrijk.be/CODeS/ Departement Computerwetenschappen Groep W&T KULAK Vakgroep IT KaHo St.-Lieven Visitatie CW 09.2011

  2. People Visitatie CW 09.2011

  3. Subjects • The underlying technology is heuristic optimisation • Hence the issues: • Learning for/in meta and hyper heuristics • Haspeslagh, Messelis, Misir, Wouters, (Verbeeck, De Causmaecker) • Logic, modelling and heuristics • Messelis, Burak, Jacques (Vanden Berghe, De Causmaecker) • Structured optimisation problems • Verstichel (Vanden Berghe) • Symmetry and heuristics in HPC • Sergelashvilli (De Causmaecker) • Performance of heuristics as complex systems • De Wannemacker (Verbeeck, De Causmaecker) Visitatie CW 09.2011

  4. Links • Within the university and association: Latron KULAK, itec KULAK, Biology KULAK, ESAT, CPA, KAHO, KHBO, Katho, ORSTAT, CIB, Laboratory of Entomology and several groups within the Computer Science Department • NATIONAL: AZ Groeninge, BRekencentra, BLCC, De Clercq Solutions, Egemin, Eurad Consult, FIT, HH Roeselaere, MESWare, MMLab, Ordina, RMM, RouteYou, Saga Consulting, Televic, TechWin, IT-Bizz, UZ Leuven, VRT, VSP,Gent University, VrijeUniversiteitBrussel, Antwerp University • INTERNATIONAL: University of Nottingham, Poznan, Udine, Florence, Darmstadt, Vienna, Open University UK, University of St. Andrews (United Kingdom), Space Research Institute (Austria), Ilia State University (Georgia), Institute of Radio Astronomy of National Academy of Science (Ukraine) Visitatie CW 09.2011

  5. Optimisation, Scheduling/rostering Visitatie CW 09.2011

  6. educational technology Visitatie CW 09.2011

  7. EURO Working Group on OR in Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Medicine Bio-informatics Aquatische biologie: ecologie en evolutionaire biologie van aquatische micro-organismen Visitatie CW 09.2011

  8. High performance computing in space Centre for Plasma Astrophysics Visitatie CW 09.2011

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