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ICT Smartcities 2013 FP7-SMARTCITIES-2013

ICT Smartcities 2013 FP7-SMARTCITIES-2013. OPTIMising the energy USe in cities with smart decision support system (OPTIMUS). Small or medium scale focused research project (STREP). Objective ICT-2013.6.4 Optimising Energy Systems in Smart Cities. 1 st Negotiation Meeting. Brussels

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ICT Smartcities 2013 FP7-SMARTCITIES-2013

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  1. ICT Smartcities 2013FP7-SMARTCITIES-2013 OPTIMising the energy USe in cities with smart decision support system (OPTIMUS) Small or medium scale focused research project (STREP) Objective ICT-2013.6.4 Optimising Energy Systems in Smart Cities 1st Negotiation Meeting Brussels April 15th 2013

  2. Short Project Overview The OPTIMUS Vision

  3. Short Project Overview • Objective 1: To develop the OPTIMUS approach on the linking of Smart Cities with Energy Optimization, through a thorough analysis of the Smart Cities concepts and ideas, in relation to Energy Optimisation techniques and methods. • Objective 2: To develop a methodological tool (Smart City Energy Assessment Framework), which will be used so as to conduct a thorough analysis and assessment (applicable to different cities), of the ex-ante and ex-post status of a Smart City, in relation to the themes concerned by the project. • Objective 3: To collect, through a systematic way, all the user requirements, by actively involving all end-users and stakeholders (e.g. city authorities, citizens, energy companies, other stakeholders, etc) to this process • Objective 4: To define, collect and semantically model data from different types and sources, which can help to understand the influential factors in the energy consumption in a city.

  4. Short Project Overview • Objective 5: To develop the OPTIMUS DSS. This implies development of the inference engine & mechanisms, by including the necessary knowledge and intelligent rules that will be used for energy optimization. The OPTIMUS DSS will integrate the multi-disciplinary data sources and will have as main objective to meet all the necessary requirements and expectations of the end-users (City authorities), by acting as a decision support tool for energy optimization in a rapid and sustainable way. • Objective 6: To validate the OPTIMUS approach, through real-life pilot cases in three cities and by providing evidences of energy savings, total cost of operation, scalability of the solutions, user's acceptance and benefits that accrue. OPTIMUS aims to achieve quantifiable and significant reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions, through the application of the proposed DSS. • Objective 7: To extract lessons which could be useful for later deployments of the system at other cities • Objective 8: To widely disseminate the project outcomes and coordinate exploitation of results to optimise impact, to share and promote project results through targeted dissemination activities using appropriate media and tools and to outline an exploitation plan and the respective Service Business Model.

  5. Short Project Overview Project Main Phases and Objectives

  6. Short Project Overview OPTIMUS Innovation

  7. Short Project Overview The Work plan Structure

  8. Short Project Overview Timing of the different WPs and their components

  9. Short Project Overview Pert diagram

  10. Specific Comments/ Our Approach

  11. Although privacy is mentioned, the usage of social networks in the project would require much stronger attention to this point Comment 1.1 (ESR) • One basic data source is the information derived from end-users through social media/ web. It will be explained that the respective module will not reveal at any case any kind of personal users’ data (e.g. identity, location, etc). • It will be also explained that all personal-related data will be permanently deleted after the fulfillment of the respective data sets' purpose (i.e. to feed the OPTIMUS DSS). • All necessary safety requirements will be fully met so as to secure that any personal data will not be accessible by any non-authorized personnel. • In the OPTIMUS website it will be stated, through a Disclaimer, that all personal data are treated highly confidentially and are not used for any other purpose.

  12. The consortium has expertise in semantics and data management, however although expertise is available in the use of social media, it is less evident that they possess expertise in its analysis or impact on behaviour Comment 1.2 (ESR) • The data will be modeled using semantic technologies and provided to different stakeholders to develop and apply advanced analysis procedures. • The semantic data integration will be implemented with the participation of domain experts and data owners so as to integrate the data sources into a global data space for a city. This integration processes encompass data cleaning, data linking, data enrichment, data publishing and testing. • OPTIMUS will make use of existing research results in the energy field for data analysis and data integration from social media (literature and panels at EC level). • The consortium will activate experts within the staff having relevant expertise in awareness raising and behavior modification. • We will take due account of the effects originating from the social media, with special focus on impacts of communication tools on behavioral issues.

  13. The resources allocated to project management are over estimated and the resources delegated to demonstration are too low. Comment 1.3 (ESR) • WP6 – Project Management • The man-months allocated to the WP6 sum up to 9,60% (25,5m/m) of the total man-months – reasonable considering the complexity of the OPTIMUS 3-years initiative • In addition it includes the resources allocated for the project meetings, project reviews etc. that should be increased according to other comments. • WP4 - Pilot Sites’ Preparation, Operation and Evaluation • The man-months allocated to the WP4 sum up to 24,89% (65m/m) of the total man-months • We will appropriate increase the allocated effort in the WP4 within the budget limits.

  14. The potential impact on reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions is very good, although specific targets are not presented Comment 1.4 (ESR) Specific targets for reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions will be available on M9. Based on “D1.2, Smart City ex-ante Assessment Framework”, to be delivered on M5, which will analytically present the SCEAF, the “D4.1, Baseline Analysis Report” will be applied on the cities on M9. This Report will present the results of the application of the ex-ante assessment framework in each of the three selected Pilot Cases.

  15. The number of publications should be increased given the number of person months effort allocated to research institutes. Comment 1.5 (ESR) • In the current version of Part B, at least 6 publications are envisaged in peer-reviewed journals/ international conferences. • We propose to increase this number to at least 10 publications.

  16. Clearly address the methodological approach used to measure the energy savings / environmental benefits of the project. Comment 2 The methodological approach which will be used to measure the energy savings / environmental benefits of the project will be defined on D1.2, Smart City ex-post Assessment Framework, to be delivered on M5. In addition, based on Task 4.5 Application of Smart City ex-post Assessment Framework on the cities (Impact Analysis), the Impact Analysis Report will be elaborated on M35. The scope of this deliverable is the presentation of the achieved Impacts in terms of energy consumption and CO2 emissions reduction during the Pilot Applications, through the SCEAF application.

  17. Make sure that the business models for your proposed solutions are clearly specified, particularly in relation to the energy retail market Comment 3 (1/2) • The business models will be based around a whole life scenario taking into account design, operation and end-of-life and will allow the stakeholders to engage and implement energy efficient solutions at any stage of this life-cycle. This will be achieved through an analysis of the existing market, identification of business model options and financial analysis for every potential stakeholder. • The business models will consider adaptability, in terms of potential changes in aspects such as: climate, economics, technologies, market requirements, etc. • They will integrate new and emerging technologies in the business model solution provided to the cities, therefore allowing for greater uptake of these technologies.

  18. Make sure that the business models for your proposed solutions are clearly specified, particularly in relation to the energy retail market Comment 3 (2/2) • The models will assess the market and technologies to get a timely deployment for each product/stakeholder/business model. • They will clarify the cost structures, revenues, key uncertainties and risks, the market perception, the foreseen evolutions and the new arrangements that could be envisaged. • Business models will include recommendations such as contract type, organizational model, financial model, governing policy, how to split incentives among the stakeholders.

  19. Make sure that interoperability is given particular attention and results of previous projects or standardisation efforts are taken into consideration Comment 4 • We will explain that the various data sources will be semantically modeled in an interoperable way (Task 3.1), on the basis of existing standards concerning syntactic and semantic interoperability (XML, SQL) and taking into account previous/ on-going relevant research projects

  20. Remove all 'marketing' description, 'sales-speak' and 'self-praise' (left over from the proposal), in order to produce a short and concise text focusing only on what the project will deliver and how. Comment 5 • In the DoW, we will remove all text/ references of such kind

  21. Remove all repetitive or redundant text; particular attention in this respect should be paid to sections on management and dissemination and exploitation Comment 6 • In the DoW, we will remove all text/ references of such kind

  22. Maintain short and concise text, in particular for sections Project profile (max. 2 pages), EU dimension (max. 1 page), Consortium and key personnel (max. 5 lines per person). Comment 7 • In the DoW, we will maintain the respective sections/ parts within the above limits

  23. Define project technical milestones as points in time at which major results are planned to be achieved Comment 8

  24. Divide the project into periods, in accordance to the technical milestones and taking into account that a period should be around 1 year. Schedule projects reviews at the end of each period in accordance with Article II.29 of Annex II to the Grant Agreement Comment 9 • Period 1 (M1-M12): It will include Smart City ex-post and ex-ante Assessment Framework and the Overall Architecture of OPTIMUS DSS. A project review will be held at the end of this period in Barcelona/Brussels. • Period 2 (M13-M24): It will include Semantic Data Integration and Development of first completed version of OPTIMUS DSS. A project review will be held at the end of this period in Genoa/Brussels. • Period 3 (M25-M36): It will include Pilot Sites’ Preparation, Operation and Evaluation of final version of OPTIMUS DSS. The final project review will be held at the end of this period in Athens/Brussels. • Appropriate adjustments will be considered in the revised budget

  25. Pay special attention to clearly identify performance indicators which are measurable, able to show the progress of the project Comment 10 Measuring and Verifying the Objectives

  26. Pay special attention to clearly identify performance indicators which are measurable, able to show the progress of the project Comment 10 Measuring and Verifying the Objectives

  27. Pay special attention to clearly identify performance indicators which are measurable, able to show the progress of the project Comment 10 Measuring and Verifying the Objectives

  28. Ensure that the deliverables are specific, clear, and verifiable, and that a plan for the use and dissemination of foreground as well as a project website are included Comment 11 • We have included table 1.3b presenting clearly the deliverables of OPTIMUS project. • We have planned for the development of a dissemination strategy, defining in detail the dissemination activities that will be performed during the project, alongside with the stakeholders’ engagement plan and the collaboration plan for the joint activities foreseen with the other relevant projects. • This plan will be produced from the very beginning (M2) of the project and it will be regularly updated (M12, M24)

  29. The project website is to be considered as an on-going deliverable and should include not only technical information, but also materials useful to disseminate the project work to non-experts, including policy makers. Video materials are to be taken into account Comment 12 • Task 5.2 is specifically devoted to the project’s online presence. This presence will be secured through: • A Web 2.0 site. This site will operate as a one-stop-shop for any interested party (including policy makers) and it will be constantly updated • In the DoW, we will enhance the feature of the site that will not only include technical information but also all project’s dissemination material and info (including the video tutorials (task 5.3)) • The project site will be built based on Web 2.0 strategy, by also creating a noticeable presence in social media, through a Twitter account, a LinkedIn Group, a Facebook fan page, a Youtube channel, a Slideshare account, a WikiPedia entry, etc.

  30. Revise the dissemination level of the deliverables list in order to have as many public deliverables as possible Comment 13a

  31. Comment 13b

  32. Provide clear description of the use of resources and ensure coherence between the financial figures in the description of work (annex I to the Grant Agreement), the financial information given in the GPF and the maximum Community contribution defined in this mandate Comment 14 • To be addressed.

  33. Consider provisions for participation to an annual meeting organised by the Commission to disseminate project results and to exchange information with similar projects Comment 15 Participation in 3 Annual meetings will be included in the revised budget version.

  34. Provide complete information and justification on individual partner budgets, e.g. subcontractors – if any; major equipment - budget and calculation basis; type of consumables - budget and calculation basis; travel costs; etc Comment 16

  35. Provide complete information and justification on individual partner budgets, e.g. subcontractors – if any; major equipment - budget and calculation basis; type of consumables - budget and calculation basis; travel costs; etc Comment 16

  36. Provide complete information and justification on individual partner budgets, e.g. subcontractors – if any; major equipment - budget and calculation basis; type of consumables - budget and calculation basis; travel costs; etc Comment 16

  37. Provide complete information and justification on individual partner budgets, e.g. subcontractors – if any; major equipment - budget and calculation basis; type of consumables - budget and calculation basis; travel costs; etc Comment 16

  38. Provide complete information and justification on individual partner budgets, e.g. subcontractors – if any; major equipment - budget and calculation basis; type of consumables - budget and calculation basis; travel costs; etc Comment 16

  39. Provide complete information and justification on individual partner budgets, e.g. subcontractors – if any; major equipment - budget and calculation basis; type of consumables - budget and calculation basis; travel costs; etc Comment 16

  40. Provide complete information and justification on individual partner budgets, e.g. subcontractors – if any; major equipment - budget and calculation basis; type of consumables - budget and calculation basis; travel costs; etc Comment 16

  41. Provide complete information and justification on individual partner budgets, e.g. subcontractors – if any; major equipment - budget and calculation basis; type of consumables - budget and calculation basis; travel costs; etc Comment 16

  42. Provide complete information and justification on individual partner budgets, e.g. subcontractors – if any; major equipment - budget and calculation basis; type of consumables - budget and calculation basis; travel costs; etc Comment 16

  43. What about the figures included in the WP descriptions of Proposal’s Part B? NEF does not allow us to insert figures into the WPs description of DoW’s Part B. Our question • Please advise

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