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How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints

How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints. Oliver Schulte Department of Philosophy and School of Computing Science Simon Fraser University Vancouver, Canada oschulte@cs.sfu.ca `. Outline. How does underdetermination arise in particle physics? How do physicists resolve it?

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How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints

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  1. How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints Oliver Schulte Department of Philosophy andSchool of Computing Science Simon Fraser UniversityVancouver, Canada oschulte@cs.sfu.ca `

  2. Outline • How does underdetermination arise in particle physics? • How do physicists resolve it? • Main Result: The current data determine a unique set of conservation laws that govern both particle dynamics and particle ontology. • Comments on Laws, Simplicity and Natural Kinds How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  3. Underdetermination • Global Underdetermination: Even the total infinite data do not determine the answer to our questions. • Local Underdetermination: finite data do not determine the answer to our questions. • Ontological Relativity: are there objective grounds for grouping objects one way rather than another? Natural Kinds? • Status of Laws: are some true generalizations special? All these issues come up in particle physics! How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  4. World 1 same total experience  World 2 Global Underdetermination: The Picture How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  5. Brain-in-the-vat Scenario Experience How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  6. n+n  p+p+e-+e- never occurs Global Underdetermination in Particle Physics World 2 n+n  p+p+e-+e-is not possible World 1 n+n  p+p+e-+e-is possible How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  7. Response to Global Underdetermination • Bilaniuk and Sudarshan (1969): “There is an unwritten precept in modern physics, often facetiously referred to as Gell-Mann’s Totalitarian Principle… `Anything which is not prohibited is compulsory’. Guided by this sort of argument we have made a number of remarkable discoveries from neutrinos to radio galaxies.” • Ford (1963): “Everything which can happen without violating a conservation law does happen.” How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  8. n+n  p+p+e-+e- never occurs “Anything which is not prohibited is compulsory” World 2 n+n  p+p+e-+e-is not possible World 1 n+n  p+p+e-+e-is possible How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  9. From Metaphysics to Epistemology • Kane (1986): “What is interesting is that, in committing themselves to plenitude in this restricted form, modern physicists are committing themselves to the principle that what never occurs must have a sufficient reason or explanation for its never occurring.” • Nobel Laureate Cooper (1970): “In the analysis of events among these new particles, where the forces are unknown and the dynamical analysis, if they were known, is almost impossibly difficult, one has tried by observing what does not happen to find selection rules, quantum numbers, and thus the symmetries of the interactions that are relevant.” • Feynman (1965): ”The reason why we make these tables [of conserved quantities] is that we are trying to guess at the laws of nuclear interaction, and this is one of the quick ways of guessing at nature.” How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  10. Local Underdetermination in Particle Physics I see! 2v  2p + 2e is impossible. Particle Review 2002:no2v  2p + 2e- Particle Review 2004:no2v  2p + 2e- Particle Review 2003:no2v  2p + 2e- Particle Review 2005:2v  2p + 2e-observed I must find a conservation lawthat explains this. How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  11. Additive Conservation Laws How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  12. Assuming “the language of” Conservation Principles entails unobserved reactions Hypothetical Scenario observed reactions not yet observed reactions - - + n - m- + nmm-  e- + nm + nen e- + ne + pp + p  p + p +  n e- + ne p + p  p + p +  +  entailed

  13. Response to Local Underdetermination: The Strict Inference Method • Strict Method: suppose that reaction r has not been observed so far. • If there is no possible conservation principle that rules out r, conjecture that r is possible. • If some possible conservation principle rules out r, conjecture that r is forbidden, and introduce a conservation principle to explain why. How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  14. Means-Ends Justification for Maximally Strict Inferences Theorem. Suppose we have n known particles. The strict inference method is the only inference rule that • is guaranteed to eventually arrive at an empirically adequate set of conservation principles, and • changes its predictions at most n times. Schulte 2000, BJPS. The same criteria select “all emeralds are green” in a (the?) Riddle of Induction (Schulte 1999 BJPS). How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  15. Maximally Strict Conservation Laws (I) • Dfn: A set of conservation principles Q is maximally strict for a set of observed reactions R  Q forbids as many unobserved reactions as possible. • The strict method directs us to adopt maximally strict conservation principles.

  16. Q = q1, q2, …, qk conservation laws consistent with data R Maximally Strict Conservation Laws (II) Proposition. There are infinitely many maximally strict conservation theories. All contain the same maximum number of irredundant laws. R linear combinations of R(must also be possible)

  17. Comparison with Practice Finding: The standard laws Electric Charge, Baryon#, Muon#, Electron#, Tau# form a maximally strict set for the current reaction data. Physicists have acted as if they are following the methodology described so far. How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  18. exactly the same reactions are observed Global Underdetermination in Particle Physics (II) World 2  Charge, B#,E#,M#,Lepton# are the true conservation laws World 1 Charge, B#,E#,M#,T# are thetrue conservation laws How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  19. The ontological response • The standard principles (e.g., Baryon#) correspond to classes that are natural in the standard (quark) particle model. Thus these principles correspond to natural kinds. • Skeptical/nominalist Reply: Ontology is relative. We are free to group particles differently and obtain a different set of conservation laws. How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  20. p n e- m- t- ne n m n t 0 - Particle Ontology  Conservation Principles • A particle p carries a quantity q if the value of q for p ≠ 0. • For each class of particles, we can form a corresponding conservation principle. Baryon# Electron# Muon# Tau# How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  21. Illustration in Current Theory How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  22. Solution to Global Underdetermination Theorem. Let q1, q2, q3, q4 be any quantities such that • {charge, q1, q2, q3, q4} classify reactions as {charge, B#, E#, M#, T#} do, and • q1, q2, q3, q4 have disjoint carriers. Then the carriers of the qiare the same as the carriers of B#, E#, M#, T#. How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  23. p n e- m- t- ne n m n t 0 - The Ontology associated with Conservation Principles is Unique: Illustration Baryon# Electron# Muon# Tau# Carriers Quantum#1 Quantum#2 Quantum#3 Quantum#4 Any alternative set of 4 Q#s with disjoint carriers How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  24. Two Interpretations empiricaladequacy ontologicalsimplicity unique system of laws Truth Realist: Pragmatic Value Anti-Realist: How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  25. Ontological Simplicity Homogeneity:Number of Kinds/Propertiese.g. 5 Quantities “Clean cuts”:minimize overlapbetween categories e.g. 4 disjoint “families” Ontological Simplicity How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  26. Laws and Simplicity • Lewis: A law is a member of the simplest empirical adequate system of generalizations. empirical adequacy simplicity laws How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  27. Laws, Natural Kinds, Ontological Simplicity Proposal: Natural Kinds are those that appear in the ontologically simplest empirically adequate system of generalizations. empirical adequacy ontological simplicity natural kinds simplicity laws

  28. Conclusions • Both global and local underdetermination arise in particle physics. • Remedies: • metaphysical principles (plenitude) • restrict possible theories  conservation principles. • inductive principle: if process not observed so far, try to explain why process does not occur  means-ends epistemology. • look for laws that account for reaction dynamics and particle ontology  unique set of laws and natural kinds. How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

  29. References “Inferring Conservation Principles in Particle Physics: A Case Study in the Problem of Induction”.Schulte, O. (2000). British Journal for the Philosophy of Science THE END How Particle Physics Cut Nature At Its Joints - LMPS 2007

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