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COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports. Mark Sinclair msinclair@commandalkon.com 205 879 3282 EXT 2122. Enable Inventory Tracking. To ensure that material inventory is tracked properly, check the following on the Materials form: Options Tab TRACK INVENTORY TRACK USAGE Units Tab

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COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

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  1. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports Mark Sinclair msinclair@commandalkon.com 205 879 3282 EXT 2122

  2. Enable Inventory Tracking To ensure that material inventory is tracked properly, check the following on the Materials form: • Options Tab • TRACK INVENTORY • TRACK USAGE • Units Tab • Inventory UOM • Reports UOM • Locations Button/Inventory Tab • By Device • By Location COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  3. Enable Inventory Tracking COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  4. Enable Inventory Tracking • Materials are assigned to devices in COMMANDbatch • The device setting ‘MMM’ Enabled determines whether a material’s inventory is adjusted by manual events. • MMM= MANUALLY MONITORED MATERIAL • This check box is found on the Control Tab of device forms of devices to which material can be assigned: COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  5. On Hand Inventory Form • The On Hand Inventory form is a “read only” form that displays the current inventory for materials with the TRACK INVENTORY check flag enabled. • Materials are sorted on this form first by the Report Item Group (1AGG, 2CEM, 3WAT, 4ADX) and then alphabetically by code. • On Hand Amount = Previous On Hand Amount + Inventory Receipts – Manual Events – Batched Amounts +/- Inventory Adjustments COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  6. Inventory Adjustments • From the Inventory Adjustments form: • The initial On Hand amount can be set • Adjustments + or – can be made to the current On Hand amount COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  7. Set On Hand Amount To set the On Hand Amount for a Material: • Run the Inventory Adjustments form. • Select a new record, if one exists. • Select the Set On Hand option on the right. • Select the desired material from the drop down list. • Enter the desired amount. • If no other material’s on hand amounts are to be set, select the Save and Close icon. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  8. Adjust On Hand Amount To Adjust the On Hand Amount for a Material: • Run the Inventory Adjustments form. • Select a new record, if one exists. • Select the Adjust Quantity option on the right. • Select the desired material from the drop down list. • Enter the desired amount. • Select one of the following reasons for the adjustment • See Notes * If "See Notes" is selected, an entry is required on the Notes tab. • Mechanical • Missing Receipt • Duplicate Receipt • Result of Physical Inventory • Result of Material Substitution • On Site transfer • Inter-Company or Plant Transfer • Alternate Side Usage • If no other material’s on hand amounts are to be set, select the Save and Close icon. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  9. Activity 1 1.Run the On Hand form and check the current On Hand for FLYASH and SAND. 2. Adjust the inventory for the material FLYASH to represent 84 TON. 3. Adjust the inventory for the material SAND to represent 100 TON. 4.Run the On Hand form and verify the adjustments affected the current On Hand for FLYASH and SAND. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  10. Inventory Receipts The Inventory Receipts form can be run from the shortcut or from Batch Graphics, by right clicking on the device where the material is assigned and selecting Inventory Receipts • Note: If multiple receipts for the same material are to be entered, the Copy button may be used, but it must be used BEFORE the record is saved. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  11. Inventory Receipts COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  12. Inventory Receipts Default vendors that are automatically populated on Inventory Receipts can be assigned to materials : • Run the Materials Form • Select the Material Record • Select the Options Tab • Select a vendor in the Usual Vendor field and save and close form • To create an incoming delivery truck: • Run the Trucks form • Enter a new record • Select Incoming Delivery for type • Save and close form COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  13. Activity 2 1. Assign the CEM SUPPLIER vendor as the Usual Vendor for FLYASH. 2.Enter an Inventory Receipt for FLYASH for 28 TON ticket # 12345. 3. Enter 3 25 TON receipts for SAND tickets #6789 #6790 and #6791. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  14. Inventory Events • Manual feeding and discharging of material can be deducted from the On Hand inventory and recorded by COMMANDbatch as an Inventory Event. • Manual Events can be viewed by • Running the Inventory Events form • Running the Manual Material Usage report COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  15. Inventory Events • When bins are manually emptied and the material is returned to the stockpile then that inventory can be adjusted through the form Inventory Events by de-selecting the Deduct from Inventory check box and saving the form. • Bin Drain should be selected as the Adjust Reason. • These events are not deleted only the On Hand Inventory is adjusted. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  16. Activity 3 • Run the Inventory Events form. • Change the date to 09/25/2013 • Select the record for SAND • Select the BIN DRAIN reason • Save and Close COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  17. Material Tracking In COMMANDbatch, a single material can be assigned to multiple devices. For example Type I Cement can be assigned to a Silo1 and a Silo2. If these devices share a scale destination and the inventory is tracked per device, then they CANNOT feed simultaneously. COMMANDbatch cannot determine how much from each silo is feeding the scale if they are both feeding at the same time. In order to avoid this problem, one silo should be activated at a time. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  18. Material Tracking In order to switch silos, the Active check on Silo1 would be de-selected and the Active check on Silo2 would be enabled. On the following batch, Silo2 would be used. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  19. Material Tracking Bin switching can be automatically handled as well. Auto Bin Switch is enabled on the Batching tab of the Plants form. On the Flow tab of the Scales form is where the parameters that tell the system when to switch are entered COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  20. “Trucks Low” The Trucks Low column of the On Hand Inventory form indicates how many delivery truck loads will fit into the device. This feature is typically used with cement type materials because the On Hand for cement is limited to the capacity of the silo. This feature does not work by default. Some setup is required COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  21. “Trucks Low” Material Setup: Run the Materials Form Select the Material record Select the Locations button Determine if the material is to be tracked by LOCATION or DEVICE. If by device then some device setup is required Enter a Reorder Delivery Quantity (How much does 1 Truck =?) Save and close. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  22. “Trucks Low” Device Setup: If the material is tracked by DEVICE a capacity must be entered on the device the material is assigned to. The Unit of Measure for the capacity should NOT be changed. It should equal the unit used to measure the material for batching. If the material is tracked by LOCATION then on the Material record, Locations button, Inventory tab select the Max Quantity field and enter an amount. This limits the material inventory, when a device capacity cannot. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  23. Activity 4 • Enable the TRUCKS LOW feature for FLYASH. • 25 TON Reorder Delivery Qty. • Run the On Hand Inventory form to verify TRUCKS LOW for FLYASH. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  24. Low Inventory Warning • COMMANDbatch can issue visual and auditory alarms when a material is in need of ordering. • The material code for a material that has reached a point of reorder is turned to a user specific color (the default color is red) on Batch Setup when a mix design containing the material is selected. • When enabled, a sound file will sound each time a mix design containing the material that is below the set amount is selected. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  25. Low Inventory Warning To enable the Low Inventory warning: • Run the Materials form • Select the Material Record • Select the Locations Button • Select the Inventory Tab • Enter a value in the Minimum Quantity field When Inventory drops below this value the Material will turn red on Batch Setup. To enable the auditory warning: Run Users Form Select Extensions button Select Colors Tab Check the Low Inventory Alert Sound box- Save and Close COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  26. Activity 5 • Enable the Low Inventory feature for FLYASH. • 25 TON Minimum Quantity. • Adjust the current on hand for FLYASH to 20 tons. • Create a 10 yard Ticket on Batch Setup of Mix 3000. • Add 100 lbs/yd FLYASH to the ticket to verify LOW INVENTORY is working. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  27. Inventory Security The EZ-Cal Manual Station is enabled with inventory security interlocks. • Buttons that feed material are configured to only be powered when either the RTC is completely booted, or the Key Switch (Labeled Man Power) is activated at the 3 o’clock position. • With the key removed from the Manual Station, the only way to manually feed material is if the RTC is up and recording the manual events. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  28. Inventory Security • Buttons that feed different materials that share either a counter window, or a scale reading are configured so that when a button is engaged and feeding material, the buttons to the right of it that feed material to the same scale or, share a counter, are disabled. • This interlock prevents inventory issues with two materials being fed simultaneously into the same scale or two materials trying to use the same counter window at the same time. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  29. Inventory Security • COMMANDbatch has inventory interlocks as well. • Each material can be set so that batching is disabled when the On Hand drops below the MINIMUM QTY. • Accurate and timely inventory reconciling is required when purchasing decisions are being made for day to day operations. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  30. Activity 6 • Create an On Hand Interlock for FLYASH. • Create a 10 Yard ticket for Mix Code 3000 • Add 100 lbs/yd of FLYASH to the Mix Code. • Start the batch COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  31. Troubleshooting Inventory Issues • Scale Settle Time • software setting on the Control tab of the Scale Device Setup form • The scale settle time accuracy is critical • The system waits the scale settle time between feed cycles before it locks in on the value. • If this time is too short false batch values will affect inventory, too long, it can slow production and both situations affect quality. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  32. Troubleshooting Inventory Issues • COMMANDbatch Material Setup • On the Options Tab of the Materials form is the Record Over Zero as Used check box • When this is enabled for a material, it can lead to a double deduction for a material inventory. • Once at the end of the load and again with the next batch. • This should not be checked for Materials assigned to properly functioning devices. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  33. Troubleshooting Inventory Issues • Scale Calibration • Load Cell Accuracy • Scale and Meter certification • Manual Batching • Reconciling manual events • Inventory Receipts • Timely and Accurate Receipt Entry • Accurate Adjustments • Leaky Gates • Plant Maintenance • Physical Inventory Accuracy COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  34. Material Inventory Reconciliation The Require Reconciliation Check Box on the Rules tab of the System Parameters form • If this box is checked, each time a material is manually fed outside a load, the Inventory Events form is automatically opened so that the operator can select a reason code. • Checking this box also makes selecting a Truck a requirement on the Batch Setup and Quick Ticket forms. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  35. Material Inventory Reconciliation Reconciling a Dry Up Load • To Enable Dry Up Reconciliation, on the Rules tab of the System Parameters form enter a time in the “Dry Up Time” field. • If a load that is batched into a truck is too moist (slump is too high), another load can be created to "dry up" the load. The Dry Up Load might consist of aggregate and/or cement materials that are compatible with the mix. Example: • If loads are batched into Truck 1 and Truck 2, then it is discovered that Truck 1’s load is too wet, a dry up load can be batched into Truck 1 if Truck 1 is saved with a ticket within the plant’s Dry Up Time. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  36. Material Inventory Reconciliation • Note: Dry Up Time is the maximum amount of time (in minutes) after a load is started that it can be referenced for a Dry Up Load. • Dry Up Time is entered on the Rules tab of the System Parameters form. • When you save the ticket or start the load, the following message is displayed. Dry Up Load Yes/No • If you click Yes, the load is considered to be a Dry Up Load and its Reference Load ID is given the Load ID of the previous load. • If you click No, the load is considered a new load. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  37. Standard Reports • The reports available in COMMANDbatch are located on the Reports and Utilities form. • The Windows default printer is the printer that COMMANDbatch uses when it prints reports. • To run a report in COMMANDbatch: • Open the Reports and Utilities form • Select “Reports” in the grid area • Select the report to run from the grid area at the bottom • Complete the filter parameters for the report • Click the “Run Section” button • To print the report, click on the printer icon. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  38. Standard Reports Mix Production • This report shows mixes batched, shipped, and reshipped by location and plant. The report can be limited to mix production for a single plant. By default, production is shown for all locations and plants. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  39. Standard Reports COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  40. Standard Reports Inventory Usage By Device • This report shows how much material was received, used, and adjusted each day for all materials assigned to the Report group. • Materials are listed even if their amounts are zero. Amounts are displayed by storage device or location, depending on the Track Inventory settings for the materials. • The report also shows when batching started and ended each day, as well as the length of time (duration) the plant was running each day. • In addition, the report shows grand totals for amounts received, adjusted, and used, as well as total beginning and ending amounts for the report period. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  41. Standard Reports COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  42. Standard Reports Incoming Inventory • This report shows the dates and amounts of materials received into inventory. Totals received are provided for each material at each location. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  43. Standard Reports Inventory Usage Detail • This report shows the amount used and/or received into inventory for each material for the specified date range. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  44. Standard Reports COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  45. Standard Reports Inventory Usage Summary • This report shows beginning and ending inventories for all materials for the selected date range, as well as received and used amounts. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  46. Standard Reports COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  47. Standard Reports Manual Material Monitor • This report shows materials that were manually fed during the report period. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  48. Standard Reports COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  49. Standard Reports Material Inventory • This report has two parts. The first part shows usage amounts of materials used in batching; the second part shows on hand amounts of these materials. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

  50. Standard Reports Material On Hand • This report shows the most current inventory as of the time the report was run. You can include extra products in the report by checking the “Others” box on the Reports/Utilities form when you run the report. COMMANDbatch Inventory Control and Reports

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