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EUROMED. P rogramme of P revention, P reparedness and R esponse to N atural and M an-made D isasters Reference: EuropeAid/125939/SER/Multi. Second Session, Geneva 16-19 June 2009. pprd. Pierluigi Soddu Executive Director. south. Specific Programme Background &. Pilot.

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  1. EUROMED Programme of Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters Reference: EuropeAid/125939/SER/Multi Second Session, Geneva 16-19 June 2009 pprd PierluigiSoddu Executive Director south

  2. Specific Programme Background & Pilot Cooperation in the area of CP between the EC, its Member States and 12 MPCs Italy and Egypt 1998 2004 Bridge Reinforcement and contribution to the establishment of an effective and sustainable system of prevention, mitigation and management of natural and man-made disasters Euro 2,5 M France, Egypt, Italy and Algeria 2004 2008 pprd pprd Euro 1,9 M south south Development of a Mediterranean CP culture based on prevention rather than on response and contribution to bringing closer the CP Mechanism 2009 2012 Italy, France, Egypt, Algeria & UNISDR Euro 5,0 M

  3. The beneficiary and observer countries Beneficiaries Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Territories, Syria, Tunisia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Turkey pprd pprd south target south Observers Libya and Mauritania • Civil Protection Stakeholders • Non-Civil protection Stakeholders • General Public

  4. The objectives The long term goal of the Programme: Progressively stronger association of the Civil Protection authorities of the beneficiary countries to the European Mechanism of Civil Protection; Contribution to the setting up of the National Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction. Overall Objective: • Reinforcement of the level of civil protection network in the Euro-Mediterranean region; • To ensure the continuation of institutional cooperation in this field. pprd south Specific Objective: • To contribute to the development of stronger civil protection prevention, preparedness and response capacities at international, national and local level.

  5. The activities PPRD SOUTH pprd south Coordination and synergies between the activity lines

  6. The governance Consortium Steering Committee PMT PAU pprd south National Corrispondents Network EuropeAid Unit 3

  7. The approach Cooperation on the basis of equality and enhanced co-ownership (UfM principles) Pro-active participation of the beneficiary countries (NCs). The Consortium considers the following key issues pprd south Synergy with other relevant EC programmes of the EC and the UN system

  8. The strategy • Demand driven: programme will be discussed with NCs • Relevance to national priorities and consistency with national contexts; • Potential national benefits; • Key issues for successful implementation; • Close cooperation: programme will be developed in cooperation with the beneficiary countries’ and with local experts; • Eye on ongoing/previous experiences, programmes and projects: proposals will take into account previous and current actions, programmes and synergies; • Interdependence: proposals will ensure coordination and synergies between the five PPRD South activity lines (assessment, prevention and preparedness, response, information and communication, programme management). • Practicality: all actions will be ensured a hands-on component aimed at the production of tools such as risk maps and country profiles. This will either build/consolidate the operational capacities of the beneficiaries or ensure their co-ownership within the initiative; • Ownership and commitment: the involvement of the beneficiary countries in the PPRD South actions will be driven by ensuring their responsibility and commitment as to ensure sustainability of expected results. • Innovativeness: shared regional dimension of risk reduction The proposal of adaptation/replication/extension will build on the following principles: pprd south

  9. The officies Executive Director Media & Information Expert Communication Expert Monitoring & Evaluation Expert + 1 Executive Secretary DPC support European Office – Aix les Milles Headquarter Rome European Co-Director pprd south Mediterranean Office Cairo Mediterranean Co-Director 1 Executive Secretary

  10. The staff 6 Key experts Support in Rome&Cairo offices Staff Short term expert (500 wd 50% EU, 50% MPCs ) pprd 14 National Correspondents south

  11. The NationalCorrespondents Network Update 15/06/09 pprd south

  12. The products Type of risk, Glossary, Riskmaps, Atlas, Manual ,.. Set up Consortium, Prog. Management Team, Prog. Administration Unit Training, Studyvisit, Technical Assistance,.. PPRD SOUTH Comunicationstrategy, Pilot « Caravan » and schoolactivities,Visibility pprd south Coordinated action (op. cen.), Training , TT- FS Exercises

  13. The products • GIS Risk Atlas (national-Regional) • CP Manual (one for each country) • 14 Workshops (staff) • 4 Workshops (H.L.) • 3 Workshops Exercise TT • 1 Workshops Exercise FS • Web Portal • Awareness raising activities • Guidelines for the implementation • of A.r.a. pprd south

  14. The internet portal of the PPRD programme English, French and Arabic Facilitate contacts and promote cooperation Provide proper visibility to all the activities and the outputs of the programme portal • A web GIS module dedicated to the construction of the Regional Risk Atlas. geoSDI- tools Support the establishment of a regional collaborative knowledge information on PPRD initiatives Interoperability features with other international PPRD related portals (es UN-ISDR,..,..)

  15. Thanksforyourtime. De Saint GermainRonan ElKholei Ahmed Candeloro Alessandro SauleMilojka Barbera Antonio Erika Conti The 14 National Correspondents psoddu@euromedcp.eu www.euromedcp.eu

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