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Conjugations: Subject Pronouns and Regular – er verbs, cont.

Conjugations: Subject Pronouns and Regular – er verbs, cont. Regular – er verbs are verbs that end in – er and follow a pattern when conjugated with a subject. Remove the – er and add the following endings: Je = -e Nous = - ons Tu = - es Vous = - ez

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Conjugations: Subject Pronouns and Regular – er verbs, cont.

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  1. Conjugations: Subject Pronouns and Regular –er verbs, cont. Regular –er verbs are verbs that end in –er and follow a pattern when conjugated with a subject. Remove the –er and add the following endings: Je = -e Nous = -ons Tu = -esVous = -ez Il/Elle/On = -e Ils/Elles = -ent Some common –er verbs: parler, écouter, aimer, adorer, détester, habiter

  2. Regular –ir verbs Regular –ir verbs To conjugate regular –ir verbs, remove the –ir and add the following endings: Je –is Nous –issons Tu –is Vous – issez Il/Elle/On –it Ils/Elles –issent Some common regular –ir verbs include: choisir (to choose), rougir (to blush), blanchir (to grow pale), grandir (to grow), grossir (to gain weight), maigrir (to lose weight)

  3. Regular –re verbs To conjugate regular –re verbs, remove the –re and add the following endings: Je – s Nous –ons Tu – s Vous – ez Il/Elle/On – Ils/Elles –ent Some common –re verbs are vendre (to sell), rendre (to return), attendre (to wait), tondre (to trim)

  4. Essential irregular verbs Faire = to make/to do Je fais Nous faisons TufaisVousfaites Il/Elle/On fait Ils/Elles font aller = to go Je vais Nous allons TuvaisVousallez Il/Elle/On vaIls/Ellesvont • Être = to be • Je suis Nous sommes • TuesVousêtes • Il/elle/on estIls/Ellessont avoir = to have J’ai Nous avons Tu as Vousavez Il/Elle/On a Ils/Ellesont

  5. Use the verb être for most descriptions: • The adjective must match who/what it is describing. • For most adjectives, add –e to make it feminine, add –s to make it plural. • Il est grand. Elle estgrande. Ilssontgrands. Ellessontgrandes. • If an adjective already ends in an e in its masc. sing. form, do not add another e to make it feminine. • Il esttimide. Elle esttimide. Use avoir to: To describe hair color: Il a les cheveux…bruns/blonds/ rouges/ noirs/ châtains/ violets. *Note that the hair color uses the masc. pl. spelling of the color because it is describing the hair, which is also masc. and pl. To describe age: J’ai quinze ans. Nous avons seize ans. To describe eye color: Tu as les yeux… bleus/verts/bruns. *Note that eyes are masc. pl., and so are the spellings for eye color.

  6. les grands-parents le grand-père la grand-mère les parents le père la mère le mari la femme les enfants la fille le fils le frère la soeur la tante l’oncle les cousin(e)s le cousin la cousine le neveu la nièce

  7. Les Vêtements Feminine: Masculine: des bottes des boucles d’oreilles unecasquette uneceinture des chaussures des chaussettes une chemise unecravate uneécharpe unejupe des lunettes de soleil une robe uneveste un blouson un bracelet un cardigan un chapeau un chemisier un maillot de bain un manteau un pantalon

  8. aller = to go Je vais Nous allons Tu vas Vousallez Il/Elle/On vaIls/Ellesvont You can use the conjugated form of aller plus the infinitive of a verb to create the futurproche(near future tense). Je vaisjouer au base-ball. Elle ne va pas faire de la gymnastique.

  9. Transitions D’abord Ensuite Et puis Après ça Vers Enfin/Finalement

  10. Regular –er verbs w/ spelling changes e-consonant-er verbs: préférer, acheter, promener = “e” before the consonant has an accent grave on all conjugations except nous and vous. manger/voyager/nager= leave the “e” before adding ending on nous conjugation

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