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REALIDADES Chapter 1 A pp. 25-46

REALIDADES Chapter 1 A pp. 25-46. Verb Conjugations of Verbs Used in Lesson 1A. Subject Pronouns. Infinitives. Verb Conjugation Explanation. Hacer. Estudiar. Hablar. Comer. Esquiar. Escuchar. Cantar. Bailar. Ver. Dormir. Practicar. Jugar. Correr. Montar. Boxear. Usar.

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REALIDADES Chapter 1 A pp. 25-46

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  1. REALIDADES Chapter 1 A pp. 25-46

  2. Verb Conjugations of Verbs Used in Lesson 1A

  3. Subject Pronouns Infinitives Verb Conjugation Explanation Hacer Estudiar Hablar Comer Esquiar Escuchar Cantar Bailar Ver

  4. Dormir Practicar Jugar Correr Montar Boxear Usar Patinar Tocar Trabajar Nadar

  5. Pasar Ir Leer Escribir Dibujar

  6. Subject Pronouns Who is doing the action?

  7. Infinitives - What is the action? P. 32 Realidades 1

  8. Infinitives • Verbs are words that are most often used to name actions.

  9. Infinitives • The most basic form of a verb is called the INFINITIVE.

  10. Infinitives • In English, you can spot infinitives because they always have the word “TO” in front of them: • to swim, to read, to write

  11. Infinitives • Infinitives in Spanish, though, don’t have a separate word like “to” in front of them. • Spanish infinitives are only one word, and always end in -ar, -er, or -ir: • Nadar, • Leer • Escribir

  12. Infinitives are used after words or expressions like: • Me gusta – I like • Me gusta comer. – I like to eat. • No me gusta – I don’t like • No me gustabailar. – I don’t like to dance. • Puedo – I can • Puedocantar. – I can sing.

  13. Infinitives are used after words or expressions like: • Tengoque – I have to • Tengoqueestudiar. – I have to study. • Necesito – I need • Necesitoescribir. – I need to write. • Quiero – I want • Quierojugar al tenis. – I want to play tennis.

  14. Verb Conjugation Who is doing the action? and When does the action take place? [present, past (once), past, (habit, description), near past, near future, future]

  15. Verb Conjugation Infinitive = basic form of the verb Drop the -ar, -er, -ir ending Stem = tells the action Endings - tell who is doing the action and when the action happens (past, present,future)

  16. ¿Qué te gusta hacer?

  17. hacer = tomake, to do

  18. hacer - present tense to make, to do Yohago la tarea. (I do the homework.)

  19. hacer - imperative (affirmative commands) ¡Haz la tarea! - (Do the homework!)

  20. hacer - imperative (negative commands) ¡No hagas la tarea! - (Don’t do the homework!)

  21. hacer - present progressive tense to make, to do Yoestoyhaciendo la tarea. (I am doing the homework - at this moment.)

  22. hacer - near past tense to make, to do Yoacabo de hacer la tarea. (I just did the homework.)

  23. hacer- preterite tense to make, to do Yohice la tarea. (I did the homework. + am finished)

  24. hacer- imperfect tense to make, to do Yohacía la tarea. (I used to do or I was doing the homework.)

  25. hacer- near future tense to make, to do Yovoy a hacer la tarea. (I am going to do the homework.)

  26. hacer- future tense to make, to do Yoharé la tarea. (I will do the homework.)

  27. ¿Quétegustahacer? Me gusta estudiar.

  28. estudiar = tostudy

  29. estudiar - present tense to study Élestudiaespañol. (He studies Spanish.)

  30. estudiar - imperative (affirmative commands) ¡Estudiemosespañol! - (Let’s study Spanish!)

  31. estudiar - imperative (negative commands) ¡No estudiemosespañol! - (Let’s not study Spanish!)

  32. estudiar - present progressive tense to study Élestáestudiandoespañol. (He is studying Spanish. - at this moment.)

  33. estudiar - near past tense to study Élacabade estudiarespañol. (He just studied Spanish.)

  34. estudiar- preterite tense to study Élestudióespañol. (He studied Spanish. + is finished)

  35. estudiar- imperfect tense to study Élestudiabaespañol. (He used to study or was studying Spanish.)

  36. estudiar- near future tense to study Élva a estudiarespañol. (He is going to study Spanish.)

  37. estudiar- future tense to study Élestudiaráespañol. (He will study Spanish.)

  38. ¿Quétegustahacer? Me gusta hablar por teléfono.

  39. hablar = tospeak, totalk

  40. hablar - present tense to speak, to talk Nosotroshablamosinglés. (We speak English.)

  41. hablar - imperative (affirmative commands) ¡Hableninglés!- (Speak English!)

  42. hablar - imperative (negative commands) ¡No hableninglés!- (Don’t speak English!)

  43. hablar - present progressive tense to speak, to talk Nosotrosestamoshablandoinglés. (We are speaking English. - at this moment.)

  44. hablar - near past tense to speak, to talk Nosotrosacabamosde hablaringlés. (We just spoke English.)

  45. hablar- preterite tense to speak, to talk Nosotroshablamosinglés. (We spoke English. + is finished)

  46. hablar- imperfect tense to speak, to talk Nosotroshablábamosinglés. (We used to speak or were speaking English.)

  47. hablar- near future tense to speak, to talk Nosotrosvamosa hablaringlés. (We are going to speak English.)

  48. hablar- future tense to speak, to talk Nosotroshablaremosinglés. (We will speak English.)

  49. ¿Quétegustahacer? Me gusta comer.

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