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Hematoma he·ma·to·ma / (haematˈtō-mə)

Hematoma he·ma·to·ma / (haematˈtō-mə) Swelling composed of blood; internal bleeding associated with a contusion. Cont. Back. Hydrotherapy hy·dro·ther·a·py / (ˌhī-drə-ˈther-ə-pē) Treatment by use of water. Back. Incision in·ci·sion / (in-ˈsi-zhən)

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Hematoma he·ma·to·ma / (haematˈtō-mə)

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  1. Hematoma he·ma·to·ma / (haematˈtō-mə) Swelling composed of blood; internal bleeding associated with a contusion. Cont

  2. Back

  3. Hydrotherapy hy·dro·ther·a·py / (ˌhī-drə-ˈther-ə-pē) Treatment by use of water. Back

  4. Incision in·ci·sion / (in-ˈsi-zhən) A cut made surgically with a sharp knife. Back

  5. Indicate in·di·cate / (ˈin-də-ˌkāt) To advise the use of. Back

  6. Inflammation in·flam·ma·tion (in-flə-ˈmā-shən) The body’s reaction to injury; involves redness, swelling, heat, pain, and sometimes loss of function. Back

  7. Innervate in·ner·vate (i-ˈnər-ˌvāt) To supply with nerves. Back

  8. Joint Laxity joint lax·ity (jȯint lak-sə-tē) Looseness of joint due to loose ligaments. Back

  9. Laceration lac·er·a·tion (la-sə-ˈrā-shən) A jagged cut or tear in the skin. Back

  10. Ligament lig·a·ment (li-gə-mənt) Tissue that connects bone to bone. Back

  11. Mechanism of Injury The circumstance in which an injury occurs, for example, sudden deceleration, wounding by a projectile, or crushing by a heavy object. Back

  12. Modality mo·dal·i·ty (mō-ˈda-lə-tē) Method or apparatus used for healing an injury. Back

  13. Palpation pal·pa·tion (pal-ˈpā-shən) Examination by touch. Back

  14. Point Tenderness Pain at the sorest spot of an injury. Back

  15. Prognosis prog·no·sis (präg-ˈnō-səs) Prediction of the course and end of a disease or eventual outcome of an injury. Back

  16. Proprioception pro·pri·o·cep·tion (prō-prē-ō-ˈsep-shən) Is the sense of the bodies position in space. Back

  17. Range of Motion Movement of a joint around a central point. Back Goniometer used to measure Range of Motion

  18. Reduction re·duc·tion (ri-ˈdək-shən) To bring back to the normal position. Back

  19. Referred Pain Pain that occurs away from the injury site. Back

  20. Seperation sep·a·ra·tion (se-pə-ˈrā-shən) Pulling apart of a generally non-moveable joint. Back

  21. Shock shock (shäk) Potentially fatal reaction of the body to injury; failure of the cardiovascular system to circulate enough blood to the body. Back

  22. Sprain sprain (sprān) Stretching or tearing of ligaments. Back

  23. Strain strain (strān) Stretching or tearing of muscle or tendon. Back

  24. Subluxation sub·lux·a·tion (sə-ˌblək-ˈsā-shən) Incomplete or partial dislocation of a joint. Back

  25. Tendon ten·don (ten-dən) Tissue that connects muscle to bone. Back

  26. Thermotherapy ther·mo·ther·a·py  (thûr mo-ˈther-ə-pē) Treatment by the use of heat. Back

  27. Valgus val·gus (val-gəs) Distal aspect of limb forced away from the midline. (genu valgum) – Knock-knee Back

  28. Varus var·us (ver-əs) Distal aspect of limb forced toward the midline. (genu varum) – Bow legged Back

  29. Vasoconstrictor va·so·con·stric·tor An agent causing the constriction or closing of blood vessels. Back

  30. Vasodilator va·so·di·la·tor An agent causing the dilation or opening of blood vessels. Back

  31. D Diagnosis Dilation Dislocation E Ecchymosis Edema Effusion F Fracture H Hematoma Hydrotherapy I Incision Indicate Inflammation Innervate J Joint Laxity L Laceration Ligament M Mechanism of Injury Modality P Palpation Point Tenderness Prognosis Proprioception R Range of Motion Reduction Referred Pain S Separation Shock Sprain Strain Subluxation T Tendon Thermotherapy V Valgus Varus Vasoconstrictor Vasodilator A Abrasion Acclimatization Acute Aerobic Amnesia Anaerobic Analgesic Articulation Atrophy Avulsion B Bursa Bursitis C Cartilage Chronic Constriction Contraindicate Contralateral Contusion Crepitus Cryotherapy Cyanosis Click on any term to see definitions and examples

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