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CPSC 491

CPSC 491. Xin Liu November 22, 2010. A change of Bases. A mxn =UΣV T , U mxm , V nxn are unitary matrixes Σ mxn is a diagonal matrix Columns of a unitary matrix form a basis Any b in R m can be expanded in {u 1 , u 2 , …, u m } b = Ub ’ <==> b ’= U T b

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CPSC 491

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  1. CPSC 491 Xin Liu November 22, 2010

  2. A change of Bases • Amxn=UΣVT, • Umxm, Vnxn are unitary matrixes • Σmxn is a diagonal matrix • Columns of a unitary matrix form a basis • Any b in Rm can be expanded in {u1, u2, …, um} • b=Ub’ <==> b’=UTb • Any x in Rn can be expanded in {v1, v2, …, vm} • x=Vx’ <==> x’=VTx • b=Ax <==> UTb = UTAx = UTUΣVTx <==> b’= Σx’ • A reduces to the diagonal matrix Σ when the range is expressed in the basis of columns of U and the domain is expressed in the basis of columns of V

  3. Matrix Properties via SVD • Theorem 1: The rank of A is r, the # of nonzero singular values. • Proof: • Amxn=UΣVT • Rank (Σ) = r • U, V are of full rank • Theorem 2: range (A) = <u1, u2, …, ur> and null (A) = <vr+1, vr+2, …, vn> • Theorem 3: ||A||2 = σ1 and ||A||F = sqrt (σ12+σ22 + … + σr2)

  4. Matrix Properties via SVD • Theorem 4: The nonzero singular values of A are the square roots of the nonzero eigenvalues of ATA or AAT • if Ax = λx (x is non-zero vector), then λ is an eigenvalue of A • Theorem 5: If A = AT, then the singular values of A are the absolute values of the eigenvalues of A. • Theorem 6: For Amxm, |det(A)| = Πi=1mσi • Compute the determinant • Proof: • |det (A)| = |det (UΣVT)| = |det (U)| |det(Σ)| |det(VT)| = |det(Σ)| = Πi=1mσi

  5. Low-Rank Approximations • Theorem 7: A is the sum of r rank-one matricesA = Σj=1rσjujvjT • Proof: • Σ = diag(σ1, 0, …, 0) + … + diag(0, ..0, σr, 0, …, 0) • matrix multiplications • The partial sum captures as much of the energy of A as possible • “Energy” is defined by either the 2-norm or the Frobenius norm • For any 0 ≤ v ≤ r

  6. Applications • Determine the rank of a matrix • Find an orthonormal basis of a range/nullspace of a matrix • Solve linear equation systems • Compute ||A||2 • Least squares fitting

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