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State of Washington [ Enter Agency Name Here ] Human Resource Management Report

Plan & Align Workforce. Hire Workforce. Deploy Workforce. Reinforce Performance. Develop Workforce. State of Washington [ Enter Agency Name Here ] Human Resource Management Report.

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State of Washington [ Enter Agency Name Here ] Human Resource Management Report

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  1. Plan & Align Workforce Hire Workforce Deploy Workforce Reinforce Performance Develop Workforce

    State of Washington[Enter Agency Name Here]Human ResourceManagement Report

    [Note: This is the standard format provided by OSHRD/OFM as of June 2012. Agencies may customize or supplement this format to meet unique needs, as long as the minimum information shown in this format is included.]
  2. [Enter Agency Name] Plan & Align Workforce Outputs Initial Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Managers’ Human Resource Management accountabilities are articulated. Workforce planning is administered. Human Resource policies are in place. Job classes and salaries are assigned. Managers’ Human Resource Management (HRM) accountabilities are understood. Staffing levels and competencies are aligned with agency priorities. A strong foundation is in place to build and sustain a productive, high performing workforce. Ultimate Outcomes HireWorkforce Employees are committed to the work they do & the goals of the organization. Productive, successful employees are retained. State government has workforce depth & breadth needed for present and future success. Best candidates are hired and reviewed during the appointment period. Employees are oriented to their job. Successful performers are retained. Qualified candidate pools. On- boarding activities are in place. Interviews & reference checks are conducted. Perfmonitoring procedures are in place. Job offers & appointments are made. The right people are in the right job at the right time. DeployWorkforce Work assignments and requirements are defined. Coaching and feedback is provided. A positive workplace environment is created Workplace is safe, fosters productive relations and encourages perf. Employees know job requirements and how they are performing. Employees are supported. Time and talent is used effectively. Employees are motivated, engaged and productive. Develop Workforce Individual development plans are current. Time/resources are designated for training. Individual skill assessments are done. A continuous learning environment is created. Employees have access to formal and informal learning opportunities. Employees are engaged in developmental opportunities and seek to learn. Employees have competencies for present job and career advancement. Agencies are better enabled to successfully carry out their mission and citizens receive efficient government services. Reinforce Performance Clear performance expectations are linked to goals & measures. Regular performance appraisals are conducted. Recognition is given. Discipline is administered. Employees know how their performance contributes to the success of organization. Strong performance is rewarded; poor performance is addressed. Successful perf is differentiated & strengthened. Employees are held accountable. Logic Model: Managers Accountability for Workforce Management
  3. Executive Summary [Enter Agency Name]
  4. Plan & Align Workforce Outcomes: Managers’ Human Resource Management (HRM) accountabilities are understood. Staffing levels and competencies are aligned with agency priorities. A strong foundation is in place to build & sustain a productive, high performing workforce. Performance Measures: Management profile Percent employees with current position/ competency descriptions [Enter Agency Name] Management Profile Agency Priority: [High/Medium/Low] # of WMS Employees: [xx] % of agency workforce that is WMS: [x.x ]% # of Managers*: [xx] % of agency workforce that is Managers*: [x.x]% * Management Type coded as Manager (includes EMS, WMS and WGS) Analysis: WMS Control Point: [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] Action Steps: (What, by whom, by when) [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] Data Time Period: 7/2011 through 6/2012 [DOUBLE CLICK CHARTS TO ENTER AGENCY DATA] WMS Management Type Management [xxx] Consultant [xxx] Policy [xxx] Not Assigned [xxx] Data as of [mm/yy] Source: [Enter Data Source]
  5. Plan & Align Workforce Outcomes: Managers’ Human Resource Management (HRM) accountabilities are understood. Staffing levels and competencies are aligned with agency priorities. A strong foundation is in place to build & sustain a productive, high performing workforce. Performance Measures: Management profile Percent employees with current position/ competency descriptions [Enter Agency Name] Current Position/Competency Descriptions Agency Priority: [High/Medium/Low] Analysis: [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] Action Steps: (What, by whom, by when) [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] % Employees with current position/competency descriptions = [XX]%* *Based on [XXX] of [XXX] reported employee count Applies to employees in permanent positions, both WMS & WGS Data as of [mm/yy] Source: [Enter Data Source]
  6. Hire Workforce Outcomes: Best candidates are hired and reviewed during the appointment period. Employees are oriented to their job. Successful performers are retained. The right people are in the right job at the right time. Performance Measures Time-to-hire vacancies Candidate quality Hiring Balance (proportion of appointment types) Separations during review period [Enter Agency Name] Time-to-Hire / Candidate Quality Agency Priority: [High/Medium/Low] Time-to-Hire Funded Vacancies Average number of days to hire*:[XXX] # of vacancies filled: [XXX] *Equals # of days from the date the hiring supervisor informs the agency HR Office to start the process to fill the position, to the date the job offer is accepted. Analysis: [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] Action Steps: (What, by whom, by when) [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] Agency Priority: [High/Medium/Low] Candidate Quality Of the candidates interviewed for vacancies, how many had the competencies (knowledge, skills & abilities) needed to perform the job? Number = [XXX] Percentage = [XXX]% Of the candidates interviewed, were hiring managers able to hire the best candidate for the job? Hiring managers indicating “yes”: Number = [XXX] Percentage = [XXX]% Hiring managers indicating “no”: Number = [XXX] Percentage = [XXX]% Data Time Period: [mm/yy] through [mm/yy] Source: [Enter Data Source]
  7. Hire Workforce Outcomes: Best candidates are hired and reviewed during the appointment period. Employees are oriented to their job. Successful performers are retained. The right people are in the right job at the right time. Performance Measures Time-to-hire vacancies Candidate quality Hiring Balance (proportion of appointment types) Separations during review period [Enter Agency Name] Hiring Balance / Separations During Review Period Agency Priority: [High/Medium/Low] Analysis: [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] Action Steps: (What, by whom, by when) [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [SAMPLE DATA ONLY. DOUBLE CLICK CHART TO ENTER AGENCY DATA] Total number of appointments = [XXX] Includes permanent or intent to become permanent appointments only Agency Priority: [High/Medium/Low] Separations During Review Period Probationary separations - Voluntary [xxx] Probationary separations - Involuntary [xxx] Total Probationary Separations [xxx] Trial Service separations - Voluntary [xxx] Trial Service separations - Involuntary [xxx] Total Trial Service Separations [xxx] Total Separations During Review Period [xxx] Data Time Period: [mm/yy] through [mm/yy] Source: [Enter Data Source]
  8. Deploy Workforce Outcomes: Workplace is safe, fosters productive relations and encourages performance. Employees know job requirements and how they are performing. Employees are supported. Time and talent is used effectively. Employees are motivated, productive and engaged. Performance Measures Percent employees with current performance expectations Overtime usage Sick leave usage Non-disciplinary grievances/appeals filed and disposition (outcomes) [Enter Agency Name] Current Performance Expectations Agency Priority: [High/Medium/Low] Analysis: [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] Action Steps: (What, by whom, by when) [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] % Employees with current performance expectations = [XXX]%* *Based on [XXX] of [XXX] reported employee count Applies to employees in permanent positions, both WMS & WGS Data as of [mm/yy] Source: [Enter Data Source]
  9. Deploy Workforce Outcomes: Workplace is safe, fosters productive relations and encourages performance. Employees know job requirements and how they are performing. Employees are supported. Time and talent is used effectively. Employees are motivated, productive and engaged. . Performance Measures Percent employees with current performance expectations Overtime usage Sick leave usage Non-disciplinary grievances/appeals filed and disposition (outcomes) [Enter Agency Name] Overtime Usage Agency Priority: [High/Medium/Low] [DOUBLE CLICK CHARTS TO ENTER AGENCY DATA] [DOUBLE CLICK CHARTS TO ENTER AGENCY DATA] Overall agency avg overtime usage – per capita, per month: [XXX]** **Overall agency avg overtime usage – per capita, per month = sum of monthly OT averages / # months Analysis: [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] Action Steps: (What, by whom, by when) [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [DOUBLE CLICK CHARTS TO ENTER AGENCY DATA] Overall agency avg employees receiving overtime per month: [XXX]%** **Overall agency avg employees receiving overtime per month = sum of monthly OT percentages / # months Permanent & Non-permanent Employees Data Time Period: [mm/yy] through [mm/yy] Source: [Enter Data Source]
  10. Deploy Workforce Outcomes: Workplace is safe, fosters productive relations and encourages performance. Employees know job requirements and how they are performing. Employees are supported. Time and talent is used effectively. Employees are motivated, productive and engaged. . Performance Measures Percent employees with current performance expectations Overtime usage Sick leave usage Non-disciplinary grievances/appeals filed and disposition (outcomes) [Enter Agency Name] Sick Leave Usage Agency Priority: [High/Medium/Low] Analysis: [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] Action Steps: (What, by whom, by when) [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [DOUBLE CLICK CHART TO ENTER AGENCY DATA] * Statewide data does not include DOL, DOR, L&I, and LCB Sick Leave Hrs Used / Sick Leave Balance (per capita) Permanent & Non-permanent Employees Data Time Period: [mm/yy] through [mm/yy] Source: [Enter Data Source]
  11. Deploy Workforce Outcomes: Workplace is safe, fosters productive relations and encourages performance. Employees know job requirements and how they are performing. Employees are supported. Time and talent is used effectively. Employees are motivated, productive and engaged. Performance Measures Percent employees with current performance expectations Overtime usage Sick leave usage Non-disciplinary grievances/appeals filed and disposition (outcomes) [Enter Agency Name] Non-Disciplinary Grievances (represented employees) Agency Priority: [High/Medium/Low] Top Five Non-Disciplinary Grievance Types (i.e., Compensation, Overtime, Leave, etc) [DOUBLE CLICK CHART TO ENTER AGENCY DATA] Total Non-Disciplinary Grievances = [XX] Analysis: [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] Action Steps: (What, by whom, by when) [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] * There may not be a one-to-one correlation between the number of grievances filed (shown top of page) and the outcomes determined during this time period. The time lag between filing date and when a decision is rendered can cross the time periods indicated. Non-Disciplinary Grievance Disposition*(Outcomes determined during time period listed below) [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] Data Time Period: [mm/yy] through [mm/yy] Source: [Enter Data Source]
  12. Deploy Workforce Outcomes: Workplace is safe, fosters productive relations and encourages performance. Employees know job requirements and how they are performing. Employees are supported. Time and talent is used effectively. Employees are motivated, productive and engaged. Performance Measures Percent employees with current performance expectations Overtime usage Sick leave usage Non-disciplinary grievances/appeals filed and disposition (outcomes) [Enter Agency Name] Non-Disciplinary Appeals (mostly non-represented employees) Agency Priority: [High/Medium/Low] Filings with Personnel Resources Board [XX] Job classification [XX] Other exceptions to Director Review [XX] Layoff [XX] Disability separation [XX] Non-disciplinary separation [XX] Total filings Non-Disciplinary appeals only are shown above. Filings for OSHRD Director’s Review [XX] Job classification [XX] Rule violation [XX] Name removal from Layoff List [XX] Exam results or name removal from applicant/candidate pool, if OSHRD did assessment [XX] Remedial action [XX] Total filings There is no one-to-one correlation between the filings shown above and the outcomes displayed in the charts below. The time lag between filing date and when a decision is rendered can cross the time periods indicated. [SAMPLE DATA ONLY. DOUBLE CLICK CHARTS TO ENTER AGENCY DATA] Total outcomes = [XX] Total outcomes = [XX] Data Time Period: [mm/yy] through [mm/yy] Source: Department of Personnel
  13. Develop Workforce Outcomes: Employees have access to formal and informal learning opportunities. Employees are engaged in developmental opportunities and seek to learn. Employees have competencies for present job and career advancement. Performance Measures Percent employees with current individual development plans [Enter Agency Name] Individual Development Plans Agency Priority: [High/Medium/Low] Analysis: [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] Action Steps: (What, by whom, by when) [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] % of Employees with current individual development plans = [XX]%* *Based on [XXX] of [XXX] reported employee count Employees in permanent positions, both WMS & WGS Data as of [mm/yy] Source: [Enter Data Source]
  14. Reinforce Performance Outcomes: Employees know how their performance contributes to the success of the organization. Strong performance is rewarded; poor performance is addressed. Successful performance is differentiated and strengthened. Employees are held accountable. Performance Measures Percent employees with current performance evaluations Disciplinary actions and reasons, disciplinary grievances/appeals filed and disposition (outcomes) [Enter Agency Name] Current Performance Evaluations Agency Priority: [High/Medium/Low] Analysis: [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] Action Steps: (What, by whom, by when) [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] % of Employees with current performance evaluations = [XX]%* *Based on [XXX] of [XXX] reported employee count Employees in permanent positions, both WMS & WGS Data as of [mm/yy] Source: [Enter Data Source]
  15. Reinforce Performance Outcomes: Employees know how their performance contributes to the success of the organization. Strong performance is rewarded; poor performance is addressed. Successful performance is differentiated and strengthened. Employees are held accountable. Performance Measures Percent employees with current performance evaluations Disciplinary actions and reasons, disciplinary grievances/appeals filed and disposition (outcomes) [Enter Agency Name] Disciplinary Actions Taken Agency Priority: [High/Medium/Low] Analysis: [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] Action Steps: (What, by whom, by when) [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] * Reduction in Pay is agency tracked Issues Leading to Disciplinary Action [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] Data Time Period: [mm/yy] through [mm/yy] Source: [Enter Data Source]
  16. Reinforce Performance Outcomes: Employees know how their performance contributes to the success of the organization. Strong performance is rewarded; poor performance is addressed. Successful performance is differentiated and strengthened. Employees are held accountable. Performance Measures Percent employees with current performance evaluations Disciplinary actions and reasons, disciplinary grievances/appeals filed and disposition (outcomes) [Enter Agency Name] Disciplinary Grievances and Appeals Agency Priority: [High/Medium/Low] Disciplinary Grievances(Represented Employees) Disciplinary Appeals(Non-Represented Employeesfiled with Personnel Resources Board) [XX] Dismissal [XX] Demotion [XX] Suspension [XX] Pay Reduction [XX] Other [XX] Total Disciplinary Appeals Filed with PRB [DOUBLE CLICK CHART TO ENTER AGENCY DATA] Total # Disciplinary Grievances Filed: [XX] There is no one-to-one correlation between the filings shown above and the outcomes displayed in the charts below. The time lag between filing date and when a decision is rendered can cross the time periods indicated. Disposition (Outcomes) of Disciplinary Appeals* Disposition (Outcomes) of Disciplinary Grievances [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [SAMPLE DATA ONLY. DOUBLE CLICK CHART TO ENTER AGENCY DATA] *Outcomes issued by Personnel Resources Board Data Time Period: [mm/yy] through [mm/yy] Source: [Enter Data Source]
  17. ULTIMATE OUTCOMES Employees are committed to the work they do and the goals of the organization. Productive, successful employees are retained. State government has workforce depth and breadth needed for present and future success. Performance Measures Turnover rates and types Workforce Diversity Profile Employee Survey Information [Enter Agency Name] Turnover Rates Agency Priority: [High/Medium/Low] Analysis: [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] Action Steps: (What, by whom, by when) [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] Total % Turnover (leaving state service) [DOUBLE CLICK CHART TO ENTER AGENCY DATA] Total Turnover Actions: [xx]Total % Turnover: [xx]% Includes employees in permanent or intent to become permanent appointment status only. Data Time Period: [mm/yy] through [mm/yy] Source: [Enter Data Source]
  18. ULTIMATE OUTCOMES Employees are committed to the work they do and the goals of the organization Productive, successful employees are retained State government has workforce depth and breadth needed for present and future success Performance Measures Turnover rates and types Workforce Diversity Profile Employee Survey Information [Enter Agency Name] Workforce Diversity Profile Agency Priority: [High/Medium/Low] Impact of Prior Strategies: What happened as a result of the affirmative action strategies detailed in the last approved affirmative action plan or update? [XXX] [XXX] Key Current Issues: What are the key affirmative action issues that the agency or institution intends to address moving forward? [XXX] [XXX] Future Strategies: What are the agency’s or institution’s primary strategies to address these key issues? [XXX] [XXX] [DOUBLE CLICK CHART TO ENTER AGENCY DATA] Permanent & Non-Permanent Employees Data as of [mm/yy] Source: [Enter Data Source]
  19. ULTIMATE OUTCOMES Employees are committed to the work they do and the goals of the organization Productive, successful employees are retained State government has workforce depth and breadth needed for present and future success Performance Measures Turnover rates and types Workforce Diversity Profile Employee Survey Information [Enter Agency Name] State Employee Survey Number of survey responses: [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] Analysis: [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] Data as of: [xx/xx/xxxx] Source: Statewide Employee Survey
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