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Good or Bad?

Good or Bad?. Coarse particulate organic matter (e.g., tree parts) absent _____. Riparian vegetation abundant _____. Groundwater input negligible_____. Temperature fairly constant _____. Discharge variability high _____. Dissolved oxygen high _____. High suspended load _____.

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Good or Bad?

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  1. Good or Bad? Coarse particulate organic matter (e.g., tree parts) absent _____ Riparian vegetation abundant _____ Groundwater input negligible_____ Temperature fairly constant _____ Discharge variability high _____ Dissolved oxygen high _____ High suspended load _____ Depth fairly uniform _____ Low nutrient input _____

  2. What fish want Nature provides Humans taketh away (Trout) stream restoration

  3. Many factors determine habitat quality Water Chemistry Habitat Structure Energy Sources Flow Regime Biotic Interactions Temperature Dissolved O2 Turbidity pH Hardness Metals Nutrients Organics Substrate Channel Morphology Riparian vegetation Gradient In-stream cover Sinuosity Bank stability Canopy Channel width/depth Nutrient availability Sunlight Organic inputs Primary production Seasonal patterns Velocity Runoff Volume Ground water Precipitation Watershed characteristics Disease Reproduction Feeding Competition Predation Parasitism Exotics

  4. Many factors determine habitat quality (e.g., brook trout) White and Brynildson (1967)

  5. Many factors determine habitat quality (e.g., brook trout) Bjornn and Reiser (1991)

  6. Many factors determine habitat quality (e.g., brook trout) Drop-off Undercut bank Outside bend Shore eddy Confluence/seam Dam or waterfall Overhanging vegetation Instream eddy

  7. Many factors determine habitat quality (e.g., brook trout) Raleigh (1982)

  8. Many factors determine habitat quality (e.g., brook trout) Raleigh (1982)

  9. Many factors determine habitat quality (e.g., brook trout) 1 4 10 7 2 5 8 6 3 9 Raleigh (1982)

  10. Many factors determine habitat quality (e.g., brook trout) Adult suitability Juvenile suitability Larval suitability Egg suitability = lowest of ave max. temp., ave min. DO, or Raleigh (1982)

  11. A little bit daunting… Impossible to measure/monitor all factors Water Chemistry Habitat Structure Energy Sources Flow Regime Biotic Interactions Impossible to manage all factors Temperature Dissolved O2 Turbidity pH Hardness Metals Nutrients Organics Substrate Channel Morphology Riparian vegetation Gradient In-stream cover Sinuosity Bank stability Canopy Channel width/depth Nutrient availability Sunlight Organic inputs Primary production Seasonal patterns Velocity Runoff Volume Ground water Precipitation Watershed characteristics Disease Reproduction Feeding Competition Predation Parasitism Exotics “Quality” means different things for different species

  12. What fish want Nature provides Humans taketh away (Trout) stream restoration

  13. Impossible to measure/monitor/manage all factors BUT factors are correlated

  14. Impossible to measure/monitor all factors BUT fish and other organisms do it for us (integration)

  15. Impossible to measure/monitor all factors Can calculate Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) (score reference sites according to biological criteria)

  16. “Habitat quality” varies with species BUT habitat is not uniform

  17. “Habitat quality” varies with species BUT habitat is not uniform

  18. “Habitat quality” varies with species BUT habitat is not uniform Fast current Shaded, high O2 Allochthonous production Cool water, fairly constant Coarse substrate and debris “Shredders” Slow current Exposed, low/variable O2 Autochthonous production Warm water, variable Fine substrate and debris “Collectors”

  19. “Habitat quality” varies with species BUT habitat is not uniform

  20. Habitat heterogeneity (space and time) Water Chemistry Habitat Structure Energy Sources Flow Regime Biotic Interactions Temperature Dissolved O2 Turbidity pH Hardness Metals Nutrients Organics Substrate Channel Morphology Riparian vegetation Gradient In-stream cover Sinuosity Bank stability Canopy Channel width/depth Nutrient availability Sunlight Organic inputs Primary production Seasonal patterns Velocity Runoff Volume Ground water Precipitation Watershed characteristics Disease Reproduction Feeding Competition Predation Parasitism Exotics

  21. Habitat heterogeneity (space and time) Fast current Little cover Shallow water Coarse substrate Slow current High cover Shallow water Coarse substrate Fast current Little cover Deep water Fine substrate Slow current High cover Deep water Fine substrate Knight et al. (1991)

  22. What fish want Nature provides Humans taketh away (Trout) stream restoration

  23. Habitat degradation Water Chemistry Habitat Structure Energy Sources Flow Regime Biotic Interactions Nutrients Coarse particulate organic matter Temperature extremes Bank/substrate stability Suspended solids In-stream and riparian vegetation Flow extremes Variation in depth Algal production Groundwater inputs Stress and disease Habitat heterogeneity

  24. Habitat degradation

  25. Habitat degradation (trout are sensitive) Bjornn and Reiser (1991), White and Brynildson (1967)

  26. Many factors determine habitat quality (e.g., brook trout) Drop-off Undercut bank Outside bend Shore eddy Confluence/seam Dam or waterfall Overhanging vegetation Instream eddy

  27. Habitat degradation (trout are sensitive) 1 4 10 7 2 5 8 6 3 9 Raleigh (1982)

  28. What fish want Nature provides Humans taketh away (Trout) stream restoration

  29. Stream Restoration (restorative engineering) 1. Manage discharge 2. Stabilize bank(s) 3. Provide cover 4. Change channel Local Political cartoon?

  30. Option 1: manage discharge Discharge affects: Water temperature Wetted perimeter Stream depth and width Current velocity Water quality Habitat (type, avail.)

  31. Option 1: manage discharge Hydraulic simulations Suitability criteria Weighted usable area Temperature Substrate Velocity Depth etc. + = Herschy (1998)

  32. Option 1: manage discharge 1996 1999 2001 2003 Lamouroux et al. (2006)

  33. Option 1: manage discharge Issues: Multiple life stages and species, timing Are suitability criteria additive, multiplicative, redundant? Model predictions need ground truthing Habitat may not translate into fish Conflicting water uses (agriculture, industry, residential, recreational, hydroelectric, navigation)

  34. Option 2: stabilize banks Reduce erosion (sedimentation) due to: Logging Road construction Loss of riparian vegetation (e.g., agriculture) Cattle grazing Floods Natural erosional processes Affects: Sediment (bed and suspended) Stream morphology Nutrients and production Oxygen

  35. Option 2: stabilize banks a) Rip rap (armor for banks)

  36. Option 2: stabilize banks b) Willow posts

  37. Option 3: provide cover c) Brush bundles

  38. Option 2: stabilize banks d) Remove cows

  39. Option 3: provide cover Replace cover lost to: Removal of riparian vegetation Loss of undercut banks Erosion/sedimentation Loss/removal of instream-structure (e.g., logs) Affects: Available cover Food Temperature and light

  40. Option 3: provide cover a) Half logs

  41. Option 3: provide cover b) Undercut bank

  42. Option 3: provide cover c) Root wads (and other woody debris)

  43. Option 4: change channel Alter: Channel shape Channel cross-section/profile Dissipation of flow energy Affects: Velocity and turbulence Erosion Sediment load and bed Depth Temperature Oxygen

  44. Option 4: change channel a) Deflectors

  45. Option 4: change channel b) Plunge pool dams

  46. Use in combination Caution: Work with stream, not against “bad” “good”

  47. Stream Restoration (restorative engineering) , MN Bank stabilization, underbank cover Thorn (1988)

  48. Stream Restoration (restorative engineering) , MN Can improve habitat or simply exclude cattle Thorn (1988)

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