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Student Learning

LEARN. Student Learning. What are students going to do today?. Instructor: Cindy Garzón. “Good Teaching is the constant stream of deliberate decisions a teacher makes to increase the probability of learning” Kathy Gardner. WORKSHOP’S LEARNING OBJECTIVES. The teachers will

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Student Learning

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  1. LEARN Student Learning What are students going to do today? Instructor: Cindy Garzón “Good Teaching is the constant stream of deliberate decisions a teacher makes to increase the probability of learning” Kathy Gardner

  2. WORKSHOP’S LEARNING OBJECTIVES The teachers will • understand that the process of unit and lesson planning begin with the end (learning expectations) in mind. • develop a major academic outcome expected from the student at the end of their learning experience with you in the subject you teach. • plan complete learning objectives that will facilitate the students’ learning of important learning expectations.

  3. PREASSESSMENT Show of thumbs Up = Yes? Down = No? 1. How many here know of the UbD Backwards Design concept? How many here know/understand the UbD Backwards Design concept? 2. How many here understand the UbD Backwards Design concept? 3. How many here use the UbD Backwards Design concept in unit planning?

  4. Unit Planning 1 Definition of Curriculum What will learners understand, know, do and be like? Ss, BMs, Skills, Enduring Understandings 2 3 Learners Constructing Meaning How will we get them there? Learning Objectives How will we know? Evidence of Learning = Assessment

  5. 1st IDENTIFY DESIRED RESULTSCurriculum standards / Enduring understandings Take 5 minutes to determine a major academic learning outcome that you expect from your students by the end of their learning experience with you: Examples: Students will understand that Language: Communicating effectively, while considering audience and purpose when speaking or writing, is essential for purposeful communication. Social Studies: interpreting causal connections of historical patterns help us to understand history’s impact on present-day societies. Science: formulating a logical conclusion, is based on the proper analysis of a controlled investigative process. Critical Thinking: deciphering reliable and unreliable sources of information is key to determining the validity of information presented.

  6. 2nd: DETERMINE ACCEPTABLE EVIDENCE OF LEARNING Select ONE of the desired learning outcomes you developed: Design a brief skeletal version of a summative assessment that provides the best evidence of the student’s level of achievement of that learning expectation. Example: reliable / unreliable sources (internet research) Present the student with a controversial topic that has been distorted by media or special interest groups. Students will search the internet for 2 reliable sources and 2 unreliable sources, evaluating the articles’ validity, based on a pre-designed rubric.

  7. 3rd: PLAN AND EXECUTE LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND INSTRUCTIONTask Analysis of required learning to accomplish task Essential Vocabulary: Fewest Essential Facts: What are the “bare bones” required skills/facts that the student will need to accomplish the task/assessment? Why is this important to learn and when will they use it? If you were talking to the student, how would you help them connect to the learning? What purpose or rationale would be motivating to them? How will being able to do this task be useful to them? Steps for the learner (only for higher order thinking tasks): What thought process does a student need to go though or what does a student need to do to successfully complete the learning objective assessment? These are NOT the chunks or teaching actions! Additionally, these steps should be made explicitly clear to students during the teaching. Teach Style: How should the lesson be taught? Not a step in the task analysis process, but the teacher should consider the best teaching approach for this lesson, based on the learning expectations: cover/uncover… direct, coach, facilitate.

  8. 3rd: PLAN AND EXECUTE LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND INSTRUCTIONTask Analysis of required learning to accomplish task Example: search the internet for 2 reliable sources and 2 unreliable sources, evaluating the articles’ validity, based on a pre-designed rubric Vocabulary: reliable, unreliable, controversial, propaganda, validity… Why important? Presentation of valid information/arguments… Steps for the learner: • Select key words for search • Check if source comes from a foundation, author, university (reliable source) • compare/contrast sources for consistent information…

  9. 3rd: PLAN AND EXECUTE LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND INSTRUCTION Sequence of events leading to understanding • Write complete learning objectives in a logical sequential order that is necessary to achieve the learning expectation (Ss, BMs, EUs, Skills, Content Knowledge): • Decide whether it’s more effective to coach, facilitate, or directly teach each intended learning • Provide the tools necessary to successfully reach understandings • Clarify any possible misunderstandings that may exist • We will not actually work on this step, and go directly to How to Write a Complete Learning Objective

  10. BACKWARDS DESIGN LESSON PLANNING – LEARNING OBJECTIVE • A complete learning objective includes • Content/Topic • Thinking level • Formative Assessment • (addresses desired results and evidence) • Considers teaching approach that matches learning expectations • Chunks instruction in logical, sequential order • (addresses the planning of “how to get them there”) • Ex. Students will analyze model sources presented by the teacher, comparing and contrasting the 3 sources to determine which of the 3 is an unreliable source.

  11. EXAMPLES OF A LEARNING OBJECTIVE Students will integrate the steps of the writing process into a writing piece by composing a persuasive essay • First: determining their TAP (task, audience and purpose) • Second: using the structure of an essay previously taught in class (posted on the board) • Third: properly implementing the 6 traits of writing • Content: persuasive writing • Think level: synthesis • Formative Assessment: writing piece (bullets = set criteria for expectations) • Students will apply(think level) the displacement method of calculating volume (content objective) in order to calculate the volume of various irregular shaped objects (assessment)

  12. Closure Please fill out an exit slip feedback on the workshop Thank-you

  13. Information Sources • McTighe, J. and Grant Wiggins. The Understanding by Design Handbook. ASDC Publications, Alexandria, VA, 1999. • Principle Training Seminars. Miami, FL • Bambi Betts • Kathy Gardner

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