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From Standards To Practice

From Standards To Practice. Guidance for Hospitals on: “Health and Wellbeing” Quality Standards Laura McHugh Health Promotion officer HSE West. Overview. Irish Health Promotion Health Service Network National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare

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From Standards To Practice

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  1. From Standards To Practice Guidance for Hospitals on: “Health and Wellbeing” Quality Standards Laura McHugh Health Promotion officer HSE West

  2. Overview • Irish Health Promotion Health Service Network • National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare • Response of the Irish HPHS network to the new policy and quality requirements

  3. Commitment to Health and Wellbeing

  4. Overall aim to improve health and wellbeing of staff, patients and the community in which hospitals and health care settings are situated 65 members in the network which incorporates all Health Services including primary care HPH concept introduced in Ireland in 1992 Dr Nazih Eldin, Director IHPHN Laura Molloy, National Coordinator IHPHN Irish Health Promotion Health Service Network

  5. Organisation Development and Change: Alignhealth promotion with core business goals using organisation development and change management Quality Management: Focus on integrating health promotion within quality management processes and mechanisms CSR & Sustainability: Increasing focus on synergy with other key organisational agendas – e.g. sustainable healthcare- food waste reduction, mobility management planning. Whole Health System: Shift of emphasis from hospitals to whole health system – ensuring that there is a ‘whole system’ approach across health service sectors Health Promoting Health Services:Key Features

  6. National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare

  7. Translating the Standards National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare Quality Assessment +Improvement (QA +I) Tool Guidance Document for Hospitals on Health and Wellbeing Standards

  8. Health Servcie Executive QA+I Workbooks for self assessment Standard 1.9 - service users are supported in maintaining and improving their own health and wellbeing Standard 4 .1 - the health and wellbeing of service users are promoted, protected and improved

  9. 8 Themes Select a Theme to commence assessment View Standards under selected Theme Select a Standard to assess against View Essential Element(s) of Quality Select an Essential Element to assess against Select Level of Quality for Essential Element Select and provide additional evidence that supports the selected Level of Quality Provide additional information for the Essential Element and selected Level of Quality Agree Improvement Actions Quality Improvement Plan Continue assessment against next Essential Element/ Standard/ Theme Algorithm of Assessment Process

  10. From Standards to Practice :Guidance Document for Hospitals on Health and Wellbeing Standards www.hse.ie/eng/about/Who/qualityandpatientsafety/Standards/

  11. Purpose of Guidance Document Support hospitals to gather information and evidence Illustrate comprehensive samples of evidence of HPH activities in hospitals Assist in verifying level of quality chosen Assist in identifying how to move along quality continuum Standardise the health promotion approach to health services

  12. Format of Guidance Document Guiding prompts for each standard Illustrates levels of quality & samples of evidence under specific topics and themes Samples of Evidence Standard 1.9 - “topics” based, e.g. Tobacco Standard 4.1 – “corporate responsibilities” e.g. Promoting equity

  13. Use of Guidance Document In conjunction with and complementary to the guiding prompts in QA +I tool Samples of evidence - not exhaustive Samples of evidence 1.9.. can be taken in isolation 4.1.. viewed collectively

  14. Standard 1.9Service users are supported in maintaining and improving their own health and wellbeing Tobacco Alcohol and Substance Misuse Breastfeeding Obesity Active Travel Food and Nutrition Physical Activity Sexual Health Health Literacy Mental Wellbeing Topics Incorporating Tobacco Control Framework & BFHI standards

  15. Obesity

  16. Standard 4 .1 The health and wellbeing of service users are promoted, protected and improved Thematic - Incorporating the WHO HPH standards Governance and Policy Equity Care Planning Promoting a Healthy Workplace

  17. Equity

  18. Standards for Health and Wellbeing = National Health and Wellbeing Culture All Hospitals Nationally adopt the WHO Health Promoting Hospitals Standards Integrated care pathways incorporate interventions that address lifestyle issues Service users are supported to avail of the resources they need for their health and wellbeing Services users are encouraged to avail of continued support in the community on discharge There is a focus on service users wellbeing in tandem with the pathogenic focus The health service environment supports healthy choices such as tobacco free campuses and active travel choices

  19. Further Information: Laura Molloy- laura.molloy@hse.ie Laura McHugh- laura.mchugh@hse.ie Website: www.hse.ie/eng/about/Who/qualityandpatientsafety/Standards/ -

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