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ELEN 468 Advanced Logic Design

ELEN 468 Advanced Logic Design. Lecture 16 Synthesis of Language Construct II. Synthesis of Assignment. Non-blocking assignment was not part of the original Verilog For synthesis, a variable cannot be the target of both blocking and non-blocking assignment. Synthesis of Resets.

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ELEN 468 Advanced Logic Design

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  1. ELEN 468Advanced Logic Design Lecture 16 Synthesis of Language Construct II ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  2. Synthesis of Assignment • Non-blocking assignment was not part of the original Verilog • For synthesis, a variable cannot be the target of both blocking and non-blocking assignment ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  3. Synthesis of Resets • assign…deassign allows a separate behavior for asynchronous reset • Efficient for simulation • Not always synthesizable ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  4. Delay Controls • Not recommended • If delay < clock period, it is ignored • If delay > clock period, it is executed in subsequent cycles ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  5. Event Controls • Synthesis engine will parse event control expression to determine if it contains a clock signal • May not contain a signal qualified by both posedge and negedge • If a branch statement has no condition in event control parsing, it is synchronized • Ordering: • Asynchronous signal has higher priority • Synchronous branch should come at the end ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  6. Explicit finite state machine – only one event control Implicit finite state machine – can be more than one, but must be synchronized to the same clock edge always @ ( posedge clk ) begin a = b; c = d; @ ( posedge clk ) begin e = f; g = h; end end Multiple Event Control Expressions ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  7. Synthesis of the wait Statment • At least one value of the condition expression should be generated by a separated behavior or a continuous assignment • Condition determining the delay must be held in true for at least one clock cycle • When the value of the condition is generated by another behavior, both behaviors should follow a same clock signal • For some tools, the delay from a wait statement must be synchronized with clock ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  8. Synthesis of Named Events • Not always synthesizable • Must have two behaviors • One triggers the event • The other references the event • Two behaviors may use • same clock or different clocks with same period • same or different edges of the same clock • If the same clock edge is used, a delay < clock period must be inserted before the triggering statement • Avoid race conditions • Behavior trigged by the event is executed in next clock cycle ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  9. Example of Named Event always @ ( posedge clk ) begin statement1; statement2; #1; // delay control ->event_is_triggered; end always @ ( event_is_triggered ) @ ( posedge clk ) begin … end ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  10. Synthesis of Loops • repeat, for, while, forever • Depends on • Venders • Timing control • Data dependencies • A loop is static or data-independent if the number of iterations can by determined by the complier before simulation ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  11. Static Loops without Internal Timing Controls –> Combinational Logic module count1sA ( bit_cnt, data, clk, rst ); parameter data_width = 4; parameter cnt_width = 3; output [cnt_width-1:0] bit_cnt; input [data_width-1:0] data; input clk, rst; reg [cnt_width-1:0] cnt, bit_cnt, i; reg [data_width-1:0] tmp; always @ ( posedge clk ) if ( rst ) begin cnt = 0; bit_cnt = 0; end else begin cnt = 0; tmp = data; for ( i = 0; i < data_width; i = i + 1 ) begin if ( tmp[0] ) cnt = cnt + 1; tmp = tmp >> 1; end bit_cnt = cnt; end endmodule ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  12. Static Loops with Internal Timing Controls –> Sequential Logic module count1sB ( bit_cnt, data, clk, rst ); parameter data_width = 4; parameter cnt_width = 3; output [cnt_width-1:0] bit_cnt; input [data_width-1:0] data; input clk, rst; reg [cnt_width-1:0] cnt, bit_cnt, i; reg [data_width-1:0] tmp; always @ ( posedge clk ) if ( rst ) begin cnt = 0; bit_cnt = 0; end else begin cnt = 0; tmp = data; for ( i = 0; i < data_width; i = i + 1 ) @ ( posedge clk ) begin if ( tmp[0] ) cnt = cnt + 1; tmp = tmp >> 1; end bit_cnt = cnt; end endmodule ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  13. Non-Static Loops without Internal Timing Controls –> Not Synthesizable module count1sC ( bit_cnt, data, clk, rst ); parameter data_width = 4; parameter cnt_width = 3; output [cnt_width-1:0] bit_cnt; input [data_width-1:0] data; input clk, rst; reg [cnt_width-1:0] cnt, bit_cnt, i; reg [data_width-1:0] tmp; always @ ( posedge clk ) if ( rst ) begin cnt = 0; bit_cnt = 0; end else begin cnt = 0; tmp = data; for ( i = 0; | tmp; i = i + 1 ) begin if ( tmp[0] ) cnt = cnt + 1; tmp = tmp >> 1; end bit_cnt = cnt; end endmodule ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  14. Non-Static Loops with Internal Timing Controls –> Sequential Logic module count1sD ( bit_cnt, data, clk, rst ); parameter data_width = 4; parameter cnt_width = 3; output [cnt_width-1:0] bit_cnt; input [data_width-1:0] data; input clk, rst; reg [cnt_width-1:0] cnt, bit_cnt, i; reg [data_width-1:0] tmp; always @ ( posedge clk ) if ( rst ) begin cnt = 0; bit_cnt = 0; end else begin: bit_counter cnt = 0; tmp = data; while ( tmp ) @ ( posedge clk ) begin if ( rst ) begin cnt = 0; disable bit_counter; end else begin cnt = cnt + tmp[0]; tmp = tmp >> 1; end bit_cnt = cnt; end end endmodule ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  15. module count1s_FSM ( bit_cnt, ready, start, done, data, clk, rst ); parameter data_width = 4; parameter cnt_width = 3; parameter idle=0; parameter load=1; parameter count=2; parameter waiting=3; … … always @ ( posedge clk ) if ( rst ) begin state <= idle; bit_cnt <= 0; tmp <= 0; end else begin state <= next_state; bit_cnt <= clear ? 0 : bit_cnt + tmp[0]; tmp <= tmp >>1; end always @ (state or ready or rst or tmp) case ( state ) idle: begin done <= 0; start <=0; clear <= 1; if ( ready ) next_state <= load; else next_state <= idle; end load: begin start <= 1; clear <= 0; tmp <= data; next_state <= count; end count: begin start <= 0; if ( tmp ) next_state <= count; else next_state <= waiting; end waiting: begin done <= 1; if ( !ready ) next_state <= idle; else next_state <= waiting; end … … Implement Loops with Finite State Machine ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  16. Synthesis of fork … join Blocks • Synthesis tools may • Either fail • Or require that it does not contain event and delay controls that are equal to or longer than a clock cycle – equivalent to a set of non-blocking assignments ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  17. Synthesis of the disable Statement • External disables imply sequential logic • Internal disables -> reset or interrupt signals ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  18. Synthesis of Tasks and Functions • Synthesis tools expand tasks and functions • If multiple calls made to a task, duplicated control logic may result • No mechanism to synchronize multiple calls to the same task • A task may not contain inout ports • Any specify … endspecify block is ignored by synthesis ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  19. Exercise 6 ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  20. regb pipe 1, 3 2 2 1 1 1 x 2 regb pipe 2 x 2 2 2 1 1 1 regc pipe 3 2 2 3 2 3 x 3 regc x pipe 1 2 2 3 3 2 3 regc x pipe 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 Answer to Exercise 6 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 clk data pipe 1, 2, 3 x rega ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  21. ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  22. Example: Sequence Detector • Single bit serial input • Synchronized to falling edge of clock • Single bit output • Assert if two or more successive 0 or 1 at input • Active on rising edge of clock Clock Input Output ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  23. State Transition Diagram State0 Start state 1/0 0/0 1/1 0/1 1/0 State1 Input 0 State2 Input 1 0/0 ELEN 468 Lecture 16

  24. module seq_det ( clock, reset, inBit, outBit ); input clock, reset, inBit; output outBit; reg thisBit, lastBit, outBit; always @ ( posedge clock or posedge reset ) if ( reset == 1 ) begin lastBit = 0; thisBit = 0; outBit = 0; end else begin lastBit = thisBit; thisBit = inBit; outBit = ( lastBit == thisBit ); end endmodule Example 10.17 Different simulation result for pre and post synthesis Implicit pipelining Synthesis of Assignment in FSM ELEN 468 Lecture 16

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