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j oining the Dots for Mothers Living with HIV in Kenya !

j oining the Dots for Mothers Living with HIV in Kenya !. Background to our study. Study led by NEPHAK, PLHIV network in Kenya About building solid evidence base on how to strengthen health care system to meet the needs of women and mothers living with HIV

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j oining the Dots for Mothers Living with HIV in Kenya !

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  1. joining the Dots for Mothers Living with HIV in Kenya!

  2. Background to our study • Study led by NEPHAK, PLHIV network in Kenya • About building solid evidence base on how to strengthen health care system to meet the needs of women and mothers living with HIV • Supported by the HIV Leadership Through Accountability programme • Study conducted in 2010

  3. Methodology • Review of existing literature on PMTCT and SHRH • In-depth interviews with policymakers and service providers (7) • Exit interviews (44) and focus group discussions (6) with clients (50) - mothers and pregnant women living with HIV - accessing vertical transmission services

  4. What we learnt • Process towards the integration of HIV and SRH services (area of high priority for the MOH) • Most facilities providing PMTCT in Nairobi also provide contraception (condoms, pills, injectables), STI diagnosis and management, treatment of Ois and ART.

  5. Gaps still exist • In diagnostics, especially CD4 and viral load testing, xray, laboratory tests and scans • Inconsistent access to ARV supplies and medication for other Ois • Frequent stock-outs of medication reported, resulting in missed opportunities to implement integrated HIV and PMTCT interventions

  6. Recommendations • Further integration of PMTCT services into reproductive health and child and newborn health services • Integration of HIV (especially HIV testing and education) at all family planning and SRH provider sites and provision of SRH services by all providers of HIV care • Integration of adolescent SRH services into HIV services to meet needs of adolescents living with HIV

  7. Recommendations - 2 • HIV counselling and testing programs were urged to provide accurate information on HIV discordance and referrals to programs designed to meet the SRH needs of HIV-discordant couples • Integration efforts must be achieved in collaboration with target groups • Failure to integrate = loss in SRH rights for clients and increased public health risks for communities

  8. Asante Sana Colleagues at NEPHAK and GNP+ All people living with HIV who led and took part in the study.

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