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The Sustainability Trust A Charitable Foundation registered by the Charity Commission in England & Wales www.TheSust

The Sustainability Trust A Charitable Foundation registered by the Charity Commission in England & Wales www.TheSustainabilityTrust.org. Rotarians for Sustainability and Carbon Reduction The Sustainability Trust - The CO 2 Offset Trust - a Global Rotary Club project.

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The Sustainability Trust A Charitable Foundation registered by the Charity Commission in England & Wales www.TheSust

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  1. The Sustainability TrustA Charitable Foundation registered by the Charity Commission in England & Waleswww.TheSustainabilityTrust.org Rotarians for Sustainability and Carbon Reduction The Sustainability Trust - The CO2 Offset Trust - a Global Rotary Club project

  2. Is our world sustainable? • We’ll need 2 planets to sustain our affluent lifestyles • Some vital natural resources are getting scarce • Peak Oil is approaching • Water is in short supply in many places • Natural disasters are getting more severe • We have become a throw-away society • We are in danger of poisoning the only home we’ve got...! • Are we, as Rotarians, aware of the implications? • Are we getting involved? • Are we doing anything useful?

  3. e.g. Sustainability and the USA • The USA has 4.5%of the world population. • It uses 25% of the world’s annual oil production. • As oil supplies dry up...... • As developing nations want more oil...... • Is this sustainable?

  4. World Oil Availability against Demand Is this Sustainable? Source: International Energy Agency (IEA)

  5. e.g. Sustainability and the UK • Currently Britain imports 7 million tonnes of oil annually.  • By 2030 - under ‘business-as-usual’ - the UK will annually - • consume 100 million tonnes of oil. • import 56 million tonnes of oil • As oil supplies dry up...... • As developing nations want more oil...... • Is 8 times more Imported Oil Achievable? • Is 56% of Oil Supplies Imported Sensible? Is this situation Sustainable? * Data & Stats from the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) www.leep.eu and www.FlagCounter.com/factbook/gb based on UK projected population in 2030

  6. e.g. Sustainability & Water Use How much water do we need each day.....? Why are the figures so different? Are all of these Sustainable?

  7. The Sustainability Trust – The CO2 Offset Trust A Global Rotary Club Project that aims to tackle these issues The 4-Way Sustainability Test for all Rotarians: Are we..... EDUCATING  - ourselves, our Rotary colleagues and the public about how - and why - we should all conserve energy, and adopt sustainable solutions. DEMONSTRATING -  how we can all save money in the process. INNOVATING - with ideas promoted by your Rotary Club to switch to sustainable resources in all Rotary projects, especially those with humanitarian benefits. DONATING - via The Sustainability Trust - to a Rotary Club project that offsets your unavoidable personal carbon emissions.

  8. Target Rotary Audience • Rotary is in 200 countries and regions • UK & Ireland = 54,000 members in 1800 Clubs • USA = 360,000 members in 8,000 Clubs • Worldwide = 1.2 million members in 32,000 Clubs • Business people with wide local influence • People who should understand Sustainability Principles in order to lead their communities

  9. Sustainability Trust Achievements in Two Years • 11 Founding Member Clubs on 5 continents • 500 e.mail contacts and growing • Now launched “Sustaining Members” at US $100 annually. • Also launched Gold 50 Member status for US $1,000 • A Growing Presence on Facebook • Has supported sustainable Rotary Club Projects in Guatemala, England, South Africa. • Is building a network of contacts around the globe to advise Clubs on sustainable projects • Booths at RI Conventions in Salt Lake City, Los Angeles, Montreal and Birmingham (UK) • $4,000 donation to facilitate ‘SCSA 2010’ • All done by Rotary volunteers

  10. e.g. Solar Cooking South Africa 2010 • The Trust has been the catalyst for SCSA 2010 • 2 volunteer trainers travelled from R.C. Fresno CA • R.C. Kirstenbosch, Cape Town, S.A. hosted them • Provided travel & accommodations. • Focus was on township financial and fuel poverty • 3-day course in Grahamstown on making, using & trading in solar cookers in townships • Local NGO’s involved • $4,000 funding from trust and supporters to finance the program

  11. Solar Cooking South Africa 2010Coordinated and funded through the Trust. Led by R.C. Fresno, California & R.C. Kirstenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa Enjoying the Food..! Making the Solar Ovens In Grahamstown, S.A.

  12. New Trust Programs ...... • Examining solar lighting program for villages in India • Creation of a company to handle carbon credits from UK tree-planting. • Looking at Arizona State University GIOS student Peter Gbelia’s Liberia Oven Project • Theme of 2010-11 RI President Ray Klinginsmith, Rotary Club of Kirksville, Missouri – ‘Building (Sustainable) Communities and Bridging Continents’ (we added Sustainable!) • The Trust fits perfectly with this objective.

  13. D.1220 Project - Sustainable Homes in D.3150, India FROM THIS........ RIBI (UK + Ireland) District 1220 aims to build the homes. The Sustainability Trust aims to make them sustainablehomes

  14. D.1270 Sheffield Club, UK, Project Selling the Standby Saver to Rotarians at a discount. They save it’s cost in one year by cutting stand-by electricity...... .... and the Club donates $4 to the Trust for each one sold. Combined TV, VCR, DVD, etc, powered off with one click A different version does the same for computers, printers etc A version will be available in the US and Canada in 2010

  15. For those that believe Global Warming is accelerated by burning fossil fuels - It makes sense to practice ‘Joined-up-Rotary’ • A hotter planet means more weather extremes. • Leading to more floods, more hurricanes & drought... • Causing more human disasters in areas of existing poverty.... • That require more humanitarian aid... • Which needs more Rotary Club aid, like Shelter Boxes. • Sustainability becomes a sensible option... • We need to join up the dots in ‘Joined-up-Rotary’ • By making all our activities Sustainable ones, so they don’t make global warming even worse!

  16. For those who also accept that our carbon emissions are dangerously heating the planet….. The caption reads “Grandpa, what did YOU do in the war against Climate Change?” Used with permission of The Observer newspaper, London Sustainability has a double benefit...... ....and future generations will be grateful

  17. What kind of projects can we do? • There is a HUGE range of ideas • Do whatever turns you on...... be creative: e.g. • Over 100 billion plastic bags are consumed in the U.S. each year = 300 bags per US resident. • That’s 500 million gallons of oil annually...... THAT THE U.S. DOESN’T NEED to IMPORT !!! • So what can we do about plastic bag use? • In Cambridge, England the ‘Close the Door’ campaign aims to save £0.3 billion annually from energy loss due to open store entrances. • Can we persuade stores to stop this practice?

  18. In summary ...... • The Sustainability Trust is a charitable foundation formed by concerned Rotarians • It aims to get all 32,000 Clubs aware of the challenges facing our planet, our communities and our lives..... • ...and to make all Rotary projects Sustainable. • It is a web-based forum to share projects, ideas, solutions, and information. • It raises funds to pay for the provision of services through Personal Carbon Offsetting and Sustaining Memberships • Is YOUR Club a Sustaining Member Club? • Join today online for US $100

  19. And finally...... Do we all know the 5th Test in The Four-Way Test? Is it Sustainable?

  20. Visit the Websitewww.TheSustainabilityTrust.org

  21. The Sustainability Trustwww.TheSustainabilityTrust.org Rotarians for Sustainability and Carbon Reduction The Sustainability Trust - The CO2 Offset Trust Initially sponsored by 11 Founding Clubs from 5 continents A charity registered in the UK

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