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The Cold War Unfolds

The Cold War Unfolds. p. 502. How the Cold War was fought: (7). Propaganda Arguments and opposition in world organizations like the UN. Arms Race Space Race Arming allied countries to fight against allies of the other side

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The Cold War Unfolds

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  1. The Cold War Unfolds p. 502

  2. How the Cold War was fought: (7) Propaganda Arguments and opposition in world organizations like the UN. Arms Race Space Race Arming allied countries to fight against allies of the other side Sending military advisors/troops to fight countries/military forces sponsored by the other side. Using spies to get rid of unwanted leaders help sympathetic locals revolt assassinations Collect information on each other’s plans/technology The economic impact of this competition would lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

  3. Superpowers: • Cold War term for the two nations that had more military power than all the others combined….. • The Soviet Union and the United States.

  4. Life in the Soviet Union after World War II • Until he died in the early 1950s, Stalin returned to his government of terror. • Soviet propaganda continued to bombard people with ….. • Ideology: • The value and belief system of a person, people, or nation. • The Soviet government worked to spread its ideology around the world. • Soviets were constantly under supervision of the secret police (KGB)

  5. Containment: • The US was committed by President Harry Truman to prevent Communism and Soviet influence from spreading in the world.

  6. Nikita Khruschev: • New Soviet leader after Stalin died in 1953. • Publicly denounced Stalin’s abuse of power

  7. USSR Under Nikita Khruschev: Kept the centralized power of the Communist Party over the USSR He relaxed controls on thinking (less censorship) Believed “peaceful coexistence” with West was better for Soviet progress (Soviets and Americans could allow each other to exist peacefully Even though their ideologies are so different; Soviet Union could focus on consumer goods, not military goods.

  8. Fidel Castro: • Law student • Rebelled against Cuban dictator, Fulgencio Batista, and took control of Cuba by 1959. • US President Eisenhower would not help him, so he turned to the Soviet Union. • USSR gave Castro agents and weapons.

  9. John F. Kennedy: • US President, • continued Eisenhower’s secret plan to invade Cuba, in 1961.

  10. Invasion The US ___ secretly equipped Cuban exiles. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) the invasion was supposed to look like Cubans were trying to take back their country, not like the US was invading Cuba.

  11. Failure Castro was warned of the invasion and his army was waiting for it at the ____ Playa Giron (Bay of Pigs). The invasion was stopped cold and many “free Cubans” captured. All the captured equipment was American-made. It embarrassed Kennedy and the US.

  12. Soviet Help In 1962, Soviet leader, Nikita Khruschev, sent Castro _____ for protection. medium-range nuclear missiles (MRBM) US military and spy planes photographed the new bases.

  13. Monroe Doctrine and WW III Kennedy ordered a naval blockade of Cuba, stopping Soviet ships citing the _____, 1823, and the ____ , 1904, both US policies. Monroe Doctrine Roosevelt Corollary Large American forces were sent to Florida to invade. Nuclear bombers and missiles were ready to launch. A few days passed…..

  14. Bluff or War? The US considered the missiles a threat on the most populated half of the country. Khruschev ignored Kennedy’s warning to pull the missiles out. Soviet ships brought more…..

  15. USSR blinks Suddenly, Khruschev ordered the ships back and the rockets removed The Cuban Missile Crisis was over. Most of the world only saw the USSR back down, EC: Kennedy quietly pulled similar missiles out of _____ Turkey. Khruschev was criticized by the Communist Party in the USSR EC: ______ also criticized him for compromising communism and soon broke their relationship off with the Soviet Union. Communist China

  16. Reduce the Fear In the early 60s, it became clear that the two superpowers would end up using the nukes and destroy the entire world….. US President _____ and Soviet Secretary _____ started talks to reduce nuclear weapons John Kennedy Nikita Khruschev They began the ______ talks in the early 60s By 1968, the _____ Treaty was signed by many countries in the world, (same answer for both) Nuclear Non-Proliferation Countries that signed promised not to develop nuclear forces if they did not have them. The nuclear nations promised to reduce their nuclear forces.

  17. Anti-ballistic missiles (ABMs): Missiles designed to destroy other missiles in outer space A country could have an “umbrella” of ABMs over it. the counter to this was to make more missiles, then they’d make more ABMs. And so on…..

  18. Leonid Brezhnev: • Repressive Soviet Leader after Khruschev until the early 80s. • Changing Khruschev’s lenient policies, Brezhnev brought back (2) • censorship • arrests of dissidents (people criticizing the government):

  19. Détente: • Second relaxation of tension between the US and the USSR. • Around 1970, US President Richard Nixon began secretly improving relations with both the USSR and the People’s Republic of China (PRC);

  20. Problems between the USSR and China The USSR and PRC had become enemies, both claiming to be the centers of the Communist World. Both powers wanted technology and trade with the United States. US President, ____, played both against each other and won Richard Nixon SALT agreements with the USSR the opening of China.

  21. Détente ends Détente made things look hopeful until the USSR invaded ______ in 1979, Afghanistan the US retaliated by (2) Began economic boycotts supplied the Afghani Mujahideen rebels.

  22. Ronald Reagan: • US President who got Congress to approve the development of an anti-missile system to make a “shield” over the United States. • missiles, • satellites, • lasers • The press called it “Star Wars”. • Critics felt it would just make the Soviets build more missiles or start a war before the technology was put in place. • It led to Soviet requests to discuss arms reduction.

  23. In the late 1980s Soviet leadership changes radically….. EC: Soviet Secretary _____ did not want to keep using resources for weapons while the Soviet people lacked a better standard of living. Mikhail Gorbachev He negotiated the ______ Treaty (START) with US President _____ (2) Strategic Arms Reduction Reagan He signed it with US President EC: ____ in 1991. George H. W. Bush

  24. Standards Check, p. 503 • How was Europe divided, and what were the consequences of its division? • Europe was divided Communist vs. Capitalist • The Berlin Wall was built in the 1960s • Uprisings occurred in Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia

  25. Image, p. 503 • Why might the Soviet Union have wanted to show off its nuclear might? • To remind people living there and enemies, like the US, that it was powerful.

  26. Chart Skills, p. 504 • How did each of the later treaties advance beyond the treaty that came before it? • Nuclear Test Ban Treaty • Banned atmospheric tests • SALT II • Limited numbers of nukes • START • Reduced numbers of nukes

  27. Standards Check, p. 504 • What factors discouraged the us of nuclear weapons during the Cold War? • Neither side wanted to start a nuclear war. • Both sides negotiated and signed treaties to control nuclear weapons.

  28. Map Skills, p. 505 • 2 Where were most Cold War conflicts located in relation to the two alliances shown on the map? • In countries near the Soviet Union or its allies • 3 Why might Cold War conflicts be concentrated as they are? • Because of the US policy of containment of Soviet power

  29. Thinking Critically, p. 507 • 1 Why did Soviet nuclear missiles on the island pose a threat to the US? • Because of its close proximity to US soil • 2 Why might Khrushchev have agreed to withdraw the missiles from Cuba? • He did not want to start a nuclear war

  30. Standards Check, p. 507 Militarily Politically By assembling opposing alliances • By supporting opposing sides in local wars/conflicts

  31. In communist countries….. government-controlled economies limited consumer choices. In capitalist countries….. consumers have more choices because they make economic decisions Contrasting Systems, 508

  32. Standards Check, p. 509 • How did the Soviet Government handle critics of its policies? • The Soviet government arrested and imprisoned critics of its policies.

  33. Image, p. 509 • What does this photo suggest about Americans’ fears during the Cold War? • Fears of communist attacks were wide spread and part of everyday life.

  34. Standards Check, p. 510 • How did America respond to the threat of communism at home and overseas? • The US sought to • remove communist influences at home • contain Soviet power overseas.

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