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Noviembre de 2009

1. Youth : Employment & inclusion in times of crisis Situation in Spain Horsens , Denmark , 26 April 2012. Julio Martínez Meroño Advisor National Service for Employment - Spain julio-angel.martinez@sepe.es. Noviembre de 2009. 2. Situation :. 1.623.000 <30Y 884.000 <25Y

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Noviembre de 2009

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  1. 1 Youth: Employment & inclusion in times of crisis Situation in Spain Horsens, Denmark, 26 April 2012 Julio Martínez Meroño Advisor NationalServiceforEmployment - Spain julio-angel.martinez@sepe.es Noviembre de 2009
  2. 2 Situation: 1.623.000 <30Y 884.000 <25Y Muchhigher than total unemployment!
  3. 3 Evolution:
  4. 4 Evolution:
  5. 5 Similarities:
  6. 6 Summarizing: Itisveryhigh (x2) It has been so for a verylong time (>40 Y) Very sensible totheeconomiccycle Youth/total unemployment UE (similar causes orjust similar effects?)
  7. 7 Causes: Educationsystem: Lowerlevels (38,8% SP - 23,4% UE-15) Early leavers (30% SP - 20% UE-15) Polarization Labourmarket: Unflexibilities Duality Efficiency of active employmentpolicies
  8. 8 Earlyleavers: Very high (30%-20% UE-15) Base unlinkedtoeconomiccycle Boostedby real estate bubble Big unskilledworkforce(not so youngnow!) Employabilitydivergencestarted in 2003 Long lastingeffects!
  9. 9 Polarization: Great effort in improvingeducationlevel (butbiasonUniversity…!) Disadjustmentoffer/demand Unemploymentboth at high & lowlevels!! Discouragement at lowerlevels Overeducation at higherlevels Middleleveleducationdisplacement
  10. 10 Labourmarket: Unflexibilities: Colectivebargaining, lowflexicurity Duality temporal/permanentcontracts: “Tunneleffect” (trap)  Human capital Adjustment -> Temporarycontracts Active EmploymentPolicies: Lowresources Subsidies toemployment, not so muchfor training, orientation, insertion
  11. 10 What are wedoingaboutit? New legislationonlabourmarket(Feb2012) Whole set of measures in AEPs, training and education BUT: Extreme constraintsduetobudgetaryrestrictions!
  12. 11 Measures (1): Market unflexibilities: Substantialchanges in collectivebargainingsystem Suport to part time contracts  Internal flexibility in companies Market duality: dismissal costs for permanent contracts Encouragement of permanent contracts (“support to entrepeneurs”) Incentives for transition temp->perm contracts
  13. 12 Measures (2): AEPs: Placement agencies Bettercoordinationwith regional admins Betterevaluation of AEPs->allocationresources Substantialreduction in grants Training Key forinclusion of earlyleavers New training contract -> accreditation “Training account” Open to competition
  14. 13 Thanks… Julio Martínez Meroño Advisor NationalServiceforEmployment - Spain julio-angel.martinez@sepe.es
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