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Early 1800s: Expansion, War, & The Changing Economy

Early 1800s: Expansion, War, & The Changing Economy. I. Manifest Destiny. A. Belief that God want the ______ to extend from the _____ to the _____. B. Settlers seek _______ and ____________. C. Trails West 1. Oregon Trail >> wagon trail to the ______.

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Early 1800s: Expansion, War, & The Changing Economy

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  1. Early 1800s: Expansion, War, & The Changing Economy

  2. I. Manifest Destiny A. Belief that God want the ______ to extend from the _____ to the _____. B. Settlers seek _______ and ____________. C. Trails West 1. Oregon Trail >> wagon trail to the ______. 2. Santa Fe Trail >> trail to the ________. Settlers walk, ride horses, and use Conestoga _________.

  3. I. Manifest Destiny

  4. II. Texan Independence

  5. II. Texan Independence Mexico offers land to __________. 1. Stephen Austin forms colony (Texas) a. 20,000 US settlers move in. Texas Revolution (1835-1836) 1. Rebellions between ____ and ____. 2. “Remember the Alamo”: death of Anglos inspires others to victory over ___ C. Annexation Texas becomes a part of the US in 1845

  6. III. War With Mexico

  7. III. War With Mexico President James K. Polk 1.Wants war with Mexico to bring ___ _____ and _________ into the U.S. American Victory 1.US defeats Mexico 2.Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 1848 a.US gains Southwest and California b. US pays Mexico $___ million

  8. IV. The California Gold Rush

  9. IV. The California Gold Rush The Forty-Niners 1. 1848: ___ is discovered in California 2. 1849: _____ come looking to become __. Development of California 1. Farmers, manufacturers, shippers, and bankers follow the gold prospectors. 2. ___ ________ becomes the major city. C. “Go West Young Man”

  10. V. The Market Revolution Economic Expansion 1. Effect of Factories a.Machines>_____ 2. Lowell Textile Mills a.Employ _______ b.Conditions>>> ______________

  11. Chapter 9 Write a one paragraph summary of the chapter. (minimum of 4 sentences) Explain father’s plan to avoid capture. How did Tim avoid being captured? Explain.

  12. Focus Questions – 9/6/06 Explain manifest destiny. What occurred at the Alamo? What happened after this event? What were the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

  13. B. Free Enterprise & Inventions Free Enterprise a. Private business: free to __ for a __ b.Result >> people buy and sell goods rather than _______them. Inventions & Improvements a. Samuel Morse >> _____, helps business and railroads ________ b. Transportation and communication connect regions and make them _______.

  14. C. Workers Seek Better Conditions Why? a. Low pay, long hours, unsafe conditions Strike a. refusal to ______ b. Result > Employers replace workers with _________. Labor Union -Workers organizations to protest injustices. -Trade unions join forces for strength.

  15. VI. Reforming Society • Second Great Awakening 1. Religious revival meetings 2. Membership in _______ rises.

  16. VII. Social Reform A. The Abolition Movement 1. Abolition >>_______ 2. Leaders a.William Lloyd Garrison b.Frederick Douglass -former ________ *both publish anti-slavery newspapers

  17. B. Slave Life and Rebellion

  18. B. Slave Life and Rebellion Slave Life -difficult, long days, fear/threat of punishment Turner’s Rebellion, 1831 -Nat Turner, a slave, leads rebellion -about ___whites killed -Turner and followers captured and______. Slave Owners Oppose Abolition -Restrictions on slaves increase due to ___.

  19. C. Women and Reform Women Mobilize -Women are allowed to become advocates for change > many become __________. Education for Women -Amount of colleges for women ________ Women’s Rights Movement -Seneca Falls Convention > ___________ -Elizabeth Cady Stanton leads the movement -Sojourner Truth >> speaks for ___ - ___ women

  20. Chapter 10 Write a one paragraph summary of the chapter. (Minimum of 4 sentences)

  21. The United States: 1800-1850 1.(p 187)Use a dark color to outline the states in the land of the Louisiana Purchase. 2.(p 208)Label the Missouri Compromise line. 3.(p 213)Label the Trail of Tears. 4.(p 241)Label the cities with over 100,000 people. 5.(p 263)Label all of the trails. 6.(p 270)Divide Texas into the two areas indicated. Label the location of the Alamo. 7.(p 275)Label the major American battle sites of the War With Mexico. 8.(p208)Outline all of the states on this page. Color the slave states and free states different colors.

  22. Visual Sources www.csubak.edu/ ~gsantos/img0061.html http://lfa.atu.edu/ssphil/people/ssjw/us1/map.gif http://www.univie.ac.at/Anglistik/easyrider/data/graphics/Oretrail.jpg http://www.ohwy.com/or/2/oregontr.jpg http://yume-dreams.web.infoseek.co.jp/photo/zis/usa/SanAntonio/alamo/t_alamo_07.jpg http://spider.georgetowncollege.edu/htallant/courses/his325/TEX-MEX.gif http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/2/27/California_Gold_Rush_handbill.jpg/250px-California_Gold_Rush_handbill.jpg http://www.eh.net/graphics/encyclopedia/ransom.civil.war.us.figure6.jpg http://www.floridamorse.com/images/Samuel%20Morse.jpg http://www.library.hbs.edu/hc/exhibits/distech/york.jpg http://www.philremmers.org/images/campmeetingbkgd.gif http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://pbsvideodb.pbs.org/resources/civilwar/images/ph04.jpg&imgrefurl=http://pbsvideodb.pbs.org/resources/civilwar/primary/doc_06.html&h=476&w=403&sz=34&tbnid=_rc9jL7R_NKCOM:&tbnh=126&tbnw=106&hl=en&ei=8VDJQ77IaMn36KID&sig2=i_1ylTxSpVqrBxZHaPMtNw&start=6&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dabolition%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8 http://www.americaslibrary.gov/assets/jb/colonial/jb_colonial_stono_2_e.jpg http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap4/stanton.gif http://www.abcreativeworks.com/images/SojournerTruth_jpg.jpg

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