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Unit 2

Unit 2. Class list-main. Listening & Speaking. Class Activity. Text A. Language points. Exercises. Grammar Review. Writing. Free Talk. What do we usually speak when we want to offer help? What do we usually speak when we are offered help? Thank you (very much).

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Unit 2

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  1. Unit 2

  2. Class list-main Listening & Speaking Class Activity Text A Language points Exercises Grammar Review Writing

  3. Free Talk • What do we usually speak when we want to offer help? • What do we usually speak when we are offered help? Thank you (very much). I am really grateful. I am really appreciated.

  4. CP-offering-1 Offering Help A librarian is going to provide you with some information about the use of the library. Listen to the short talk carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words. 1. This is our library. It’s well stocked(藏书). It’s open . You can borrow all the books in the library except the rarest(珍奇的) ones, or those only here. You can borrow them for several days to several months, but must return them ________________ seven days a week ___________ must be read by their due dates __________________ , or you’ll be charged(罚款) for overdue(过期的) books. It’s bad

  5. CP-offering-2 in any way from(行为) to write in public books or mistreat(破坏) them . To use the library, you will have to show your student ID(学生证). By the way, you can go online(上网) here or read your textbooks ___________ in the library __________ in the reading room ________________ In the evening. Enjoy your reading. Now help one of your classmates to use the library for the first time. Try to use the language you have just learned in Exercise 1. 2.

  6. CP-help-1 Expressing Willingness to Help 3. • Before you listen to the first conversation, read the following words and expressions which may be new to you. enter 输入 straightforward 简单的 author 作者 terminal (电脑)终端 title 书名 periodical 杂志 wow (表示惊奇、 钦佩,欢乐) 哇 accounting 会计 click on 点击 I got it. 我明白了。 database 数据库

  7. CP-help-2 Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words. Wang Ying: Excuse me. Librarian: Yes? Is there anything ? Wang Ying: This is my first time in the library. Can you show me Librarian: Sure. It’s fairly straightforward. Let’s go over to a terminal and . Wang Ying: Thanks. Librarian: Here . Are you looking for a book or a periodical? Wang Ying: A book on accounting. Librarian: Now you can the books database. _____________ I can do for you _____________________ how to use the computer ? ___________ I’ll show you you go _______ _______ click on

  8. CP-help-3 Wang Ying: Now what? Librarian: You can enter or the title of the book. Wang Ying: OK. Wow! I got it. Thanks again . Librarian: . _______________ the author’s name for you help _________ Glad to help __________

  9. CP-help-4 Now listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions. 1. What book is Wang Ying looking for? She’s looking for a book on accounting. 2. Why is Wang Ying asking for help ? Because she uses the library for the first time. 3. Has Wang Ying got the book? How? Yes, she has. She got it through the computer. 4. Is it easy for Wang Ying to get her book? Why? Yes, it is. Because the librarian helps her find it through the computer. 5. What do you think of the librarian? He’s helpful.

  10. check out 借出 get used to 习惯于,适应于 Have a good read! = Enjoy your reading! See you around. 回头见。 CP-help-5 2) Before you listen to the second conversation, read the following words which may be new to you. Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words. Li Ming: ? Wang Ying: Most of them, but a couple were checked out. Did you find all the books you needed ______________________________

  11. If there’s anything I can do, ________________________ I’d be happy to help __________________. CP-help-6 Did you have any trouble using the computer Li Ming: Wang Ying: Well, it was my first time, and I was a bit slow learning it. Li Ming: It takes a little getting used to. Wang Ying: That’s very kind of you, but I think I can manage. Li Ming: Wang Ying: Thanks. Li Ming: Wang Ying: You too. Bye. Li Ming; See you around. _____________________________________? I know you are a fast learner _________________________. Have a good read ________________!

  12. CP-help-7 Now listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions. 1. Where has Wang Ying been? She’s been to the library. 2. Did Wang Ying get all the books she needed? No. She got most of them. 3. Did Wang Ying use the computer? What happened? Yes, she did, but she spent some time getting used to it. 4. What did Li Ming try to do? He tried to be of help to her. 5. What did Li Ming say about Wang Ying? He said that she was a fast learner.

  13. Would you like me to (do)…? I could (do)… (for you), if you like. Do you want me to (do)…? Is there anything I can do for you? If there’s anything I can do, I’d be happy to help. Can I do anything? Can I help? CP-help-8 4. Make a dialogue with one of your classmates, stating a problem, expressing willingness to help, asking someone to do something and offering help. You can use the structures given below for the task.

  14. KEY script CP-lp1 Listening Practice 5. Listen to people talking and decide what they are talking about. 1. W: I’d rather have another piece of cake, if I may. M: Certainly. Please help yourself. A) Cake. B) Peace. C) Coke. D) Help.

  15. KEY script CP-lp2 2. M: Excuse me, do you have the correct time? W: Yes, it is just after twelve. A. Weather. B) Lunch. C) Work. D) Time.

  16. KEY script CP-lp3 W: What’s the best way to get from here to Beijing? M: By train, I believe. 3. A) A method. B) A trip. C) A place. D) A city.

  17. KEY script CP-lp4 4. W: Thanks for the help. M: That’s okay. Where would we be if we didn’t help each other? • Work. • B) Money. • D) Life. C) Help.

  18. KEY script CP-lp5 5. W: Did you see the end of the play? M: No, I only saw the beginning, the first few minutes. A) A book. B) Money. C) A play. D) A film.

  19. KEY script CP-lp6 6. Listen to five questions and choose the appropriate answers. Do you mind if I sit here? 1. A) Yes, please. B) Not too bad. D) Oh, pretty good. C) No, have a seat.

  20. KEY script CP-lp7 2. Wang Ying is sick. A) What a pity! B) Oh, not at all. C) It’s a pleasure. D) That’s all right.

  21. KEY script CP-lp8 Are you telling the truth? 3. A) Yes, I do. B) No, thanks. C) Yes, I like it. D) No, it was a lie.

  22. KEY script CP-lp9 4. Shall we go now? • Well, I’m glad to be of help. • B) That’s very kind of you. • C) That’s for sure. D) I’m ready.

  23. KEY script CP-lp10 5. I thought you’d call. • I tried, but no one answered. B) That’s what I want to say. C) Me, too. D) You bet.

  24. KEY script CP-lp11 7. Listen to five short dialogues and choose the appropriate answers. 1. M: Well, we could always stay at home and watch TV? There’s a good film on tonight. W: Let’s do just that. Why didn’t we think of that before? Q: What are they doing tonight? A) Continuing to watch TV. B) Reading in the library. D) As usual. C) Going to the cinema.

  25. KEY script CP-lp12 W: You must take some rest. You’ve been working much too hard. M: But how can I? I’ll take the exam tomorrow. Q: Is the man going to take any rest? 2. • Right way. • Surely he is. • C) He’s not sure. D) Certainly not.

  26. KEY script CP-lp13 W: Come on, you really must think of the future. M: I’ll tell you what. I’d really like to be a technician. Q: What does the man want to be in the future? 3. A) An accountant. C) A salesman. D) A scientist. B) A technician.

  27. KEY script CP-lp14 M: What’s the matter? W: I don’t feel very well this morning. I’ve got a headache. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 4. • The woman got a surprise. • B) The man got a surprise. • D) The man got sick. C) The woman got sick.

  28. KEY script CP-lp15 W: Li Ming’s upset — he’s failed the accounting exam. M: What bad luck! Still I’m sure he’ll pass next time. Q: Why is Li Ming upset? 5. A) Because he caught a cold. B) Because he made a mistake. C) Because he missed the party. D) Because he failed to pass the exam.

  29. Text A Starter1-1 Lead in • What are the four inventions in ancient China? • Discuss in groups and come up with three inventions or discoveries that you think are the most important in human history? • Learn about Louis Braille.

  30. Some Famous Inventions Invention Year Inventor Papermaking(造纸术) 105AD Cai Lun Compass (指南针) 3rd century AD unknown Gunpowder(火药) 8th century AD unknown Printing from movable type (活字印刷术) 1045AD Bi Sheng Dynamite(炸药) 1867 Alfred Nobel Telephone(电话) 1876 Incandescent lamp(白炽灯) 1879 Thomas A. Edison Alexander Graham Bell

  31. Invention Year Inventor Airplane (飞机) 1903 the Wright brothers Computer(计算机) 1936 Konrad Zuse Microwave oven(微波炉) 1947 Percy L. Spencer Credit card(信用卡) 1950 Frank McNamara Artificial satellite(人造卫星) 1957 the former Soviet Union Cell phone (手机) 1973 Dr. Martin Cooper The technique of DNA cloning (DNA克隆技术) 1973 Stanely Cohen and Herbert Boyer The World Wide Web(万维网) 1989-1991 Tim Berners Lee

  32. Some Famous Discoveries DiscoveryYear Copernicus published his sun centered theory of the universe (哥白尼发表日心说). 1543 Galileo discovered 3 large moons of Jupiter, supporting the Copernican theory (伽利略发现木星的三颗大卫星,证明了 哥白尼的理论). 1610 17th century Newton discovered gravity(牛顿发现万有引力). Einstein published his special theory of relativity (爱因斯坦发表狭义相对论). 1905 Einstein published his general theory of relativity (爱因斯坦发表广义相对论). 1916 Hubble identified a new galaxy(哈勃发现新星系). 1924 Fleming discovered penicillin(弗莱明发现青霉素). 1928-1945

  33. BI-Louis Louis Braille (1809—1852) Louis Braille was a blind Frenchman who invented the braille system of printing and writing for the blind. He was born near Paris. An accident at age 3 followed by a serious infection left him blind. He entered the Royal Institution for Blind Youth in Paris (now the National Institution for Blind Youth) when he was 10. Braille was a good student, especially of science and music, and he became a church organist. He remained at the Institute as a teacher. There he developed his system of reading. (From the 1998 World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia)

  34. Class Activity • Divide the students into groups with about 8 in each by counting number one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine. Students with the same number are in the same group. • Each group is in charge of some specific paragraphs. Students discuss the meaning, vocabulary, and difficult grammars in the specific paragraphs. • Each group selects and sends a representative to come up on the platform to give a presentation, explaining main idea, key vocabulary, and difficult grammar.

  35. T T T Language Points Article1_popwin_blind blind //: a.unable to see 瞎的,盲的 e.g. Mary’s been blind since birth. Love is blind. 玛丽从一生下来就双目失明。 爱情是盲目的。 the blind:the blind people盲人 e.g. 盲人学校 a school for the blind

  36. Article1_popwin_Jeanne K. Language Points Jeanne K. Grieser //珍尼·K·格里泽

  37. Article1_popwin_S_the desire… Language Points The desire to read easily led to the Braille system. The subject of this sentence is “the desire to read easily”(想顺利进行阅读的愿望).

  38. T T Article1_popwin_reality Language Points reality /l/: n.all that is real; quality or state of being real 现实,实际;真实,真实性 e.g. Don’t escape from reality. Face it. The reality is that we have barely enough food for three days. 不要逃避现实,要面对它。 现实是我们只有勉强够吃三天的食物。

  39. T T Article1_popwin_desire Language Points desire //: n.longing; strong wish 渴望;愿望 e.g. A strong desire is an essential requirement for success. You can tell him of your desire to go on the trip with him. 强烈的愿望是取得成功的必要条件。 你可以把和他一起去旅行的愿望告诉他。

  40. T T Article1_popwin_lead to Language Points lead to:have (sth.) as its result 导致 e.g. The high fever led to her blindness. Confidence and hard work will lead to success. 高烧导致她双目失明。 信心和努力工作会带来成功。

  41. T T T Article1_popwin_system Language Points system //: n.group of things or parts working together as a whole; set of ideas, theories, principles, etc. according to which sth. is done 系统;制度;体系 e.g. a computer system the city’s subway system the educational system of China 电脑系统 城市的地铁系统 中国的教育制度

  42. T T Article1_popwin_honor1 Language Points honor / /: 1. n.great (public) respect, good opinion, etc. shown to sb.; good character or reputation 崇敬;敬意;荣誉;名誉 e.g. Bill’s brave actions earned him great honor. We hold him in great honor. 比尔的勇敢行为为他赢得了极大的荣誉。 我们十分敬重他。

  43. T T T T Article1_popwin_honor2 Language Points 2. vt.show great respect or honor to 向…表示敬意;给…以荣誉 e.g. The Bible says that you should honor your father and mother. September 10 is Teacher’s Day in China. That day honors teachers. 《圣经》说你应该尊敬父母。 9月10日是中国的教师节。这一节日是向教师们表示敬意。 in honor of (used at the end of the text):out of respect for 出于对…的敬意 e.g. This holiday is celebrated in honor of the old. The school decided to build a new library in honor of its former headmaster. 这个节日是为敬老而设立的。 学校决定建一座新的图书馆来纪念他们的前任校长。

  44. Article1_popwin_S_we should… Language Points But we should also remember Louis and what he achieved by age 15. 我们还应该记住路易及其在15岁时取得的成就。 remember后有两个宾语:Louis 和 what he achieved by age 15。第二个宾语是 由 what 引导的名词性从句。

  45. Article1_popwin_Louis Language Points Louis Braille /  / 路易·布莱叶

  46. T T T T T Article2_popwin_S_Louis… Language Points Louis Braille was born on January 4, 1809, in France. 说某事发生在特定的某一天,用介词on来表示。in常用来表示某事发生的月份或年份,也用来指示事情发生的地点。 e.g. I’m leaving for Beijing on Monday. This year’s sports meeting will take place on April 2. It usually rains a lot in June. He was born in 1940. The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. 我周一去北京。 今年的运动会将在4月2日举行。 通常6月雨水很多。 他是1940年出生的。 2008年奥运会将在北京举办。

  47. Article2_popwin_France Language Points France / /法兰西,法国 Coupvray / /库普弗雷(法国城市)

  48. T T Article3_popwin_make out of Language Points make… out of…:produce… using… as material 用…制造出… e.g. What is ink made out of? They’ll make a first class doctor out of her. 墨水是用什么制造的? 他们要把她培养成第一流的医生。

  49. Article3_popwin_S_Imitating… Language Points Imitating his father, Louis tried to cut a piece of leather with a small knife. 路易学着父亲的样子,试着用小刀割一块皮革。 Imitating his father 是分词短语,用作状语。分词短语作状语时,它逻辑上的主语一般必须与句子的主语一致。课文中类似的用法还有:He made the alphabet using only six dots. (Para. 8)

  50. Article3_popwin_workshop Language Points workshop / /: n.车间;工场;作坊

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