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We adulterate our crops when we spray them with pesticides.

We adulterate our crops when we spray them with pesticides. Adulterate- Verb. To make worse by adding something of lesser value Synonym: contaminate. An ambidextrous pitcher is very valuable to a baseball team. Ambidextrous- adjective.

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We adulterate our crops when we spray them with pesticides.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. We adulterate our crops when we spray them with pesticides.

  2. Adulterate- Verb To make worse by adding something of lesser value Synonym: contaminate

  3. An ambidextrous pitcher is very valuable to a baseball team.

  4. Ambidextrous-adjective Able to use both hands equally well; very skillful Synonym: versatile

  5. Many families have to augmenttheir income with second jobs in order to pay their bills.

  6. augment-verb To make larger; to increase Synonym-to enlarge; to supplement

  7. People who live to be very old may find themselves bereft of friends and family.

  8. bereft-adjective Deprived of; made unhappy through a loss synonym-bereaved

  9. If you join the U.S. military, they may deploy you to Afghanistan.

  10. deploy- verb To position or to arrange; to form up Synonym- to station or to organzie

  11. The young man wore a dour expression when he found out he got fired.

  12. dour-adjective Unpleasant; gloomy Synonym-harsh

  13. The residents of Louisiana showed incredible fortitude during and after hurricane Katrina.

  14. fortitude-noun Courage in facing difficulties Synonym-resolve

  15. The hippo is famous for its ability to gape.

  16. gape-verb To stare with mouth open;to open the mouth wide in amazement, shock, awe Synonym:gawk

  17. Max threw a snowball at Dan because Dan was gibingMax about his snowpants

  18. gibe-verb/noun To say teasing or taunting words; the teasing words Synonym:to ridicule

  19. The thief didn't have a very good guise and the police quickly caught and arrested him.

  20. guise-noun External appearance, cover, mask Synonym-costume

  21. The investigators discovered the man had an insidious scheme to rob people of their life savings.

  22. insidious- adjective intended to deceive; sly;treacherous Synonym-cunning

  23. The boy was too shy to give any intimation about what was bothering him.

  24. Intimation-noun A hint, an indirect suggestion Synonym-clue, indication

  25. The tour guide showed us the opulent living quarters of the royal family.

  26. opulent-adjective wealthy; luxurious Synonym-rich

  27. Most erasers are pliable.

  28. pliable-adjective easily bent; flexible Synonym-supple

  29. Public safety officials find it necessary to reiterate warnings about not texting while driving.

  30. reiterate-verb to say again; repeat Synonym- to restate

  31. Stolid people tend to keep most things in stride, just like cats!

  32. Stolid-adjective not easily moved mentally or emotionally; unresponsive Synonym-impassive

  33. We circled April 15th as the tentative date for the party because we weren't sure if everyone could make it.

  34. Tentative-adjective uncertain, hesitant Synonym-inconclusive

  35. Tom's boss told him to do something about his unkempt appearance.

  36. unkempt-adjective Not tidy; not combed; not properly maintained Synonym-sloppy

  37. When you repeat something word for word, you are repeating it verbatim.

  38. Verbatim-adjective/adverb Word for word; exactly as is written or spoken Synonym-Adj: exact Adv: precisely

  39. It was late at night, and Angela warily walked home keeping her eye out for strangers.

  40. warily-adverb(wary-adjective) cautiously; with great care Synonym-carefully

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