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Fun with nouns!

O Gaudium !. Fun with nouns!. “Noun Family”?. DECLENSION. Identify? 1 st Declension 2 nd Declension 3 rd Declension Gen = -AE Gen = -I Gen = -IS. Aspects of Nouns. Case Number Gender. NO. Identify Gender. 1 st Declension 2 nd Declension 3 rd Declension Feminine

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Fun with nouns!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. O Gaudium! Fun with nouns!

  2. “Noun Family”? DECLENSION Identify? 1st Declension 2nd Declension 3rd Declension Gen = -AE Gen = -I Gen = -IS

  3. Aspects of Nouns Case Number Gender NO

  4. Identify Gender 1st Declension 2nd Declension 3rd Declension Feminine Masculine Memorize!

  5. 1st Declension Masculine Nouns Exceptional Exceptions

  6. Agricola Auriga Incola Nauta Pirata Poeta Farmer Charioteer Inhabitant Sailor Pirate Poet

  7. Agricola Auriga Incola Nauta Pirata Poeta

  8. PirataPoeta Agricola Auriga Incola Nauta

  9. Case Drill! • Nominative • Genitive • Dative • Accusative • Ablative • Vocative SUBJECT! “OF” “TO” “FOR” D.O. FROMBYWITH CALLING

  10. First Declension Feminine singular plural NOM. GEN. DAT. ACC. ABL. puella puellae puellae puellarum puellae puellīs puellam puellās puellā puellīs

  11. Second Declension Masculine singular plural NOM. GEN. DAT. ACC. ABL. servus servī servī servōrum servō servīs servum servōs servō servīs

  12. Third Declension Masc or Fem singular plural NOM. GEN. DAT. ACC. ABL. rex reges regis regum regi regibus regem reges rege regibus

  13. This slide intentionally left blank.


  15. Second Declension Neuter singular plural NOM. GEN. DAT. ACC. ABL. baculum bacula baculī baculōrum baculō baculīs baculum bacula baculō baculīs

  16. Neuter Rules!

  17. Neuter Rules—No Exceptions! Ever! NOMINATIVEand ACCUSATIVEforms are ALWAYSthe SAME! NOMINATIVEand ACCUSATIVEplural forms ALWAYSend in “A”!

  18. Second Declension Neuter singular plural NOM. GEN. DAT. ACC. ABL. baculum bacula baculī baculōrum baculō baculīs baculum bacula baculō baculīs

  19. Second Declension Neuter singular plural NOM. GEN. DAT. ACC. ABL. baculum bacula baculī baculōrum baculō baculīs baculum bacula baculō baculīs

  20. Third Declension Neuter singular plural NOM. GEN. DAT. ACC. ABL. onus onera oneris onerum oneri oneribus onus onera onere oneribus

  21. Third Declension Neuter singular plural NOM. GEN. DAT. ACC. ABL. onus onera oneris onerum oneri oneribus onus onera onere oneribus

  22. Third Declension Neuter singular plural NOM. GEN. DAT. ACC. ABL. onus onera oneris onerum oneri oneribus onus onera onere oneribus

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