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Investigating the Cusp at Multiple Altitudes

Investigating the Cusp at Multiple Altitudes. by W. Keith 1 , M. Goldstein 1 , D. Winningham 2 , M. Wilber 3 , A. Fazakerley 4 , H. Reme 5 , T. Fritz 6 , A. Balogh 7 and N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin 8. 1 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 692, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA

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Investigating the Cusp at Multiple Altitudes

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  1. Investigating the Cusp at Multiple Altitudes by W. Keith1, M. Goldstein1, D. Winningham2, M. Wilber3, A. Fazakerley4, H. Reme5, T. Fritz6, A. Balogh7 and N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin8 1 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 692, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA 2 Southwest Research Institute, P. O. Drawer 28510, San Antonio, TX 78228, USA 3 University of California, Space Science Laboratory 7450, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA 4 Mullard Space Science Lab, Holmbury St Mary, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 6NT, UK 5 CESR BP 4346, 9 Ave Colonel Roche, Cedex, Toulouse, 31029, France 6 Boston University, Ctr. Space Physics, 725 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215, USA 7 Imperial College Space and Atmospheric Physics group, The Blackett Laboratory, London, UK 8 CETP, 10-12 Ave de Europe, Velizy, 78140, France

  2. Crooker Antiparallel merging model results in a wedge-shaped Cusp that rotates with IMF By • Figure depicts northern polar cap (shaded) for pure (a) By and (b) - By • Edges map to neutral lines in opposite hemispheres • Most energetic particles towards the edges, least energetic in the center • Green satellite tracks will see a “double” or “V” cusp • Red satellite tracks will see normal cusp dispersion pattern

  3. Low-altitude DMSP “V” Cusp Crossing

  4. High-altitude Cluster-3 “V” Cusp Crossing

  5. High-altitude Cluster-1 turbulent “V” Cusp Crossing

  6. Cluster 1-4, RAPID/FGM/PEACE/STAFF

  7. OVT plot of Cluster positions in x-z GSE plane, time-shifted to cusp crossing times • Tracks represent position from 9:30 to 10:30 UT • Crossing times indicated next to markers • Spacecraft motion is northward

  8. Savin outer cusp region with possible satellite tracks for Cluster-1 and Cluster-3

  9. Conclusions/Future Work • Small-scale cusp feature consistently present for large IMF By • Consistent with Crooker wedge cusp and turbulent exterior cusp • Feature present over large altitude range with consistent scaling • Cluster differences may be spatial (altitude) rather than temporal • Confirm temporal stability of the mid-altitude features • Include remaining Cluster instruments in study (especially CODIF) • Find additional mid-altitude crossings for study • Attempt simultaneous multi-altitude (Cluster/DMSP) observations

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