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Investigating the Paranormal

Investigating the Paranormal. Northfield Township Library, October 26, 2013. What does paranormal mean?. Para – outside, beside, on the side of Normal – what one considers typical

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Investigating the Paranormal

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  1. Investigating the Paranormal Northfield Township Library, October 26, 2013

  2. What does paranormal mean? • Para – outside, beside, on the side of • Normal – what one considers typical • Paranormal is a word used to describe events that occur “outside the range of normal experience or scientific explanation”.

  3. So…what are ghosts? • Ghosts are the manifestation of the soul or the spirit of a person.

  4. Why do they remain?

  5. Traumatic or Violent Death • - automobile accidents • - sudden death • - suicide • - murder • - accidental death

  6. Unfinished Business • - direction to undiscovered items • - comfort loved ones • - desire to seek justice for crime • - watch over body

  7. Unaware they are dead

  8. Bound by grieving loved ones

  9. Forms Apparitions Take

  10. Orbs

  11. Drake House EVP

  12. Orbs

  13. Orbs

  14. Mist

  15. Shadow PeopleWaverly Hills

  16. Full-Bodied Apparition

  17. F.B.A.

  18. Close-up

  19. Analyzing evidence • Look at the following photograph. Analyze it carefully and we will discuss what you see.

  20. See the ghost behind her? You have to be really careful of photos like this! I took this picture of Kathy, the director of MPE, and edited in a spooky face with an app from my phone. It is so easy today to fake photos like this. Don’t be too quick to accept something like this as evidence.

  21. In this photo it looks like a ghostly spirit is swooping down over this guy’s head. Actually, this picture was taken in complete darkness, on a slow shutter speed. I moved the camera slightly, causing the reflection of my flash on the window to be dragged down into the photograph. This is not paranormal at all.

  22. Neither is this

  23. Analyzing evidence • Look at the following photograph. Analyze it carefully and we will discuss what you see.

  24. Pareidolia Did you see a face? It is just a sink. Pareidolia refers to the imagined perception of a pattern or meaning where it does not exist. Our brain seeks meaning and understanding. When your brain sees this picture and automatically picks out the eyes, nose and mouth of a face, that is pareidolia.

  25. Analyzing evidence

  26. Analyzing evidence

  27. Matrixing is a type of pareidolia – the brain’s tendancy to attempt to find things we recognize in what we are seeing and hearing, often assigning human forms or faces

  28. When you have a picture that may be paranormal, you have to examine it carefully and look for any logical explanation This picture was taken at the Regent Theater in Allegan in a back storage room. The room was completely dark. I noticed this shadow in the upper left corner when I looked at my display screen. So I took one step backward and snapped another picture.

  29. No shadow!!

  30. Then the investigation began. What could have caused this shadow? Were there any boxes or other things hanging overhead off shelves? Was there something else blocking light that could have cast the shadow? There was nothing overhead. If the shadow had shown up in further pictures, I could rule it out as being natural, not paranormal. But since I found no logical explanation, and I could not recreate it, I had to accept it as possible evidence.

  31. Areas of Paranormal Activity

  32. Cemeteries

  33. Battlefields

  34. Hospitals

  35. Museums

  36. Prisons

  37. Electronic Voice Phenomena

  38. Matrixing can also happen with audio.

  39. Didn’t hear it? I will tell you what I think is being said, and listen to it again. I bet you will hear it this time.

  40. Didn’t hear it? I will tell you what I think is being said, and listen to it again. I bet you will hear it this time. “The one that lives here”

  41. Reviewing audio • When reviewing audio I usually listen to a file three times. The first time I just listen intently. The second time I listen with a note pad, jotting down possible EVP and noting the time on the recording. The third time I listen to everything BUT the possible EVP. I listen to all the background noises to rule out any contamination. • Finally, I use the program Audacity to pull out just the section with the possible EVP. I call these “cutouts”. If I am unsure what a voice says, I will email it to a few friends or fellow investigators to have them listen. I don’t tell them what I think it says to prevent matrixing. If we all think the same thing is being said, that is pretty compelling evidence. If we can’t agree, I throw it out.

  42. Here are some evp that I captured on investigations. What do you think is being said? Allegan Lodge, ballroom. I am asking for spirits to turn on flashlight. Allegan Lodge, in basement. Spirit talking about Kathy. This clip was used for our segment on “My Ghost Story” Allegan Lodge, ballroom. We heard this male voice with our ears. Allegan Lodge, basement. Asking for a name.

  43. Here is what I think is being said Allegan Lodge, ballroom. I am asking for spirits to turn on flashlight. Allegan Lodge, in basement. Spirit talking about Kathy. This clip was used for our segment on “My Ghost Story” Allegan Lodge, ballroom. We heard this male voice with our ears. Allegan Lodge, basement. Asking for a name. The man asks for a name, and I hear a child clearly say, “George!” Notice that no one reacted to it…because we didn’t hear it. After I say “I barely touched it” there are two female voices. One says, “Let’s see!” and the other says, “Come on.” We were talking about Kathy, who was upstairs, and the voice says, “She’s been here all week.” Kathy had, in fact, been there most of the week helping the owner. I think the male voice says a name, “Jeff”.

  44. What do you think is being said? Cemetery in Kalamazoo. We were leaving as we heard some noises coming from the bushes. Jewish Cemetery. We were talking about the movie Schindler’s List. Jewish Cemetery. Asking if there was anyone with us. Funeral home, Kalamazoo. We noticed a chair that looked out of place, so the three of us were discussing if the chair had been in that spot or was moved. Listen when we stop talking. (Right around 14 sec)

  45. Here’s what I think is being said. Cemetery in Kalamazoo. We were leaving as we heard some noises coming from the bushes. Jewish Cemetery. We were talking about the movie Schindler’s List. Jewish Cemetery. Asking if there was anyone with us. Funeral home, Kalamazoo. We noticed a chair that looked out of place. A woman’s voice says, “Herr Schindler” which is Mr. Schindler in German. “It’s not her fault…Rachael Weissman” During a break in our conversation a voice says, “I have your attention.” A woman’s voice says, “Please stay here.”

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