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Gloria Dei – League City Beginning Multi-Site Ministry

Gloria Dei – League City Beginning Multi-Site Ministry. Texas District M2C Retreat May 6, 2008 Vince Parks, Executive Director Pastor Troy Schmidt. Gloria Dei’s Multi-Site Ministry I. What Is Multi-Site? II. Why Multi-Site for Gloria Dei? III. What did we do? IV. What’s Happening?

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Gloria Dei – League City Beginning Multi-Site Ministry

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  1. Gloria Dei – League CityBeginning Multi-Site Ministry Texas District M2C Retreat May 6, 2008 Vince Parks, Executive Director Pastor Troy Schmidt

  2. Gloria Dei’s Multi-Site Ministry I. What Is Multi-Site? II. Why Multi-Site for Gloria Dei? III. What did we do? IV. What’s Happening? V. What Have We Learned?

  3. I. What Is Multi-Site Ministry? Essentially one church meeting in multiple locations. Multi-site churches typically share a common: Vision Budget Leadership Board

  4. What size church goes multi-site?

  5. How do multi-sites build a "one church" identity?

  6. Where do multi-sites tend to meet?

  7. How do churches fund a multi-site vision?

  8. How do multi-sites track money?

  9. How do multi-sites configure the governance and decision making?

  10. How do multi-sites handle the preaching?

  11. How do off-sites handle nursery, children and youth?

  12. What Is Multi-Site Ministry? FAQ about Multi-site Churches Leadership Network In your packet

  13. II. Why Multi-Site Ministry for Gloria Dei? Great Commandment 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'[a] 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'[b] 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." (Matt. 22:37-40) Great Commission Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matt. 28:19-20)

  14. 2003 Vision 2010 Task Force Reaffirming Mission, Vision, and Values

  15. Mission (2003)Gloria Dei Lutheran Church • To reach out and help people experience a living relationship with Jesus Christ and His church through: dynamic worship, fervent prayer, vigorous study, loving care, and committed support (Acts 2:42-47).

  16. Sunday Morning Worship Attendance –in Chapel & Worship Center +5.3% +2.9% +6.9% +3.7% +7.3% +8.9% +9% +2.9% +7%

  17. Vision 2010 Outreach & Missions Continue mega-events, Arts, and seek to reach out beyond Gloria Dei with various ministries Facilities Fully utilize existing space and facilities, Community church-going needs are expected to exceed the projected capabilities at the Nassau Bay location by the 2010 timeframe. Therefore a team should be formed in 2003 to proactively explore the acquisition of land south of FM518 for the purpose of expanding the mission of Gloria Dei. The site choice should be guided by population growth forecasts and demographic information and specific use(s) of the site determined at a later date. Worship Maintain diversity of styles and add services as necessary.

  18. III. What did we do?

  19. Population Growth Forecasts & Demographic InformationGloria Dei Lutheran Church – League City Site Area Cities With 10,000 or More Residents City Population - Growth 1990-2000 Galveston 57,247 -4.0% League City 45,444 52.0% Texas City 41,521 1.7% Friendswood 29,037 27.3% Dickinson 17,093 13.6% La Marque 13,682 -2.4% Source: U.S. Census Bureau Clear Creek ISD

  20. Wal-Mart GDLC Wal-Mart Home Depot Home Depot Education Park ES #25 Wal-Mart Home Depot

  21. Discussion of Multi-Site Activities to Date June 30, 2005

  22. Wal-Mart GDLC Wal-Mart Home Depot Home Depot Education Park ES #25 GDLC Wal-Mart Home Depot

  23. Our timetable 2003 Vision 2010 Task Force 2004 Multi-Site Task Force 2005 Land Acquisition 2006 Search for Campus Pastor

  24. Our timetable 2003 Vision 2010 Task Force 2004 Multi-Site Task Force 2005 Land Acquisition 2006 Called first Campus Pastor Ministry Team Development Various Start-up/launch models considered 2007 Uh -oh

  25. 2007 @ gdlc • Transition ministry strategy • Completed transition to Policy Based Governance • Senior Pastor Call Committee • When God Opens the Door Capital Stewardship Campaign • Hosted PLI National Conference • PK-33 Celebrations • KidzSpace Ministry • Renovated facilities • Multi-site teams

  26. III. What did we do? Gloria Dei’s Multi-Site launch

  27. III. What did we do? Developed a framework for teams, including: Prayer Set-up/take-down Worship KidzSpace KidzLand Student Life First Impressions Administration Small Groups

  28. III. What did we do? (cont’d) Began a monthly Sunday evening leadership time – summer 07 Set launch – September 07 Postponed launch til January 20, 2008

  29. “Final Approach” to Launch Ministry in Community • Prayer Walked neighborhoods • 5th Sunday Food Drive Routes in neighborhoods • Teacher appreciation at Goforth Elementary (coffee, scones, classroom work) • League City Christmas Parade • Season to Serve

  30. External Communications • Connect Quarterly (32,000) • 3 postcard mailings (10,000 each, 2 week intervals) • 400 cable TV spots • 3 major billboards

  31. Launch- Gloria Dei Nassau BaySunday, January 20,2008

  32. Launch- Gloria Dei League CityJanuary 20, 2008

  33. Key Learnings, 11/06 • Evangelism is the #1 reason churches go multi-site. • Great strength in common vision, identity, leadership, governance, and financial systems. • Staffing is vital – particularly the role of Campus Pastor. • Harvest Field/Brand Value Analysis (in League City we have “brand”.) • Important to do lots of development work – don’t launch worship too soon.

  34. Key Learnings, 5/3/08 • Leadership is huge • Campus Pastor – or not? • If yes, raise up from within • High mobilization of lay leadership • Team delegation and empowerment

  35. Key Learnings, 5/3/08 • Bring your checkbook • Creating a quality experience • Sound • Video • Signage • Easy set-up system

  36. Key Learnings, 5/3/08 • Communication • Main campus needs to know what is going on • Multi-site needs to feel a part of the whole • Harder than we thought

  37. Key Learnings, 5/3/08 • Community Presence • Intentional deployment • relational • natural • Servant minded • in schools • service projects

  38. M2C ConferenceGloria Dei Lutheran ChurchOur Multi-site Experience Thank you for your partnership in ministry and for your attention this evening!

  39. Vince’s Bookshelf Bolman & Deal, Reframing Organizations, Artistry, Choice, and Leadership Francos, Team Zebra - How 1500 Partners Revitalized Eastman Kodak’s Black & White Film-Making Flow Badaracco, Leading Quietly – An Unorthodox Guide to Doing the Right Thing Kinnamon, Unchristian Kotter, The Heart of Change – Real Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations, also Our Iceberg Is Melting

  40. Vince’s Bookshelf Driscoll, The Radical Reformission – reaching out without selling out Tulgan, Managing Generation X - How to bring out the best in young talent, “excellent without stereotyping” Mancini, Church Unique, Henderson & Casper, Jim & Casper Go to Church, a must read for all staff McNeal, The Present Future – Six Tough Questions for the Church, must reading for staff, outstanding congregational forum presenter

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