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Acceleratori . Progetti futuri

This article provides an overview of the various future circular collider projects, including FCC-hh, FCC-ee, FCC-he, CEPC/SppC, and CLIC, highlighting their energy capabilities, potential advancements in collider technologies, and the importance of R&D for long-term goals.

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Acceleratori . Progetti futuri

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  1. Acceleratori. Progettifuturi Alessandro Variola INFN Roma1

  2. High Energy Colliders • Circular colliders: • FCC (Future Circular Collider) • FCC-hh: 100 TeV proton-proton cms energy, ion operation possible • FCC-ee: Potential intermediate step 90-350 GeV lepton collider • FCC-he: Lepton-hadron option • HE-LHC: Stronger magnets in LHC tunnel • CEPC / SppC(Circular Electron-positron Collider/Super Proton-proton Collider) • CepC : e+e- 90 - 240 GeVcms • SppC : pp 70 TeVcms • Linear colliders • ILC (International Linear Collider): e+e- 500 GeVcms energy, Japan considers hosting project • CLIC (Compact Linear Collider): e+e-380 GeV - 3 TeVcms energy, CERN hosts collaboration • Muon collider • Plasma acceleration in linear collider • Photon-photon collider • LHeC

  3. Hadrons

  4. Future Hadron Collider Parameters Future Collider Technologies, NIKHEF 2018

  5. Focus on High fieldMagnets (E=0,047 B C)

  6. Far future Lucio Rossi

  7. HTS for 100 TeV L.Rossi

  8. What I understand FCC /HE ok, a 14 T dipole for 24 TeVisfeasibleat the presenttechnology 16 T, Nb3Sn ..long way butneed a focus on the world R&D efforts Long term 100TeV – HTS, butagainneeds to focus Strategyisfundamental to define R&D

  9. Leptons

  10. Future lepton colliders projects • Linear colliders ILC - Superconductive, CLIC – Normal conductive Circular colliders Fcc-ee, CEPC High energy Super Tau Charm factory (BINP) Precision sector

  11. Luminosity vs Energy

  12. ILC SRF Accelerating Technology e+ Main Liinac Physics Detectors e+ Source Nano-beam Technology e- Main Linac Key Technologies TDR baseline 500

  13. 1980’ ~ : Basic Study ILC500 to ILC250 ‘13 2006 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ’17,18 ‘14 ‘16 ‘15 2004 ILC-GDE LCC TDR RDR) TDR Technical Design Phase ILC-250 LHC European XFEL SC Technology selected Progressing  LCLS-II S. Michizono and A. Yamamoto

  14. CLIC 3 TeV Layout CLIC at 3TeV Goal: Lepton energy frontier Drive Beam Generation Complex Stages at Ecms=0.38, 1.5 and 3TeV L=6x1034cm-2s-1 at 3TeV Beam power 30MW at 3TeV Main Beam Generation Complex

  15. STAGE 1- CLIC @380 GeV

  16. STATUS, 2012 CDR…….. CLIC aims to provide multi-TeV electron-positron collisions with high luminosity at affordable cost and power consumption CDR: Shows feasibility of 3 TeV design

  17. CLIC • Given high priority by European strategy • Conceptual design for 3 TeV (CDR exists), feasibility demonstrated, many components developed, staged approach starting at 380 GeV, which will follow physics findings • Project plan to be developed for 2019 • ILC • Japan might offer to be the host (decision process is ongoing since several years) • Quite mature (TDR exists) for 500 GeV, 250 GeV under discussion • DOES NOT SEEM TO BE THE PREFERRED WAY FOR NEXT PHYSICS

  18. Layout of FCC-ee collider A (IP) 30 mrad FCC-hh/ Booster L B 13.4 m 10.6 m 0.3 m • 2-ringe+e- collider, following FCC-hh footprint (apart from IPs) • 2 IPs with crab-waist scheme, large horizontal x-angle of 30 mrad. • Flexible optics design with common lattice for all energies • Top-up injection to maintain current/luminosity through a full-energy Booster synchrotron (same tunnel) • Synchrotron radiation power of 50 MW/beam at all energies. • Beamstrhalung dominated at high energy FCC-hh / Booster J (RF) D (RF) FCC-e- FCC-e+ F H G (IP) FCC-hh Y.Papaphilippou, K.Oide

  19. Parameters

  20. STATUS :Conceptual Design Report CDR summary volumes will be available by end 2018, as input for European Strategy Update 2019/20 M. Benedikt

  21. CEPC - Main parameters

  22. Layout and parameters e– main ring detector e+main ring e+e– linac e–injector e+ damping ring e+ injector P.Piminov

  23. LeptonColliders are possible!

  24. Others

  25. No limits for new ideasLepton colliders are also the pillars of others futuristic projects so a minimal effort should always be in place g-g colliders based on linear colliders Muon colliders based on FCC ee Plasma colliders based on linear colliders Needs work on frep!!!

  26. Muon Collider Concept Muon are heavy so they emit little synchrotron radiation But they do not live very long Produce them, cool them quickly and let them collide in a small ring

  27. Focus Coils MICE Tracking Spectrometer RFCavities Liquid Hydrogen Absorbers Fiber Tracker Under construction Has tested transverse emittance reduction (0.1% accuracy) Single particle experiment http://www.mice.iit.edu/ Linda Coney, UCR Future Collider Technologies, NIKHEF 201

  28. Mu colliders, ESS and neutrino superbeam HIGH INTENSITY FRONTIER C.Rubbia

  29. New INFN Proposal: Low Emittance Muon Source direct m pair production: e+em+m- just above them+m-production threshold with minimal muon energy spread, with direct annihilation of 45GeV e+with atomic e- in a thin target very small emittance at m production point! e- gun linac m- AR to fast acceleration AMD TT Goal e+ T very low emittance, sufficient rate normalized muon emittance eN= 40 nm muon production rate at target 1011 m/s allows competitive luminosity at low fluxes Advantages: Low emittance possible:can be very small close to threshold Low background: Luminosity thanks to low emittance → easier experiments conditions, can go up in energy Reduced losses from decay:mproduced with high boost Energy spread: muon energy spread also small at threshold Disadvantage:rate: much smaller swrtprotons (mb) AR m+ e+ e+ Linac or Booster (not to scale) Key topics for feasibility • Low emittance and high momentum acceptance 45 GeV e+ ring • O(100 kW) class target in the e+ ring for m+ m- production • High rate positron source • High momentum acceptance muon accumulator rings Possible scheme M.Boscolo

  30. Plasma acceleration

  31. Plasma acceleration

  32. Photon collider

  33. Leptons ready HadronsR&D, focused, path to engineeringdefined Plasma and muons R&D, path to engineeringnotdefined. Muon collider design impose constraints. Plasma ? Photonssharingpart of R&D with plasma and leptons Thankyou

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