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Development towards work

Development towards work. UMA shows the way in and the way out. Development towards work in its own pace. UMA is an ESF project that collaborates between associate organisations, employers and public authorities in Stockholm region Alma Folk High School is the project owner

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Development towards work

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  1. Development towards work

  2. UMA shows the way in and the way out.Development towards work in its own pace. UMA is an ESF project that collaborates between associate organisations, employers and public authorities in Stockholm region Alma Folk High School is the project owner Between February 2012- June 2014

  3. Idea? UMA project is based on the thought that employment gives people social contacts outside the home and enable structure and independence The idea has developed from previous experience in Livsval, an ESF project 2009-2011 Good results with participants that feel less social isolation and better conditions to seek, get or keep an employment

  4. Time - a factor for success The process must be done slowly and individually adapted Important with cooperation between organisations and public authorities

  5. Primary target group The project are pointed at people between the age of 16-64 and who are far from the labour market All long-term sick people and unemployed with predominant difficulties to reach the labour market in Stockholm region constitute a ground for the participant group 540 participants should get offered UMA- working place where both the participant and employer get support

  6. Further important target groups The project works with strategic lobbying to change attitudes and try to widen the labour market by creating support structures for the creation of social enterprises Experience shows that there are problems with structures that prevents collaboration and that complicates for the individual to get a job. Therefore employers, collaborating partners, public authorities, representatives for the social economy, and politicians are important target groups.

  7. Output target 50% of the participants shall be self supported to 100% of hers/his capacity one year after the individuals completion of the project

  8. Supporting team UMAs working method is to create supporting team. Every participant get offered a coach and a UMA- working place for her/ his personal development. The project also offers different activities that strive to meet the individual needs that the different participants requires for her/his rehabilitation and motivation to develop towards work.

  9. Working process A remittancegroup is responsible for recruiting and enrolment of participants and to match coaches to the participants An action plan draws up regarding the individuals need and abilities at the enrolment. This plan is followed up continuously. Scheduled activities and courses are planned, evaluated and developed continuously Every participant get offered a UMA-place after latest 6 months

  10. Coaches and UMA-workplace UMA-coaches work with Supported Employment, a method for rehabilitation for work focused rehabilitation An UMA workplace is a first step, a take-off toward work that can lead to an employment on the actual company. Examples of UMA-workplaces is within public and non-profit sector, in a social cooperative or on a private company An UMA workplace is individual fitted for the participant regarding interest, skills and the needs that the person requires for developing towards work

  11. Coaches and UMA workplace The UMA coach gives the support the participant needs in order to get started on the working place. The employer assist with a supervisor. The UMA project gives the employer support in its role and possibilities to take part in seminars in relevant subjects for the projects target position. An UMA workplace is recognized of a supporting team, a collaboration in dialogue between the participant, coach and employer. The target is that both participant and employer should experience added values that has been created by participating in the UMA project.

  12. UMA -activities The activities within the UMA project strive to target the individual needs that the different participants have for rehabilitation and/or competence development. The activities are motivating and enriched with focus on improved daily structure and social relations. There is also activities with psychiatric and psychological treatment.

  13. Activity programme There is a range of 50 different activities. The program is continuously updated in order to be suited to different needs and wishes for the participants. • Relaxing physical activities • Rehabilitating activities • Discussion • Singing • Computer • Language • Competence development activities

  14. Co-financers So far participates: Stockholm City Council with four local council administrations • Skärholmen • Farsta • Kungsholmen-Norrmalm-Östermalm • Enskede-Årsta-Vantör Also participates: • EnhetenFörHemlösa (Unit for the Homeless) • Södertälje Municipality • Social Insurance Office

  15. UMA contact Projektledare Rebekka Dominique rebekka.dominique.alma@folkbildning.net, (+46) 072 - 158 41 29 Ansvarig, Inremitteringsgrupp/coacher Birgit Off birgit.off.alma@folkbildning.net, 073-821 75 31 UMA-platsansvarig Jonas Ahlbom jonas.ahlbom.alma@folkbildning.net, 070-165 51 65 Medfinansieringsansvarig Terje Dilkestad terje@dilkestad.se 070-228 10 99 Aktivitetsansvarig Anna Freiman anna.freiman.alma@folkbildning.net, 0721–58 41 55 Fortsättning nästa sida

  16. UMA contact Ekonom Anna Ribbing anna.ribbing.alma@folkbildning.net Ekonomiassistent Åsa Blomberg asa.blomberg.alma@folkbildning.net, 0738 – 21 82 23 Projektledarassistent Malin Lindmark malin.lindmark.alma@folkbildning.net, 0722 – 93 84 75 Informationsansvarig Lotta Trosell lotta.trosell.alma@folkbildning.net, 0721- 58 41 33 Projektägare: Alma folkhögskola, Besöksadress: Årstaängsvägen 31 J, 6tr, Liljeholmen Postadress: Box 47099, 100 74 Stockholm Telefon/växel:08 - 462 11 00

  17. Collaborating partners UMA project collaborates with organisations that have coaches and activities around the county

  18. Riksförbundet Attention är en intresseorganisation för människor med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar (NPF)såsom: • ADHD • Aspergers syndrom • Tourettes syndrom • Språkstörningar • OCD Vi arbetar för att de barn, ungdomar och vuxna som finns bakom diagnoserna ska bli bemötta med respekt och få det stöd de behöver i skolan, på arbetsmarknaden och på fritiden. Läs mer på: http://www.attention-riks.se/

  19. FAS, FÖRÄNDRINGSARBETARNASTOCKHOLM är ett arbetskooperativ bestående av samhälls- och sociala entreprenörer som vill vara delaktiga i förändringar som gäller syn på missbruk, kriminalitet, fattigdom och utanförskap, på såväl samhällelig- som individuell nivå. Läs mer på: http://forandringsarbetarna.se/wordpress/

  20. Hela Människan i Stockholms län är en del av Svenska kyrkans och de traditionella frikyrkornas sociala arbete. Vi vill ge stöd till människor som befinner sig i en utsatt livssituation och vill vara resurs, både operativt och förebyggande. Läs med på: http://www.helamanniskanistockholmslan.se/

  21. Musketörerna i Rågsved vill bryta utanförskapet och skapa förhållanden och livsomständigheter som präglas av gemensamhet, delaktighet och ansvarstagande. Organisationen vill använda sin kunskap och erfarenhet av många års hård och svår kamp till att förändra och skapa möjligheter för ett värdigt och anständigt liv. Läs mer på: http://www.musketorerna.se/

  22. RFHL Stockholm är ett förbund av föreningar och medborgare som tillsammans verkar för ett samhälle utan missbruk och beroende. Samhället tar inte sitt ansvar för att bekämpa fattigdom och utanförskap. Istället väljer man att satsa stora pengar på att kontrollera bort dessa problem. Resultatet är fängelser fulla av fångar men tömda på meningsfullt innehåll. Läs mer på: http://rfhl.se/

  23. IOGT-NTO Södertälje har en vision med ett samhälle, en värld, där droger inte hindrar människor att leva ett fritt och rikt liv. Vi menar att alkohol och andra droger är ett hinder för individens utveckling och för samhällsutvecklingen i stort, och därför vill vi på olika sätt tränga tillbaka bruket av alkohol och narkotika. Läs mer på: http://torekalla.se/

  24. www.alma.fhsk.se/uma https://www.facebook.com/umaprojektet Read more about UMA!

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