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Records identified through database searching n = 796

Records identified through database searching n = 796. Identification. Records after duplicates removed n = 606. Records excluded from title and abstract screening n = 450. Records screened n = 606. Screening. Full-text articles assessed for eligibility n = 156.

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Records identified through database searching n = 796

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  1. Records identified through database searchingn = 796 Identification Records after duplicates removedn = 606 Records excluded from title and abstract screening n = 450 Records screened n = 606 Screening Full-text articles assessed for eligibility n = 156 Full-text articles excluded, with reasons n = 125 Gialamas, SP, et al. Unpublished data Eligibility Articles meeting the eligibility criteria n = 32 Articles excluded due to overlap n = 4 Articles (studies) included in quantitative synthesis (meta-analysis)n = 28 (31) Included Studies on colorectal cancer (n = 25) Studies on colorectal adenoma (n = 6)

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