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Strategic Planning Retreat

Strategic Planning Retreat. College Effectiveness Council February 13, 2008, 1-4 CWL Seminar Room C. Agenda. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) - Update Revisit vision & philosophy Break Revisit mission & goals. Outcome: CEC will ensure.

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Strategic Planning Retreat

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  1. Strategic Planning Retreat College Effectiveness Council February 13, 2008, 1-4 CWL Seminar Room C

  2. Agenda • Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) - Update • Revisit vision & philosophy • Break • Revisit mission & goals

  3. Outcome: CEC will ensure • The mission statement is current and comprehensive, accurately guides the institution’s operations, is periodically reviewed and updated, is approved by the governing board, and is communicated to the institution’s constituencies, CS 3.1.1.

  4. Students Are Central to Success (SACS) • Process Timeline • Underlying Principle – Integrity & Focus on Student Learning and Success • Compliance Certification • Strategic Planning Online • Faculty Credentialing Task Force • Quality Enhancement Plan

  5. SACS Process, www.sacscoc.org

  6. It’s a New Process – Mind Shift • It’s not about teaching, it’s about learning • It’s not about activities, it’s about results • It’s not about inputs & outputs, it’s about outcomes • It’s not about grades, it’s about what the student can demonstrate • It’s not about us, it’s about our students • It’s not about me, it’s about us • It’s not about MUST, it’s about integrity and doing the right thing to improve student learning • It’s not about if we do it, it’s about can we prove it

  7. Compliance Certification • New Process: 83 principle statements & less than 100 pp + supporting links • Core Requirements and Comprehensive Standards • Per Dr. Belle Wheelan, CS evidenced to be most challenging (3) • Average 14 non-compliance

  8. Institutional Effectiveness CS 3.3, http://ncahlc.org/download/AssessMatrix03.pdf • Institutional-wide Planning and Assessment (per Wheelan, the biggest challenge) • Exemplary Educational Outcomes & Institutional Learning Outcomes • Student Engagement – CCSSE/CCFSSE, SENSE, www.ccsse.org • Course-level Assessment of Learning Objectives, http://www.idea.ksu.edu/StudentRatings/SRdescription.html • National Benchmark Graduate exit exam of Learner-centered outcomes • Balanced Scorecard of key performance indicators • National Benchmark licensure exams for Work Force and Technical Programs • Strategic Planning Online, www.strategicplanningonline.com • Integrated planning, budgeting, and accreditation • Upgrades in April – Assessment and Program Review • Implementation & Training, http://faculty.ircc.edu/edp/, Feb 25-26, Mar 25-26, Erin Bell, Indian River Community College • Online Documentation – “culture of evidence”

  9. Faculty Credentialing CS 3.7 • Best Practice – College of Charleston, https://drake.cofc.edu/compliance_standards/3_7_1.html • Task Force led by Dr. Jeanie Hardin • Systematic online and permanent file documentation

  10. Finances CS 3.10 • Per Wheelan, the issue has been related to how institutions report how they spend their money (balanced budget)

  11. Assessment Measures by Benchmarking - DRAFT

  12. GCC Quality Enhancement Plan – 75 pp + 25 pp Supporting Documents • Includes broad-based institutional process identifying key issues from assessment • Focuses on student learning • Demonstrates institutional capability for the initiation, implementation, and completion • Includes broad-based involvement of institutional constituencies in development and proposed QEP • Identified goals and a plan to assess achievement of the QEP

  13. SACS 2008

  14. College Effectiveness Council (Strategic) Vision Philosophy/Values Mission Goals Goal Teams (Tactical) Objectives Measurement Target Actual Strategy Budget College Effectiveness Council Strategic Planning Retreat

  15. Strategic Definitions • Vision • Clear statement of where GCC is headed • Philosophy • What are GCC’s core values? • Mission • Statement of the reason GCC exists • Goals • What we must do to accomplish our mission

  16. Tactical Definitions • Objectives • Specific statements of accomplishments within a specific time frame • Measurement • A standard used to evaluate and communicate performance against expected results • Target • Benchmark • Actual • Where you are now • Strategy • How GCC moves toward its vision, mission, and goals • Budget • How much it will cost to implement this strategy

  17. Vision – Clear statement of where GCC is headed • St. Luke’s Hospital – The best place to get care, the best place to give care • ______ College will be the best place to learn, teach, and build sustainable local and world community. • GCC vision – GCC, seeking to be a premier regional community college, is committed to providing personal and community development through superior learner-centered education services. • Construct one simple powerful statement that says where GCC is headed. • Litmus test: Can all employees find a way to embrace and contribute to the vision?

  18. Philosophy – What are GCC’s Core Values? • GCC’s Current Philosophy or Values: • Grayson County College, as the community's college, embraces lifelong learning • focused on educational, cultural, social and public service activities designed to • tangibly enrich the individual and our community. • Does our current philosophy clearly identify GCC’s values? • Litmus test: Can all employees easily identify with this philosophy or values? • Jot down at least 3 values that you think reflect GCC’s philosophy?

  19. Mission – Statement of the reason GCC exists • The mission of _____College is teaching, learning, community building. • GCC, recognizing the interdependence with various communities, is committed to meeting lifelong learning needs through learner-centered instruction and services that promote economic development and cultural enrichment • Construct one simple powerful statement that says why GCC exists. • Litmus test: Can all employees find a way to embrace and contribute to the mission?

  20. Goals – What we must do to accomplish our mission? • The strategic planning priority goals of _____ College are to: • Identify and meet community educational needs • Enable all students to succeed • Enable all employees to succeed • Ensure institutional effectiveness • GCC Institutional goals: • Meet the current and future educational needs of a diverse population • Increase and maximize the use of the resources of the College • Maximize enrollment • Attract and retain quality faculty, staff, and administration • Provide a supportive learning environment • To be perceived as an excellent institution of higher education • On what areas should we focus to accomplish our mission? • Construct one simple powerful statement for each area • Litmus Test: Can all employees find a way to embrace and contribute to each goal?

  21. Vision and Philosophy Activity 5 groups • Discuss your vision and philosophy within your group • Find consensus • Each group leader share your group’s vision and philosophy with the entire CEC: write on flip chart and explain its importance

  22. Mission and Goals Activity 5 groups • Discuss your mission and goals within your group • Find consensus • Each group leader share your mission and goals with the entire CEC: write on flip chart and explain its importance

  23. Follow-up • Board Retreat – Tuesday, Feb 19, share CEC recommendations for vision, philosophy, mission, and goals • Tentatively, appoint a task force to refine GCC planning documents and statements • Next CEC Meeting – Tuesday, May 13, 1-4 (Reports from Goal Teams) tentative • May 13 will not work, move it up to April

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