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Strongly Coupled matter: the quark-gluon plasma and beyond

Strongly Coupled matter: the quark-gluon plasma and beyond. Edward Shuryak Department of Physics and Astronomy University at Stony Brook Stony Brook NY 11794 USA. Other examles Strongly coupled QED plasma, Epot>>T Cold trapped atoms with the scattering length a=>infinity

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Strongly Coupled matter: the quark-gluon plasma and beyond

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  1. Strongly Coupled matter: the quark-gluon plasma and beyond Edward Shuryak Department of Physics and Astronomy University at Stony Brook Stony Brook NY 11794 USA Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  2. Other examles • Strongly coupled QED plasma, Epot>>T • Cold trapped atoms with the scattering length a=>infinity • N=4 SUSY YM theory at strong coupling • g^2 Nc>>1, related to a 10d (super)gravity in weak coupling via AdS/CFT correspondence Outline : Why is QGP strongly coupled?: • Reduced scale => enhanced QCD coupling (naïve) • Hydro works well at RHIC, QGP seem to have remarkably small viscosity • Lattice =>large potentials • ``New spectroscopy” many bound states at T>Tc Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  3. Outline –new ideas • Conical flow in sQGP from quenched jets • Jet quenching is not all radiative: collisional and that due to``ionization” of new bound states • New spectroscopy of sQGP • Multiple bound states, 90% of them colored, explain several puzzles related to lattice results, e.g.: • Why charmonium survives? • Presuure puzzle: How rather heavy quasiparticles can create high pressure already at T= 1.5-2 Tc? Vectors in QGP and dileptons: Bound states (,,) at T>Tc plus a near-threshold bumpcan tell us what are thequasiparticle masses and interaction strength in QGP (Jorge Casalderrey +ES) Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  4. Digression: One may have an absolutely correct theory and stillmake accidental discoveries… Columbus believed if he goes west he should eventually come to India But something else was on the way… We believed if we increase the energy density, we should eventually get weakly interacting QGP. But something else was found on the way…

  5. New QCD Phase Diagram, which includes ``zero binding lines”(ES+I.Zahed hep-ph/030726) LHC land T The lines marked RHIC and SPS show the adiabatic cooling paths Kolkata 05, Shuryak Chemical potential B

  6. A bit about geography, RHIC, and its findings Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  7. This is where our pump is:RHIC: a view from space • A dedicated collider for • Heavy ion collisions, AuAu 100+100 GeV/N • Polarized pp, • 250+250 GeV Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  8. One of the first RHIC events at STAR detector, The average multiplicity at AuAu 200 GeV/N Is about 5000 Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  9. Many measurements (up to high pT!)from all 4 detectors Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  10. RHIC found a ``little bang”: • Partciles are produced from matter which seems to be well equilibrated (by the time it is back in hadronic phase), N1/N2 =exp(-(M_1-M_2)/T) • Very robust collective flows were found (unexpectedly for many), indicating very strong interaction even at early time of about 1/2 fm/c • Even quarks and gluons with high energy (jets) do not fly away freely but are mostly (up to 90%) quenched (absorbed by the matter) Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  11. Hydrodynamics is simple! The main assumption: l << L (the micro scale) << (the macro scale) (the mean free path) << (system size) (relaxation time) << (evolution duration) Local Energy-momentum conservation: Conserved number: • Dynamic Phenomena • Expansion, Flow • Space-time evolution of • thermodynamic variables Caveat: Why and when the equilibration takes place is a tough question to answer

  12. p/e(e) = EoS along fixed nB/s lines (Hung,ES,hep-ph/9709264).:QGP pressore is balanced by the vacuum p=p(QGP)-B Relativisitc QGP => A gas of Relativistic pions => <= RHIC The softest point Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  13. Magdeburg hemispheres 1656 • We cannot pump the QCD vacuum out, but we can pump in something else, namely the Quark-Gluon Plasma • QGP was looked at as a much simpler thing, to be described by pQCD. We now see it is also quite complicated matter, sQGP…

  14. How Hydrodynamics Works at RHIC: radial and elliptic flows Explosion goes in all directions Radial and especially Elliptic flow The red almond-shaped region is where the dense matter is. Yellow region shows “spectators” which fly by without interaction The so called “jet tomography” of the initial shape of the matter Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  15. Elliptic Flow vs pt and system size STAR, PRC66(’02)034904 PHENIX, PRL91(’03)182301. Hydro: P.Huovinen et al.(’01) • See recent reviews, • P.Huovinen (QM2002) , nucl-th/0305064; • P.Kolb and U.Heinz, nucl-th/0305084; • E.Shuryak, hep-ph/0312227 Hydro: P.Kolb et al.(’99) (Note: Hydro+RQMD gives a better description. D.Teaney et al.(’01)) Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  16. Sonic boom from quenched jets?(J.Casalderrey, ES, D.Teaney) • We suggest that the energy deposited by jets into liquid-like strongly coupled QGP must go into conical shock waves, similar to the well known sonic boom from supersonic planes. We use relativistic hydrodynamics to work out a flow picture related with these shocks. Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  17. Sonic boom from quenched jets?(J.Casalderrey,ES,D.Teaney) flow of matter normal to the Mach cone seems to be observed! See data from STAR, M.Miller, QM04 Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  18. Viscosity of QGP is very low! QGP at RHIC seem to be about the most ideal fluid known water would not flow if only a drop with 1000 molecules be made :Sound attenuation length D.Teaney(’03) Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  19. Very large cross sections are needed to reproduce the magnitude of v2! Huge cross sections!! Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  20. How to get 50 times pQCD s? • ``New spectroscopy”: not all hadronic States mets at T>Tc • Resonance enhancements (Zahed and ES,2003) for MARGINAL STATES • Huge cross section due to resonance enhancement causes elliptic flow of trapped Li atoms Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  21. 3 more strongly coupled systems • Cold trapped atoms in Feshbach resonance (a=>1) • Strongly coupled N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills and Ads/CFT • Classical plasma with =(Ze)2/RT>>1 is a very good liquid, up to 300, with minimal viscosity at » 10 Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  22. The coolest thing on Earth, T=10 nK or 10^(-12) eV can actually produce a Micro-Bang ! • Elliptic flow with ultracold trapped Li6 atoms, a=> infinity regime • The system is extremely dilute, but can be put into a hydro regime, with an elliptic flow, if it is specially tuned into a strong coupling regime via the so called Feshbach resonance • Although the cross section changes by huge (» 106) factor, the EoS is only changed by (once again!) 20%! • We extracted viscosity from recent data on oscillation damping Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  23. Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  24. Smooth transition from fermi (BCS) to bose (BEC)(A.Legett,1985) • The main variable x=1/apF X<<-1 Weakly attractive, molecular bound states Which at zero energy is Bose-condensed X>>1 Fermi side, Attraction only near fermi surface BCS and Cooper pairs X close to 0 The Feshbach Resonance, Here we expect the strongly coupled liquid

  25. The r-mode: The curves: hydro with the same EoS, Agrees with Duke results but not Insbrook one, some ocasional resonance? Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  26. Hydro works up to 1000 oscillations! The z mode agrees with hydro (red star) at resonance, with the universal EoS Viscosity has a strong minimum there B.Gelman, ES,I.Zahed nucl-th/0410067 /HBAR n = .5+- .3 is reached at the experimental minimum. About as perfect as sQGP! Is it indeed a quantum viscosity? Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  27. Now we are ready to move to N=4 SUSY YM at finite T • Why this theory? • Copling does not run and can be large (or small) at all distances. • AdS/CFT correspondence!!! Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  28. potential in strong coupling via AdS/CFT correspondence(UNEXPECTED HELP FROM STRING THEORISTS…) Kolkata 05, Shuryak MDebye» T (Rey et al)

  29. QCD vs CFT: The famous 0.8 Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  30. QCD vs CFT: Viscosity • /s» .1-.3 in QCD at RHIC (Teaney) • It is /s=1/4 (Son et al) in CFT at infinite coupling  Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  31. Light bound states exist for any coupling (Zahed and ES, 2003, the formula is from Darwin, Gordon, 1928) Kolkata 05, Shuryak Effective coupling=g2 N(colors)

  32. A complete ``gravity dual” for RHIC from 10-d GR? • Black Holes + Howking rad. Is used to mimic the finite T • If black hole is produced, it can be calculated from GR (tHooft … Nastase) • Entropy production => black hole formation, falling into it is viscosity • Moving brane => hydro expansion (ES,Sin,Zahed, in progress) Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  33. Classical QED plasma • (ze)^2/aT>>1 is a strongly coupled regime: e.g. molted solts • Molecular dynamics of 1970’s found that diffusion is going down but viscosity reaches a minimum when this param.is about 10 and then grow toward a ``glass” and finally a solid (at param. about 300) Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  34. Back to sQGP:``New spectroscopy” Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  35. charmonium as an example • Since Matsui-Satz and subsequent papers it looked like even J/,c dissolves in QGP (thus it was a QGP signal) • And yet recent works (Asakawa-Hatsuda,Karsch et al) have found, using correlators and MEM, that they survive up to about T=2Tc . What was wrong? Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  36. New potentials (cont):after the entropy term is subtracted,potentials become much deeper this is how potential I got look like for T = 1; 1.2; 1.4; 2; 4; 6; 10Tc, from right to left, from ES,Zahed hep-ph/0403127 Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  37. the bound states in QGP should not be colorless!ES+I.Zahed, hep-ph/0403127 • In QGP there is no confinement => Hundreds of colored channels may have bound states as well! Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  38. The pressure puzzle is resolved! p/pSB vs T/Tc Mass/Tc vs T/Tc Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  39. Dileptons from sQGP: the main idea Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  40. Asakawa-Hatsuda, T=1.4Tc Karsch-Laerman, T=1.5 and 3 Tc Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  41. Study of near-endpoint annihilation rateusing non-rel. Green function, for lattice-based potential (+ instantons) Im(M) for T=1… 2 Tc Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  42. QGP as a “matter” in the usual sense, not a bunch of particles, has been produced at RHIC It shows very robust collective flow. The EoS is as expected and the expected vacuum pressure is observed. QGP seems to be the most ideal fluid known eta/s about .1 <<1 All of this hints that QGP at RHIC is in a strong coupling regime Stong analogies with other strongly coupled systems – atomic and field theory (AdS/CFT) ones, plus classical strongly coupled plasma Conclusions Kolkata 05, Shuryak

  43. Additional slides Kolkata 05, Shuryak

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