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Robert Campin , Merode Altarpiece(open), 1425 EARLY NORTHERN RENAISSANCE

Robert Campin , Merode Altarpiece(open), 1425 EARLY NORTHERN RENAISSANCE. Titian. Venus of Urbino. 1538. Oil on canvas. HIGH ITALIAN RENAISSANCE. Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, c 359. EARLY CHRISTIAN. Michelangelo , Creation of Man, 1508-1512 HIGH ITALIAN RENAISSANCE.

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Robert Campin , Merode Altarpiece(open), 1425 EARLY NORTHERN RENAISSANCE

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  1. Robert Campin,Merode Altarpiece(open),1425EARLY NORTHERN RENAISSANCE

  2. Titian.Venus of Urbino. 1538. Oil on canvas. HIGH ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  3. Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus,c 359. EARLY CHRISTIAN

  4. Michelangelo,Creation of Man, 1508-1512HIGH ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  5. Hans Holbein the YoungerHenry VIII (King of England), 1540Oil on Wood. HIGH GERMAN RENAISSANCE

  6. Titian.Bacchus and Ariadne. 1520-1522. Oil on canvas.HIGH ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  7. The Palette of King Narmer Hierakonpolis, Egypt, Early Dynastic 3000-2920 BC

  8. Giotto Madonna Enthroned ca. 1310. LATE GOTHIC /PROTO-RENAISSANCE

  9. Raphael,Sistine Madonnac.1513-1514. HIGH ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  10. Albrecht Durer Adam And Eve, Engraving, 1504. HIGH GERMAN RENAISSANCE

  11. Raphael Cowper Madonnac1505 HIGH ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  12. Il Gesu, 1550s. MANNERISM

  13. Masaccio Holy Trinity Santa Maria Novella, Florence, Italy ca. 1428 EARLY ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  14. Raphael,The School of Athens, 1511, Fresco, Stanza della Segnatura. HIGH ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  15. Kritios Boy ca. 480 BCE Early Classical Greek

  16. Sarcophagus from Cerveteri. C520 BCE 6’7” in length. ETRUSCAN

  17. Laocoön & His Sons ca. Early 1st century AD HELLENISTIC PERIOD

  18. Stele of Hammurabi BABYLONIAN c. 1780 BCE

  19. Pieter Bruegel the ElderThe Hunters In the Snow. 1565. Oil on panelHIGH NETHERLANDISH RENAISSANCE

  20. Rogier Van Der Weyden, Deposition,1435 EARLY NORTHERN RENAISSANCE

  21. Tintoretto,The Last Supper, 1592-94, Oil on Canvas.HIGH REN / MANNERISM

  22. Michelangelo,David 1501-1504 HIGH ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  23. Jan Van Eyck, Ghent Altarpiece (closed), 1432, Saint Bavo Cathedral, Ghent, Belgium EARLY NORTHERN RENAISSANCE

  24. Albrecht DurerFour Horsemen of the Apocolypse, Woodcut, 1498. HIGH GERMAN RENAISSANCE

  25. Leonardo Da Vinci“Mona Lisa” ca. 1503-1505. Oil on wood, Louvre, Paris. HIGH ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  26. Leonardo Da Vinci, “Last Supper”ca. 1495-1498. Fresco HIGH ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  27. Hans Holbein the YoungerThe (French) Ambassadors, 1533. HIGH GERMAN RENAISSANCE

  28. Albrecht DurerSelf-Portrait, c1500. HIGH GERMAN RENAISSANCE

  29. Masaccio,Tribute Money, Brancacci Chapel, Florence, Italy, ca. 1427 EARLY ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  30. Raphael,The School of Athens, 1511, Fresco, Stanza della Segnatura.HIGH ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  31. Hans Holbein the YoungerGerman Merchant, 1532, Oil on Wood. HIGH GERMAN RENIASSANCE

  32. Leonardo da Vinci,“Portrait of Ginerva Benci”Oil on Wood, 1474-76. HIGH ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  33. Menkaure and Khamerernebty Gizeh, Egypt Dynasty IV, ca 2490-2472 BC OLD KINGDOM EGYPTIAN

  34. Gudea of Lagash 2141-2122 B.C.Neo-Sumerian period

  35. PolykleitosDoryphoros (The ‘Spear-Bearer’) 440 BCE HIGH CLASSICAL GREEK

  36. Hieronymus BoschGarden of Earthly Delights (Triptych). c.1510. Oil on panel.HIGH NETHERLANDISH RENAISSANCE

  37. Aphrodite (of Melos) Melos, Greececa. 150-125 BC HELLENISTIC PERIOD

  38. Simone Martini,Annunciation, 1333.LATE GOTHIC / PROTO-RENAISSANCE

  39. Matthias Grunewald, Isenheim altarpiece, 1515.HIGH GERMAN RENAISSANCE

  40. Cimabue Madonna and Child Enthroned Tempera and Gold on Wood 1280 LATE GOTHIC / PROTO-RENAISSANCE

  41. Andrea Mantegna,Calvary, 1457-60. EARLY ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  42. Duccio, “Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints”Principle panel of the Maesta alterpiece, from the Siena Cathedra, Siena, Italy, 1308-1311 Tempra on wood panelLATE GOTHIC / PROTO-RENAISSANCE

  43. Raphael,Self-Portrait, 1506HIGH ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  44. CHI-RHO-IOTA page from the Book of Kells, c800. HIBERNO-SAXON ART

  45. Sandro Botticelli, Birth of Venus, 1484-86. EARLY ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  46. Filippo Brunelleschidome of Florence Cathedral Florence, Italy 1420-1436 (*NOTE: Brunelleschi did NOT design the cathedral… that was a guy named Arnolfo di Cambio… Brunelleschi just designed the dome.) EARLY ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  47. Pieter Bruegel the ElderThe Peasant Wedding. 1568. Oil on panelHIGH NETHERLANDISH RENAISSANCE

  48. Andrea Mantegna,Lamentation Over Dead Christ, c1490 EARLY ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  49. Jan Van EyckGiovanni Arnolfini and His Bride 1434 EARLY NORTHERN RENAISSANCE

  50. Michelangelo,Pietàc1500, Marble, height 5’8.5” HIGH ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

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