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GSA Overview

Overview of the basics of the GSA schedule

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GSA Overview

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  1. GSA Schedule - Overview - 10 June 2014

  2. GSA Schedule - Overview • * One of MANY Contract Vehicles; • * GSA = 39 Different Schedules; • * Multiple SINs under ea/ Sched; • * 5 Yr Contract – w Renewals = 20 Yr Contract; • * $25k Sales Quota; • * .75% IFF (Industrial Funding Fee) Q payment.

  3. GSA Schedule - Overview * Pricing is MAIN factor; * Seek to obtain “better than” or “equal to” your MFC(Most Favored Customer Pricing); * GSA Price = Price Ceiling ONLY; * Customers encouraged to ask for deeper discounts

  4. GSA – What it is / What it is NOT

  5. GSA – What it is / What it is NOT * NOT For Everyone !!! * ONLY 7–10% of Federal Purchases * ONLY a Marketing / Sales Tool * Sales Quota - $25k / yr * 60% of the 20k Sched Holders = 0

  6. GSA – What it is / What it is NOT • * IFF Reporting • * GSA Audits • * Contract Administration • * BoA Pricing Implications Post Award • * NO Sales Guarantee – Mktng Tool ONLY !!!

  7. GSA – What it is / What it is NOT * Feather in your cap – Ticket to the dance; * Shows you are “SERIOUS” – Competitive Advantage; * Minimizes paperwork for the CO; * Dedicated GSA E-Buy RFP’s; * GSA Advantage Listing; * SM Biz SIN Set-Aside; * State & Local & Quasi.

  8. GSA – Do I Need It? ROI Determination

  9. GSA – Do I Need It? ROI Determination Questions to Ask ??? * Have I read the Solicitation? * Do I REALLY know what I am signing up for? * Do I have 3-4 prospects who will purchase from me via the Sched? * Can I easily EXCEED the GSA Sales Quota? * Will I be able to maintain a COMPLIANT contract?

  10. GSA – Do I Need It? ROI Determination • Questions to Ask ??? • * Are my competitors on Sched? • * How much revenue potential is avail for me? • Break down by similar size, industry, set-asides, etc. • * Do I meet the requirements? • * Do I know HOW to use the Sched? • * Will GSA prices allow me margin?

  11. GSA – Do I Need It? ROI Determination What is the Cost of NOTHaving a GSA Schedule?

  12. GSA – Conclusions &Next Steps

  13. GSA – Conclusions & Next Steps * Feather in your Cap – BUT you still need to hunt! * Great way to facilitate the Procurement Process. JULY 10 or JULY 17 – GSA Overview & Requirements (Class & Networking) JULY 31 & AUG 1 = GSA Hands-On Workshop (2 Day Workshop)

  14. GSA Schedules – THANK YOU! Jennifer Schaus http://JenniferSchaus.com Marketing@JenniferSchaus.com + 1 – 2 0 2 – 3 6 5 – 0 5 9 8 Washington, DC

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