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The History of Jerusalem Through 1914

The History of Jerusalem Through 1914. John Watts. Early Jerusalem. ~3500 BC: Scholars believe it is at about this time when the area is first settled. 19 th Century BC: First recorded mention of Jerusalem appears in Egyptian texts, listed as Rusalimum.

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The History of Jerusalem Through 1914

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  1. The History of JerusalemThrough 1914 John Watts

  2. Early Jerusalem • ~3500 BC: Scholars believe it is at about this time when the area is first settled. • 19th Century BC: First recorded mention of Jerusalem appears in Egyptian texts, listed as Rusalimum. • 13th Century BC: Israelite conquest of Canaan, however Jerusalem remains Jebusite city.

  3. The Hyksos Period • 1004: King David captures the city from the Jebusites and establishes it as the capital of the United Kingdom of Israel. • 970: King Solomon begins construction of the First Temple. • 931: Split of the Kingdom into Israel (North) and Judah (South). • 928: Assyrians conquer the North which solidifies the role of Jerusalem. • 597-586: Babylonians capture the city, Nebuchadnezzar destroys the city and the Temple, and the Jews are forced into exile in Babylonia.

  4. The Persian Period • 538: After the fall of Babylon, Cyrus of Persia allows Jews to return to the city. • 520: Construction on the Second Temple begins. • 458-397: Ezra the Scribe and Nehemiah return and revive law, religion, and social and economic life.

  5. The Hellenistic Period • 332: Alexander the Great conquers the city. After his death the Persians and Syrians are at odds for Judea, which lies between them. • 320: Ptolemy I captures Jerusalem, and Egyptian rule begins. • 198-167: Syrians take control of the city, outlaw Jewish practices, and desecrate the Second Temple.

  6. The Hasmonean Period • 167-141: Maccabean War of Liberation, led by Mattathias, head of the Hasmonean family. • Jerusalem is recaptured and the Temple is rededicated, giving birth to the tradition of Hanukkah.

  7. The Roman Period • 63: General Pompey conquers Jerusalem, Judea becomes a vassal-state of Rome. • 40: Rome appoints Herod King of Judea, he begins building on to the Temple, which takes nine years to complete. • 66-70 AD: Jewish Revolt, early success but ends in defeat and the demolishment of the city and Temple by Titus. • 132-135: Bar Kochba's War of Freedom; Ends with the destruction of Jerusalem and it being rebuilt by Hadrian as Colinia Aelia Capitolina. Jews are forbidden to enter the city.

  8. The Byzantine Period • 313: Constantine declares Christianity legal, many Christian churches are built in the city, but Jews are still prohibited. • 438: Empress Eudocia, wife of Emperor Theodisus II, allows Jews to live in the city. • 614-628: Persian conquest of Jerusalem, many churches are destroyed, but Emperor Heraclius recaptures the city for the Byzantines.

  9. The Early Muslim Period • 638: Muslim capture of the city led by Caliph Omar. • 691: Caliph Abd al-Malik builds the Dome of the Rock. • 750: Power shift from Damascus to Baghdad. • 969-1071: Fatimid Conquest and Seljuk Devistation.

  10. The Crusader Period • 1099: Crusaders, led by Godfrey de Bouillon, capture the city. Jews and Muslims are slaughtered, and the city is once again Christian. • 1187: Kurds take control of the city, many Jews and Muslims return.

  11. Ayyubid and Mameluk Period • 1219: Ayyubid orders destruction of city walls. • 1229: Treaty returns Jerusalem temporarily to the Crusaders. • 1244-1260: Mamelukes of Egypt take control, and Jerusalem is ruled from Cairo. • 1267: Rabbi Moshe Ben Nahmen arrives from Spain to revive Jewish congregation. • 1492: Jews arrive after fleeing from the Spanish Inquisition.

  12. Ottoman Period • 1517: Ottomans effect peaceful takeover of Jerusalem. • 1537-1541: Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent rebuilds the city walls. • 1838-1849: First British Consulate and Protestant Church open in city. • 1898: Visit by Theodore Herzl, the founder of the World Zionist Organization. • 1914: WWI begins and Jerusalem becomes Turkish military center.

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