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Remote Monitoring and Management

Remote monitoring and management (RMM) is a collection of information technology tools that are loaded to client workstations and servers.<br>For more information https://one.comodo.com/rmm.php?af=9557

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Remote Monitoring and Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. REMOTEMONITORINGANDANAGEMENT I N T R O D U C T I O N : Remotemonitoringandmanagement (RMM) isa collectionofinformationtechnologytoolsthatare loadedtoclientworkstationsandservers.

  2. RemoteMonitoring andManagement Remote monitoring software that allows Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to monitor as well as manage network endpoints, computers, mobile devices, and entire IT infrastructure remotely from a centralized console.

  3. HOWDOESRMMSOFTWAREWORK? RMMsoftwarethat identifiesandreports problemstothe serviceproviders, allowingexperts (RMM experts) tofixsuch identifiedissues.

  4. KEYFUNCTIONSOFRMMSOFTWARE Uptodateinformationonthestatusandupdatesof theusers' softwareandnetworks.

  5. FurnishestheMSPwithlatestdataandactivity

  6. Instantgenerationoftickets - onceproblemsareidentified

  7. Consistentwatchoveroftheusers' networkanddevice statusandhealth

  8. Simultaneouslytrackmultipleclientsandendpoints

  9. T H A N K Y O U ! Formoreinformationhttps://one.comodo.com/rmm.php?af=9557

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