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A New Nation

A New Nation. John Adams. First Vice President of the United States. Precedent. an act or instance that may be used as an example in dealing with subsequent similar instances. State Department. Handles relations with other nations First headed by Thomas Jefferson. Treasury Department.

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A New Nation

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  1. A New Nation

  2. John Adams • First Vice President of the United States

  3. Precedent • an act or instance that may be used as an example in dealing with subsequent similar instances

  4. State Department • Handles relations with other nations • First headed by Thomas Jefferson

  5. Treasury Department • Handles the nation’s financial matters • First headed by Alexander Hamilton

  6. War Department • Handles the nation’s defense • Was first headed by Henry Knox

  7. Attorney General • Handles the nation’s legal affairs • Was first headed by Edmund Randolph

  8. Postmaster General • Handles the nation’s postal service

  9. Cabinet • a group of advisers to the president

  10. Judiciary Act • Established a federal court with 13 district courts • State laws remained • Federal courts have the power to overturn state decisions • Supreme Court is the final authority • John Jay was named chief justice of the Supreme Court

  11. Bill of Rights • First 10 amendments to the Constitution • Limits the powers of government • Protects the rights of individual liberty • Freedom of speech • Protects the rights of the accused • Guarantees the right to a trial by jury

  12. National Debt • the amount of money a nation’s government owes

  13. Hamilton’s Plan • The new government would pay off the debts of the states, that were the results of the war • Hamilton believed that this would give the states a strong interest in the success of the national government

  14. Bonds • paper notes promising to repay money in a certain length of time

  15. Speculators • people who risk money in order to make a larger profit

  16. Washington D.C. • Special district between Maryland and Virginia • Established to appease the southern states and encourage them to help pay money owed to American citizens

  17. Unconstitutional • not agreeing or consistent with the Constitution.

  18. Tariff • Tax on imported products

  19. Surplus • excess, or amount left over

  20. Whiskey Rebellion • Rebellion of farmers against a tax on whiskey • Stopped when President Washington sent in the army • Showed that if citizens wanted to protest a law they had to do so peacefully • The government would use force to keep social order

  21. Little Turtle • Chief of the Miami people • Led a victory over the Americans in a battle near Wabash River in present day Ohio • The biggest defeat of American forces by Native Americans ever (over 600 American soldiers were killed)

  22. Battle of Fallen Timbers • Eliminated all Native American hopes of keeping their land near the Ohio River • Native Americans signed the Treaty of Greenville and officially agreed to surrender their land in present day Ohio

  23. Neutrality • a position of not taking sides in a conflict

  24. Impressment • forcing people into service

  25. Jay’s Treaty • Negotiated by John Jay • British withdrew completely from American soil • British paid for damaged American ships

  26. Pinckney's Treaty • Negotiated by Thomas Pinckney • Gave Americans freedom to navigate the Mississippi River • Gave Americans the right to trade in New Orleans

  27. Partisan • Favoring one side of an issue

  28. First Political Parties • Federalists (Alexander Hamilton) • Favored rule by the wealthy, strong federal government, emphasis on manufacturing, a loose interpretation of the Constitution, British alliance, a national bank and protective tariffs

  29. Democratic-Republicans (Thomas Jefferson) • Favored rule by the people, strong state governments, emphasis on agriculture, strict interpretation of the Constitution, French alliance, state banks and free trade

  30. Implied Powers • Powers that were not expressly forbidden in the Constitution • Hamilton believed in using implied powers • Jefferson believed they should only be used if it was “absolutely necessary” to carry out an expressed powers

  31. Election of 1796 • First election where candidates sought office as members of a party • John Adams for the Federalists (won) • Thomas Jefferson for the Republicans (lost and became Vice President)

  32. XYZ Affair • Refers to the demands made by three French delegates for America to give France money, which the Americans refused • Led to several naval skirmishes between the two countries

  33. Aliens • Immigrants living in a country who are not citizens

  34. Alien and Sedition Acts • restricted the public activities of political radicals who supported the French Revolution and criticized President Adams

  35. Seditinon • activities aimed at weakening established government

  36. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions • claimed the Alien and Sedition Acts could not be put into action because it violated the Constitutionand that states could nullify federal laws they considered unconstitutional

  37. Nullify • Legally overturn

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