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Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy & Physiology. Part 2: Nervous System. The Brain:. ~100 billion multipolar neurons 3 major components: The cerebrum largest part (associated with sensory & motor functions, higher mental functions) The cerebellum (voluntary muscle movement & coordination)

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Anatomy & Physiology

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  1. Anatomy & Physiology Part 2: Nervous System

  2. The Brain: • ~100 billion multipolar neurons • 3 major components: • The cerebrumlargest part (associated with sensory & motor functions, higher mental functions) • The cerebellum(voluntary muscle movement & coordination) • The brain stem(connects & regulates viscera) Another part of the brain is the diencephalon. This is also associated with sensory functions.

  3. http://www.google.com/imgres

  4. Cerebrum: • There are 2 cerebral hemispheres. This is collectively called the cerebrum. • Gyriare ridges; sulciare grooves. • Fissuresare deep grooves • Fissures divide the cerebrum into lobes. http://www.google.com/imgres

  5. The corpus callosum is a “bridge” of nerve fibers that connect the 2 hemispheres. • The hemispheres generally mirror each other.

  6. Cerebrum Lobes: These are named for the bones they are under. • Frontal lobe • Parietal lobe • Temporal lobe • Occipital lobe • Insula

  7. There are 3 main areas of the cerebrum: • Cerebral Cortex • White Matter • Basal Nuclei

  8. Cerebrum: Cerebral Cortex: • Functions: speech, memory, logic, emotional responses, & voluntary movement The cortex includes: • Broca’s area: vocalization/formation of words • Speech area: language comprehension (meanings of words)

  9. http://www.google.com/imgres

  10. Cerebrum: White Matter: Basal Nuclei: a.k.a. basal ganglia Gray matter Regulate voluntary motor functions • Contains nerve tracts that allow communication to occur between hemispheres and brain stem

  11. Diencephalon: • It contains the thalamus, hypothalamus, optic tracts pituitary gland, mammillary gland & pineal gland. • The thalamus is the central region of message relays; receiving all sensory info (except smell) & transmitting the signals to the appropriate location. • It produces awareness of sensations. http://www.google.com/imgres

  12. The hypothalamusmaintains homeostasis & links the NS to the endocrine system. It regulates: • Heart rate & blood pressure • Body temperature • Water & electrolyte balance • Hunger & body weight • Stomach & intestinal secretions & movement • Sleep & wakefulness • Production of stimulants for the pituitary gland

  13. Diencephalon: • The hypothalamus includes the limbic system and controls emotional responses & expression; as a result, it guides behavior to increase the chance of survival. Other glands part of the Diencephalon: • Pituitary gland (hormones) • Pineal gland (sleep regulation) • Choroid plexuses (capillaries that secrete CSF)

  14. Brain Stem: • Connects the spinal cord to the cerebrum • Includes the midbrain, pons & medulla oblongata • The midbraincontains reflex centers (visual & auditory) Midbrain http://www.google.com/imgres

  15. The pons is between stem & oblongata; relays sensory impulses & regulates rate & depth of breath. • The medulla oblongata is below the pons • The medulla oblongata is associated with coughing, sneezing, swallowing & vomiting reflexes. • It controls heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing

  16. The reticular formation is a network of nerve fibers that are throughout the midbrain, pons & medulla oblongata. • This regulates wakefulness (increased activity increases awareness; decreased activity induces sleep). • If this is injured, this causes unconsciousness; if the person cannot be aroused, a comatose state (coma) results.

  17. Cerebellum: • Integrates & coordinates sensory info & skeletal muscles; helps to maintain posture. • Injury to this area will cause tremors (involuntary movements), inaccurate movements, staggering walk, muscle tone loss or equilibrium disturbance.

  18. Protection of CNS: Meninges • The CNS is surrounded by bones, membranes & fluids (skull contains the cranial cavity which contains the brain, etc.). • The membranes of the CNS are themeninges (between bones & soft tissues). • These protect the brain & spinal cord. • There are 3 layers to the meninges:dura mater, arachnoid mater, & pia mater.

  19. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/images/ency/fullsize/19080.jpghttp://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/images/ency/fullsize/19080.jpg

  20. Meninges: Dura Mater: Arachnoid Mater: Thin membrane without a blood supply Between dura mater & pia mater Covers brain & spinal cord • outermost layer • found within the cranial cavity, surrounds skull bones, & extends inward between brain lobes • Surrounds the spinal cord & ends as a sac right below the cord (but is not attached to the vertebrate).

  21. Between the arachnoid mater & pia mater is thesubarachnoid space. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)is contained here. • This is a clear watery fluid that bathes the brain & spinal cord. Pia Mater: • The innermost layer of the meninges • Covers the brain & spinal cord and follows their surfaces closely

  22. Spinal Cord: • This is a nerve column that goes from the brain into the vertebral canal. • Consists of 31 segments & 31 pairs of spinal nerves • There are 2 enlargements: the cervical enlargementcontains the nerves for the upper limbs; the lumbar enlargementcontains the nerves for the lower limbs. http://www.google.com/imgres

  23. Spinal Cord with Meninges: http://www.google.com/imgres

  24. PNS: Cranial Nerves: • There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves: 1. Olfactory nerves (I):sense of smell 2. Optic nerves(II):vision (eyes to brain) 3. Oculomotor nerves (III):eye muscle movement (somatic & autonomic) 4. Trochlear nerves (IV):eye movement; smallest cranial nerves 5. Trigeminal nerves (V):contain ophthalmic, maxillary, & mandibular nerves; mixed nerves; largest cranial nerves.

  25. 6. Abducens nerves (VI):aids in eye muscle movement 7. Facial nerves (VII): taste receptors; stimulate salivary & tear gland secretions (autonomic) 8. Vestibulocochlear nerves (VIII): maintain equilibrium & enable hearing (ear) 9. Glossopharyngeal nerves (IX): swallowing; mixed nerves; associated with the tongue & pharynx. 10. Vagus nerves (X): speech & swallowing; mixed (autonomic & somatic) 11. Accessory nerves (XI):cranial & spinal 12. Hypoglossal nerves (XII): tongue, speaking, chewing & swallowing. See textbook for summary of cranial nerves.

  26. PNS: Spinal Nerves: • Come from the spinal cord • Grouped according to their location: • Cervical nerves (#C1 to C8): 8 pairs • Thoracic nerves (#T1 to T12): 12 pairs • Lumbar nerves (#L1 to L5): 5 pairs • Sacral nerves (#S1 to S5): 5 pairs • Coccygeal nerves (Co): 1 pair • See textbook summary of these spinal nerves.

  27. Autonomic Nervous System: • Functions independently (autonomous), meaning without conscious thought • Controls visceral functions • Contains the parasympathetic & sympathetic divisions • The parasympathetic division functions during restful conditions while thesympathetic division functions during emergency, stressful & energy spending situations.

  28. Look up in text or online! • Know the following: Huntington’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Ataxia, Meningitis, Encephalitis, Hydrocephalus, Blood brain barrier, Concussion, Contusion, Intracranial hemorrhage, cerebral edema, CVA, hemiplegia, TIA, Cerebral palsy, Spina bifida, and Senility

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