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Origins of the networks and projects

Networks and projects on Social economy promoted by Italian Regions Milan, 5 November 2011 Rita Porru. Origins of the networks and projects. Since the end of 94-99 ESF Programming period the regions develop inter-regional projects (among themselves) in order :

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Origins of the networks and projects

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  1. Networks and projects on Social economy promoted by Italian Regions Milan, 5 November 2011Rita Porru

  2. Origins of the networks and projects Since the end of 94-99 ESF Programming period the regions develop inter-regional projects (among themselves) in order : • to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of policies, of tools and methods, of training systems and employment ... • to cooperate on specific topics/areas or fields that require necessarily a supra-regional intervention

  3. Social Economy 2000-2006 Programming Period Inter-regional project "Network for Social Inclusion – The Global Grant (GG) instrument for Small grants“ (12 Italian Regions) Aim: • Exchange / comparison of experiences of GG • Analysis and evaluation of the instrument (is it useful in terms of administrative management? What is the added value of GG for the initiatives on inclusion/reintegration of disadvantaged groups?

  4. Results Innovative elements on inclusion strategies: • Cultural growth and entrepreneurship of non-profit organizations • Integration, collaboration and co-management of the third sector’s actors and public administrations • Intermediate and final beneficiaries participation • Local development through the social economy

  5. Example of the experience from Tuscany Region • Promote entrepreneurship and self-employment • Focus on interventions for the most disadvantaged • Create integrated services for the development of social entrepreneurship The experience of Tuscany GG continues in the current programming period

  6. Social Economy 2007-2013Programming period • ESFCoNet Network (connected to the networks Empowerment and Social Inclusion, EARLALL and Youth Employment) • Beyond the Border (connected with the network SaviAV) • Interventions to improve the services for the social and labour inclusion of people under criminal sentences (connected with the Network ExOCoop) • Network for the dissemination of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

  7. ESFCoNet Secretariat: Autonomous Province of Trento Current Presidency: Ministry of Labour and Economy from Finland Aim • Create a network on ESF topics, mission, strategy and fields of intervention in order to promote and strengthen the economic and social cohesion • Promote the exchange of good practices between ESF Managing Authorities and social workers in identified areas of common interest

  8. Working groups(Program for 2012) • "Social inclusion and new poverty" • According to the priorities of the EU2020 and with the support of the network "Empowerment and Social Inclusion” • Attention to the role of civil society Coordinator-Flanders (Belgium) • “Youth between education and work, between merit and skills” • Peer Review with the network EARLALL and Youth Employment • Attention to jobs creation for disadvantaged and disabled people in social economy sector and development of social economy Coordinator- Tuscany Region

  9. Beyond the Border • Interinstitutional and transnational Cooperation Agreement between Italy - Romania Partners: ESF MAs: Italian and Romanian Ministry of Labour, 11 Italian Regions and DPO Study visits and exchanges of experiences and good practices between MAs and social workers, seminars with experts on labour market inclusion of trafficked persons through initiatives of social economy (non profit) - Community of practice among social workers – Connected with the Network SaviAV

  10. “Interventions to improve the services for the social and labour inclusion of people under criminal sentences” • Partners: 14 ESF MAs from Italian Regions - Ministry of Justice (DAP) • Aim • Lead the institutions (public and private, profit and non profit) to an integrated and participatory planning process, combiningeconomy with social field in a sustainable development perspective • Set up a homogeneous and effective territorial services’ system for the labour inclusion of prisoners

  11. Actions - in the territoriesImplementation of integrated and socially responsible interventions of enterprises, social cooperatives and territorial agencies - interregional and interinstitutional Survey and analysisMonitoring and evaluation of interventionsCommunication and disseminationStudy visits and exchanges of experiences

  12. Network for the dissemination of CSR In phase of start-up Aim • Increase the dissemination of CSR among enterprises • Exchange and mutual learning among public administrations • Develop common products (evaluation grids for enterprises, joint calls ...) Actions • Exchange of experiences and good practices through thematic meetings and study visits • Identify administrative incentives for the participation at the calls for proposal for social responsible enterprises • Promote and enhance the experiences ( through the establishment of a national award)

  13. For further information please contact : r.porru@tecnostruttura.it o.fiorucci@tecnostruttura.it Thank you for your attention !

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