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Art of Invariant Generation applied to. Symbolic Bound Computation. Part 3. Sumit Gulwani (Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA). Oregon Summer School July 2009. TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: A A. Art of Invariant Generation.

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  1. Art of Invariant Generation applied to Symbolic Bound Computation Part 3 SumitGulwani (Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA) Oregon Summer School July 2009 TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: AA

  2. Art of Invariant Generation • Program Transformations • Reduce need for sophisticated invariant generation. • E.g., control-flow refinement, loop-flattening/peeling, non-standard cut-points, quantitative attributes instrumentation. • Colorful Logic • Language of Invariants • E.g., arithmetic, uninterpreted fns, lists/arrays • Fixpoint Brush • Automatic generation of invariants in some shade of logic, e.g., conjunctive/k-disjunctive/predicate abstraction. • E.g., Iterative, Constraint-based, Proof Rules

  3. Program Transformations • Control-flow Refinement • Reduces need for disjunctive/non-linear invariants. • Quantitative Attributes Instrumentation • Reduces need for invariants that refer to numerical heap properties. • Loop Flattening/Peeling • Reduces need for disjunctive invariants. • Non-standard choice of cut-points • Reduces need for disjunctive invariants.

  4. Program Transformations: References • Control-flow Refinement • Control-Flow Refinement and Progress Invariants for Bound Analysis; Gulwani, Jain, Koskinen; PLDI ‘09 • Quantitative Attributes Instrumentation • SPEED: Precise and Efficient Static Estimation of Program Computational Complexity; Gulwani, Mehra, Chilimbi; POPL ’09 • Non-standard choice of cut-points • Program Analysis as Constraint Solving; Gulwani, Srivastava, Venkatesan; PLDI ‘08

  5. Program Transformations • Control-flow Refinement • Quantitative Attributes Instrumentation

  6. Example: Loop with multiple phases Inputs: int n, m Assume(0<n<m) x := n+1; while (xn) if (x·m) x++; else x := 0; x’ := n+1; while (*) P1: assume(xnÆx·m); x’:=x+1; P2: assume(xnÆx>m); x’:=0; Transition System Representation Control Flow Refinement x’ := n+1; while (*) {assume(xnÆx·m); x’:=x+1;} assume(xnÆx>m); x’:=0; while (*) {assume(xnÆx·m); x’:=x+1;} Control-flow Refinement: Transform a loop with multiple paths into code-fragment with simpler loops. For above example, (P1 | P2)* reduces to P1+ P2 P1+. This implies a bound of (m-n)+(1)+(n) = m+1

  7. Control-Flow Refinement • Expand a loop (P1 | P2)* using the above rule. • Use an invariant generation tool to check feasibility of above cases and accordingly expand recursively. • The expanded code-fragment with simpler loops is easier to analyze. Invariants of simpler loops correspond to disjunctive invariants over the original loop. • Recall algebraic equivalence:(P1|P2)* = Skip | (P1|P2) (P1|P2)* • Used by iteration based tools to compute fixed-points. • Now consider a different algebraic equivalence: (P1|P2)* = Skip | P1+| P2+| P1+ P2 (P1|P2)* | P2+ P1 (P1|P2)* • Here the focus is on action when P1 and P2 interleave.

  8. Program Transformations • Control-flow Refinement • Quantitative Attributes Instrumentation

  9. Example: Loop iterating over a data-structure BreadthFirstTraversal(List L): ToDo.Init(); L.MoveTo(L.Head(),ToDo); c:=0; while (! ToDo.IsEmpty()) c++; e := ToDo.Head(); ToDo.Delete(e); foreach successor s in e.Successors() if (L.contains(s)) L.MoveTo(s,ToDo); Bound may require reference to quantitative attributes of a data-structure. E.g., Len(L): Length of list L. Inductive Invariant for the outer while-loop c · Old(Len(L)) - Len(L) – Len(ToDo) Æ Len(L) ¸ 0 Æ Len(ToDo) ¸ 0 This implies a bound of Old(Len(L)) for while loop.

  10. User-defined Quantitative Attributes • User describessemantics of quantitative attributes by stating how they are updated by various data-structure methods. • Paper gives examples of quantitative attributes for trees, bit-vectors, composite structures (e.g., list of lists) • Trees: Height, Number of nodes • Bit-vectors: Number of 1 bits • List of lists: Sum of # of nodes in all nested lists.

  11. Art of Invariant Generation • Program Transformations • Reduce need for sophisticated invariant generation. • E.g., control-flow refinement, loop-flattening/peeling, non-standard cut-points, quantitative attributes instrumentation. • Colorful Logic • Language of Invariants • E.g., arithmetic, uninterpreted fns, lists/arrays • Fixpoint Brush • Automatic generation of invariants in some shade of logic, e.g., conjunctive/k-disjunctive/predicate abstraction. • E.g., Iterative, Constraint-based, Proof Rules

  12. Symbolic Bound Computation Problem We will now sketch a solution to the symbolic bound computation problem using the techniques learned. (Joint work with FlorianZuleger, TU-Darmstadt). We proceed by starting out with special cases and then generalizing. • ¼ is immediately inside a loop. • Loop has only one transition/path s. • Loop has two transitions s1Çs2 • Loop has multiple transitions s1Ç … Çsn • Loop has nested loops. • ¼ can be any control-location.

  13. Bounding Iterations of Loops with one transition Consider the loop while (cond) X := F(X) Transition system representation s: condÆ X’=F(X) Example: Transition system representation of the loop while (x < n) {x++; n--;} is x<n Æ x’=x+1 Æ n’=n-1 Algorithm: • Find a ranking function r for transition s: • ris a ranking fn for s if: s ) (r>0 Æ r[X’/X]·r-1) • Output Max(0,r) • Claim: Bound(s) · Max(0,r)

  14. Finding Ranking Functions • Iterative Forward • Instrument counter c and find an upper bound n. n-c is a ranking function. • Constraint-based • Assume a template a0 + iaixi for the ranking function r and then solve for ai’s in the constraint 9ai (s ) (r>0 Æ r[X’/X]·r-1) using Farkas lemma • Goal directed • Complete PTIME method for synthesis of linear ranking fns. • Podelski, Rybalchenko; VMCAI ‘04 • Proof Rules • Most scalable, and effective for several domains. • We discuss design of a rank computer RankC based on some proof rules that can be discharged using SMT solvers.

  15. Arithmetic Iteration Patterns { n } If s ) (e>0 Æ e[X’/X] < e), then e 2RankC(s) RankC(i’=i+1 Æi<n Æi<m Æ n’=n Æm’·m) = { n-i, m-i } RankC(n>0 Æn’·nÆ A[n]A[n’]) = If s ) (e¸1 Æ e[X’/X] · e/2), then log e 2RankC(s) RankC(i’·i/2 Æi>1 ) = { log i } RankC(i’=2£i Æi>0 Æ n>iÆ n’=n) = { log (n/i) }

  16. Boolean Iteration Pattern If s ) e Æ:e[X’/X], then Bool2Int(e) 2RankC(s) RankC(flag’=false Æ flag) = { Bool2Int(flag) } RankC(x’=100 Æ x<100) = { Bool2Int(x < 100) }

  17. Bit-vector Iteration Pattern If s ) (LSB(x’) < LSB(x) Æ x0), then LSB(x) 2RankC(s) RankC(x’=x << 1 Æ x0) = { LSB(x) } RankC(x’=x&(x-1) Æ x0) = { LSB(x) }

  18. Data-structure Iteration Patterns If s ) (xzÆ Dist(x’,z) < Dist(x,z)), then Dist(x,z) 2RankC(s) RankC(x  Null Æ x’=x.next) = { Dist(x,Null) } RankC(Mem’ = Update(Mem,x.next,x.next.next) Æ x  Null Æx.next Null) = { Dist(x,Null) }

  19. Symbolic Bound Computation Problem • Bounding Loop Iterations • Loop has only one transition/path s • Constraint-based (Linear), Proof Rules • Loop has two transitions s1Çs2 • Proof Rules • Loop has multiple transitions s1Ç … Çsn • Loop has nested loops. • Bounding Visits(¼), where ¼ is any control-location.

  20. Symbolic Bound Computation Problem • Bounding Loop Iterations • Loop has only one transition/path s • Constraint-based (Linear), Proof Rules • Loop has two transitions s1Çs2 • Proof Rules • Loop has multiple transitions s1Ç … Çsn • Loop has nested loops. • Bounding Visits(¼), where ¼ is any control-location.

  21. Proof Rule for Max Composition Max(0, r1, r2) Let r1 2RankC(s1), r2 2RankC(s2). Cooperative Interference CI(s1,r1,s2,r2): Non-enabling condition: s1 ± s2 = false Rank decrease condition: s1 ) r2[x’/x] · Max(r1,r2)-1 Proof Rule:If CI(s1, r1, s2, r2) and CI(s2,r2,s1,r1), then: Bound(s1 Ç s2) = Example: s1 = (n’=n-1 Æ j<n-1 Æj’¸jÆi’=i) s2 = (n’=n-1 Æi<n-1 Æ i’¸i+1 Æ j’ ¸i+2) r1 = n-j-1, r2 = n-i-1 Bound(s1 Ç s2) = Max(0, n-j-1, n-i-1)

  22. Proof Rule for Additive Composition Max(0, r1) + Max(0,r2) Let r1 2RankC(s1), r2 2RankC(s2). Non-Interference NI(s1,s2,r2): Non-enabling condition: s1 ± s2 = false Rank preserving condition: s1 ) r2[x’/x] · r2 Proof Rule:If NI(s1,s2,r2) and NI(s2,s1,r1), then: Bound(s1 Ç s2) = Example: s1 = (z>x Æ x<n Æ x’=x+1 Æ Same({z,n}) ) s2 = (z·xÆ x<n Æ z’=z+1 Æ Same({x, n}) ) r1 = n-x, r2 = n-z Bound(s1 Ç s2) = Max(0, n-x) + Max(0, n-z)

  23. Proof Rule for Multiplicative Composition Max(0,r1) + Max(0,r2) + Max(0,u2)*Max(0,r1) Let r1 2RankC(s1), r2 2RankC(s2). Proof Rule:If NI(s2,s1,r1), then: Bound(s1 Ç s2) = where u2(X) is an upper bound on r2[X’/X] as implied by s1. Example: s1 = (i’=i-1 Æi>0 Æ j’=j-1 Æ j>0 Æ Same({k’,m’}) ) s2 = (j’=m Æ k’=k-1 Æ k>0 Æ Same({i’,m’}) ) RankC(s1) = {i,j}, RankC(s2) = {k} Bound(s1 Ç s2) = Max(0,k) + Max(0,m,j)*Max(0,k) or, Max(0,k) + Max(0,i) [Additive Composition]

  24. Symbolic Bound Computation Problem • Bounding Loop Iterations • Loop has only one transition/path s • Constraint-based (Linear), Proof Rules • Loop has two transitions s1Çs2 • Proof Rules • Loop has multiple transitions s1Ç … Çsn • Proof Rules • Loop has nested loops. • Bounding Visits(¼), where ¼ is any control-location.

  25. Algorithm: ComputeBound(s1ÇÇsn) Iter(si) := ?; do { for i2 {1,..n} and r 2RankC(si): J := { j | :NI(sj,si,r) }; if (Iter[si] = ?) Æ (8j2J: Iter[sj]?) factor := j2JIter (sj); Let u(x) be upper bound on r[x’/x] implied by TC(Çjisj); Iter[si] := Max(0,r) + Max(0,u) * factor; } while any change in Iter array; If (8 1·j·n: Iter[sj] ?), return 1·j·nIter (sj); Else return “Potentially Unbounded”;

  26. Symbolic Bound Computation Problem • Bounding Loop Iterations • Loop has only one transition/path s • Constraint-based (Linear), Proof Rules • Loop has two transitions s1Çs2 • Proof Rules • Loop has multiple transitions s1Ç … Çsn • Control-flow Refinement + Proof Rules • Loop has nested loops • Iterative Forward: Recursively replace each nested loop by the transitive closure of its transition system. • Bounding Visits(¼), where ¼ is any control-location.

  27. Example: TransitiveClosure Input: int n flag := true; while (flag) { flag := false; while (n>0 Ænondet()) n := n-1; flag := true; } To compute a precise bound of n for the outer loop, we need to summarize behavior of nested loop (n>0 Æ n’=n-1 Æ flag’=true) by following transitive closure: (n>0 Æ n’·n-1 Æ flag’=true) Ç (flag’=flag) Observe that n’·nis also a transitive closure, but it is too abstract to even conclude that outer loop terminates.

  28. TransitiveClosure Definition s1: i’=i+1 Æ j’=0 s2: i’=iÆ j’=j+1 (i’¸i+1) Ç (i’=iÆj’¸j) We say that a relation R is TransitiveClosure(T) if Id ) R and R ± T ) R where Id is the relation X’=X Example of TransitiveClosure(s1Çs2)

  29. Convexity-like Assumption • Let s1ÇÇs’m be transitive closure of s1ÇÇsn. Then, • Id ) (s’1Ç …Çs’m) • (s’1Ç …Çs’m) ± (s1Ç …Çsn) ) (s’1Ç …Çs’m) Or, equivalently, s’j±si) (s’1Ç …Çs’m) • Convexity-like assumption: Id )s’±where ±2 {1,…,m} s’j± si)s’¾(j,i)where ¾(j,i) 2 {1,...,m} • A transitive closure with m disjuncts for a relation with n disjuncts corresponds to an integer q and a map ¾: {1,,n}£{1,,m} ! {1,,n} • We describe an algorithm for computing transitive closure that is stronger than s’1ÇÇs’m, given ± and map ¾.

  30. TransitiveClosure Algorithm • The m*n disjunctss’j±si are merged/joined into n disjuncts using the map ¾. • The distinguishing key idea is to stick with the same merging criterion determined by ¾ for all iterations. • Precision Proof: s’j stays stronger than desired solution. • Termination may require widening, and precision is not guaranteed in that setting. s’± := Id; for j 2 {1,…,m}/{± }: s’j := false; do { for j 2 {1,…,m} and i2 {1,…,n}: s’k := Join(s’k,s’j± si), where k = ¾(j,i) } until no change in (s’1, …, s’m) Return (s’1Ç …Çs’m)

  31. Symbolic Bound Computation Problem • Bounding Loop Iterations • Loop has only one transition/path s • Constraint-based (Linear), Proof Rules • Loop has two transitions s1Çs2 • Proof Rules • Loop has multiple transitions s1Ç … Çsn • Control-flow Refinement + Proof Rules • Loop has nested loops • Quantitative Attributes + Iterative Forward (Linear+UF) • Bounding Visits(¼), where ¼ is any control-location. • Generate a transition system for ¼.

  32. Algorithm: GenerateTransitionSystem(¼)  ¼end  Step 1 ¼start ¼   Split ¼ into ¼start and ¼end . If graph between ¼start and ¼end is a DAG, then expand the DAG into a set/disjunction of paths, each path representing relation among X and X’.

  33. Algorithm: GenerateTransitionSystem(¼) • 3. If graph G between ¼start and ¼end is not a DAG: • Foreach top-level loop L in graph G: • T := TransitionSystem(¼Header(L)) • Remove back-edges, place TransitiveClosure(T) at the beginning of ¼Header(L). • Expand the resultant DAG into a set/disjunction of paths.   Step 3(b) TransitiveClosure ¼Header  

  34. Algorithm for Symbolic Bound Computation Input: Control Location ¼ • T := GenerateTransitionSystem(¼) • T is a relation in DNF form among X and X’, where • X: variables live at ¼ • X’: values of variables X in the next visit to ¼ • Quantitative Attributes +Iterative Forward (Linear+UF) • B := 1+ComputeBound(T) • B denotes a symbolic bound in terms of inputs to T • Control-flow Refinement +Constraint-based (Linear),Proof Rules • B’ := TranslateBound(B, ¼) • Backward propagation based on Proof Rules Output: Bound B’

  35. Conclusion • Symbolic Bound Analysis • An application area waiting to benefit from advances in invariant generation technology. • Several important/open/challenging problems • Concurrent Procedures, Average-case Bounds • Art of Invariant Generation • Program Transformations + Colorful Logic + Fixpoint Brush • An effective solution for bound analysis involves using a variety of choices along each of these three dimensions.

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