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What Sustainable Wine Means to Consumers

What Sustainable Wine Means to Consumers. Christian Miller Full Glass Research. Methodology Wine Opinions Panel profile. 3100+ participants, answering 1-2 web-based surveys a month

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What Sustainable Wine Means to Consumers

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  1. What Sustainable Wine Means to Consumers Christian Miller Full Glass Research www.fullglassresearch.com 2008

  2. MethodologyWine Opinions Panel profile • 3100+ participants, answering 1-2 web-based surveys a month • Recruited using multiple sites and methods, screened for membership; benchmarked against Wine Market Council data • Representative of the core involved wine consumer, estimated 18-19 million consumers responsible for roughly ¾ of wine dollar spending in U.S. • Panel members in every state, distributed like core wine consumers www.fullglassresearch.com 2008

  3. Methodology Broad-based Sample Profile • Recruited from large commercially-sourced sample representing the U.S. online adult population. • Screened for wine consumers only. Projects to roughly 80 million adults. • Over-sample of those who had purchased “green” products. • “General” wine consumer in the charts www.fullglassresearch.com 2008

  4. Reasons for purchasing sustainable products – WO Panel (General Consumer) www.fullglassresearch.com 2008

  5. In the past three months, from which of these categories have you purchased sustainably produced products? www.fullglassresearch.com 2008

  6. “Green” Wine Awareness – WO Panel www.fullglassresearch.com 2008

  7. Definitions of Sustainability www.fullglassresearch.com 2008

  8. Reasons for Buying Sustainable Wine www.fullglassresearch.com 2008

  9. Reasons for NOT Buying Sustainable www.fullglassresearch.com 2008

  10. Wine “Green” statements www.fullglassresearch.com 2008

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