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What is the exclusionary rule? What is the purpose of the exclusionary rule?

What is the exclusionary rule? What is the purpose of the exclusionary rule? What is the meaning of the cartoon?. Lesson 1.4 Substantive Law vs. Procedural Law. Essential Question: How does substantive law differ from procedural law?. Substantive Law.

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What is the exclusionary rule? What is the purpose of the exclusionary rule?

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  1. What is the exclusionary rule? What is the purpose of the exclusionary rule? What is the meaning of the cartoon?

  2. Lesson 1.4Substantive Law vs. Procedural Law Essential Question: How does substantive law differ from procedural law?

  3. Substantive Law For Example: Substantive law defines certain acts as illegal, lists the elements of the crime, and lists the punishment for violating that law. Substantive law also defines the legal reasons for a divorce, etc. Definition: Law that deals with the content or substance of the law.

  4. For Example: (a) General rule.--A person is guilty of involuntary manslaughter when as a direct result of the doing of an unlawful act in a reckless or grossly negligent manner, or the doing of a lawful act in a reckless or grossly negligent manner, he causes the death of another person.(b) Grading.--Involuntary manslaughter is a misdemeanor of the first degree. Where the victim is under 12 years of age and is in the care, custody or control of the person who caused the death, involuntary manslaughter is a felony of the second degree. Pennsylvania Statutes – Involuntary Manslaughter

  5. For Example: Pennsylvania Statutes – Grounds for Divorce • Fault.--The court may grant a divorce to the innocent and injured spouse whenever it is judged that the other spouse has:(1) Committed willful and malicious desertion, and absence from the habitation of the injured and innocent spouse, without a reasonable cause, for the period of one or more years.(2) Committed adultery.(3) By cruel and barbarous treatment, endangered the life or health of the injured and innocent spouse (4) Knowingly entered into a bigamous marriage while a former marriage is still subsisting.(5) Been sentenced to imprisonment for a term of two or more years upon conviction of having committed a crime.(6) Offered such indignities to the innocent and injured spouse as to render that spouse's condition intolerable and life burdensome.

  6. Procedural Law For Example: The PA rules of civil procedure govern the process of a lawsuit & the PA rules of criminal procedure govern the process of a criminal case Some procedural law is established by case law (for example: Miranda v. Arizona, Gideon v. Wainwright). Definition: Law which outlines the procedural rules of civil and criminal cases. Procedural law deals with the method by which substantive law is administered.

  7. Civil Procedural Rules Committee of PA Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure http://www.pacourts.us/T/BoardsCommittees/CivilProcRulesCom/ Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure http://www.pacode.com/secure/data/231/partItoc.html http://www.pacode.com/secure/data/234/234toc.html Criminal Procedural Rules Committee of PA http://www.pacourts.us/T/BoardsCommittees/CrimProcRules/

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