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‘Mindtools’ for Geography Teachers

‘Mindtools’ for Geography Teachers. Teaching for Conceptual Development. Terry Fogarty B.A (Hon1), Med, MACE, MACS, PCP tfogarty@une.edu.au. What’s behind technology in the classroom?.

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‘Mindtools’ for Geography Teachers

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  1. ‘Mindtools’ for Geography Teachers Teaching for Conceptual Development Terry Fogarty B.A (Hon1), Med, MACE, MACS, PCP tfogarty@une.edu.au

  2. What’s behind technology in the classroom? Goal 1.6 National Goals for Schooling in the 21st Century states inter alia: that ‘when students leave schools they shouldbe confident, creative, productive and responsible users of new technologies, including ICT’ (MCEETYA, 1999).

  3. Competence “By the stroke of a ” Source: NSW Institute of Teachers, 2004

  4. Virtually every secondary teacher is now expected to teach ICT Source: NSW Board of Studies, 2002

  5. In teaching for conceptual development teachers will use ICT to:

  6. In teaching for conceptual development, teachers use ICT to: 9 ‘simple’ elements for teaching

  7. What is a ‘Mindtool’? ‘Computer applications that, when used by learners to represent what they know, necessarily engage them in critical thinking about the content they are studying.’ David Jonassen, 1996

  8. ‘Mindtools’ for teachers? • Software applications (preferably free) that teachers can use to teach conceptual development • Two types: • Desktop applications • Web-based applications

  9. Desktop Applications • Need to be installed at school and at home • Sometimes difficult if school restricts downloads or block sites • May need to be maintained as new versions become available • Can be used even if Internet not available

  10. Web-based applications • Available ‘anywhere, anytime’ • Require connection to Internet to use • Often not as ‘feature-rich’ as desktop alternatives Recommendation: Consider both desktop and web-based alternatives

  11. Web 2.0

  12. Empower students to select applications Word Processing http://www.openoffice.org/ http://docs.google.com

  13. Google for Educators http://www.google.com/educators/index.html

  14. Web Browser http://www.4-free.cc/

  15. Empressr

  16. Empower students to select modes of communication • Synchronous Communications • Appears to be ‘real time’ • Asynchronous Communications • Delay between send and receive

  17. SynchronousCommunications VOIP - Voice over IP CHAT ROOM Video Conference

  18. Web 2.0 Synchronicity

  19. flatplanet.wkispaces.com

  20. Asynchronous Communications @email Discussion Board

  21. Web 2.0 Asynchronicity https://www.blogger.com/start

  22. Web 2.0 AsynchronicityRSS‘Really Simple Syndication’ Automatically delivers new web content to you! http://www.commoncraft.com/rss_plain_english

  23. GTA Forum

  24. Web 2.0 Asynchronicity RSS Automatically delivers new web content to you! http://rsspopper.blogspot.com/2004/10/home.html http://www.google.com/help/reader/tour.html

  25. Make electronic resources available to students for ‘anytime’ access MOODLE http://www.moodle.org MyClasses LAMS http://www.lamsinternational.com/

  26. Make electronic resources available to students for ‘anytime’ accessNoodle (wiki)

  27. EdNA Moodle/LAMS Groups FREE FOR TEACHERS http://www.groups.edna.edu.au/

  28. Wikispaces for Educators Free for teachers Add-free for students http://www.wikispaces.com/site/for/teachers

  29. Make electronic resources available to students for ‘anytime’ access via Web 2.0 Podcasting http://www.teachertube.com/

  30. Make electronic resources available to students for ‘anytime’ access via Web 2.0

  31. Use information from online sources http://www.lizardpoint.com/fun/geoquiz/

  32. IMAX - Surviving the elements http://www.imax.com.au/content/resources/Surviving%20the%20Elements%20Joint%20Package%20Info.pdf

  33. Beijing - CRD http://crd.gov.cn/en/ http://www.smh.com.au/news/web/joining-the-dots-to-new-virtualworlds/2007/08/06/1186252627367.html

  34. Juicy Geography http://www.juicygeography.co.uk/ictres.htm

  35. MetLink http://www.metlink.org/intro.php

  36. Radley College - UK http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/radgeog/HMC/hmc_html/HTML/sld002.htm

  37. Use Learning Objects http://www.thelearningfederation.edu.au/node98

  38. Use Learning ObjectsBELTS http://www.thelearningfederation.edu.au/node98

  39. EdNA Learning Objects

  40. StudySearch http://www.studysearch.com.au/

  41. Provide processing and presentation tools MS Movie Maker

  42. MS Producer http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/technologies/producer.mspx

  43. Toondoo http://www.toondoo.com/Home.do

  44. ReadWriteThink http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/comic/

  45. Engage students in simulations http://www.epa.gov/recyclecity/gameintro.htm

  46. Engage students in simulations http://mapzone.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/mapzone/

  47. Engage students in simulations http://geosim.cs.vt.edu/

  48. Engage students in modelling www.sketchup.com

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