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A Parent's Guide to Nebulizers- How to Use Them Safely for Children

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A Parent's Guide to Nebulizers- How to Use Them Safely for Children

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  1. A Parent's Guide to Nebulizers: How to Use Them Safely for Children If you are a parent with a child that has difficulty breathing, then you will surely know the importance of using a nebulizer kit. Often time breathing apparatuses like inhalers are insufficient in delivering the medication as the child may need a greater quantity to ease their breathing. This is why it is essential for parents to know how to properly and safely use a Nebulizer Mask for their children. If you are new to using nebulizers for your children, then this guide will teach you to step by step on how to use a nebulizer kit safely for children: Step 1: Wash your hands Make sure that your hands are thoroughly washed with soap and carefully dried. It is crucial that your hands are completely dry before o you handle the nebulizer mask. Step 2: Connect the hose of the nebulizer to the air compressor When doing so, make sure that the connection is secure and that there are no points of leakage. Additionally, make sure that the air compressor is properly pressurized. An air compressor with low pressure will not be able to effectively aerate the medication for your child to inhale Step 3: Fill the Medicine in the cup. When filling the medication, ensure that there are no spills and close the medicine cup tightly always make sure that you are holding the mouthpiece of the nebulizer kit straight down or up. Step 4: Attach all parts together. Carefully secure the end of the hose to the nebulizer mouthpiece. After this proceed to attach the medicine cup, all the while ensuring no leakage or loose of connections. Step 5: Turn on the machine. Turn on the nebulizer machine before placing it over your child’s mouth. Step 6: Place the mouthpiece over your child’s mouth. Firmly place the mouthpiece over your child’s mouth so that it sits comfortably without causing any irritation so that the entire medicine goes into the lungs. Keep this position for 5 to 20 minutes had your child breathes deeply through their mouth. To ensure that your child breaths only through their mouth you can also make use of a nose clip. Step 7: Turn off the machine and remove it. After all the medication has been inhaled by your child. Remove the mouthpiece and carefully ds mantle it. After dismantling, make sure to wash and dry the Nebulizer Kit for future use. By following this guide, you will be able to properly use a Nebulizer kit for your child, safely and effectively without any risk or complication. Doing so would also ensure that your child is able to breathe in the entire medication, allowing them to breathe easier.

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