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Modeling Habitat Relationships using Point Counts

Modeling Habitat Relationships using Point Counts. Tim Jones Atlantic Coast Joint Venture. Use of Point Counts. Investigate responses of avian populations to management treatments or to environmental disturbances Estimate spatial distribution of species Model bird-habitat relationships

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Modeling Habitat Relationships using Point Counts

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  1. Modeling Habitat Relationships using Point Counts Tim Jones Atlantic Coast Joint Venture

  2. Use of Point Counts • Investigate responses of avian populations to management treatments or to environmental disturbances • Estimate spatial distribution of species • Model bird-habitat relationships • Monitor population trends

  3. Study Design Considerations • Pure trend estimation • Systematic sampling • Habitat-specific population estimate • Stratified by habitat type • Bird-habitat modeling • Stratify by habitat type • Avoid edges/boundaries

  4. Numerous good sources of information for technique

  5. Minnesota’s Forest Bird Diversity Initiative

  6. What’s the Problem? • Timber harvesting in Minnesota began to significantly increase • Forest songbirds have received little management attention

  7. Objectives • Monitor relative abundance of common bird species to assess annual changes, • Define avian habitat relationships, • Determine how forest management activities influence breeding bird abundance and distribution, and • Provide a product that a regional wildlife biologist could use to plan forest management activities to accommodate a variety of bird species, especially those with specific habitat needs or declining populations in a region.

  8. Monitoring Program Design • Integrate with each National Forest's method of describing vegetation cover types • forest stand that was > 40 acres, the minimum size needed for three point counts • Fixed radius counts (100m) - although all birds detected noted • 10-minute counts (3, 3-5, 5+)

  9. Study Area

  10. 12-year Data Summary 1991 - 2002 • > 250,000 individuals observed • 182 species detected (note about 150 forest-dependent bird species in region)

  11. Trend Analysis • Statistical analysis • Non-parametric route regression (James et al. 1996) • Uses untransformed counts • Does not assume functional form • Data for each stand smoothed (LOESS) • Fitted values averaged across stands for each year • Bootstrap 95% confidence interval (1,000 reps)

  12. Disclaimer • Counts not corrected for detectability • Assumed all birds within 100m were always detected • Based on previous work in Upper Midwest • Cost of double observer would have resulted in effort costing > $90,000 (> $120,000 in 2006)

  13. Ovenbird Regional

  14. White-throated Sparrow Regional

  15. Decreasing Eastern Wood-Pewee Winter Wren Ruby-crowned Kinglet Golden-winged Warbler Black-throated Green Warbler Black-and-white Warbler Common Yellowthroat Canada Warbler Chipping Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Rose-breasted Grosbeak Increasing Black-capped Chickadee Red-breasted Nuthatch Northern Parula Magnolia Warbler Pine Warbler Swamp Sparrow Superior NF

  16. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Red-breasted Nuthatch Northern Parula American Redstart Eastern Wood-Pewee Brown Creeper Winter Wren Hermit Thrush Black-and-white Warbler Ovenbird Common Yellowthroat Canada Warbler Scarlet Tanager Song Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Regional Summary Decreasing Increasing

  17. Bird-Habitat RelationshipModeling

  18. Developing Models to Describe How Birds Respond to Forest Habitat

  19. Habitat Characteristics • Local site variables • dominant tree species, relative density estimates, foliage height diversity (fhd), percent canopy closure • Landscape variables • derived from Landsat TM satellite imagery • metrics computed using FRAGSTATS • patch size, cv patch size, patch richness, Simpson’s diversity index, contagion, edge density

  20. 5000m 2000m 1000m 500m 100m

  21. Habitat Relationship Models • Statistical Models • Forest composition • Landscape pattern • 82 species • Probabilistic approach • Empirical relationship to specific habitat types • Allow unified approach for all 129 species

  22. Statistical Methods • Multiple Linear Regression • Widely used, assumes normal distribution • Logistic Regression • generalized linear model (GLIM), widely used, assumes binomial distribution, loss of information • Classification & Regression Trees • adaptive, but data intensive • Poisson Regression • GLIM, assumes Poisson distribution, predicts either probability of occurrence or count

  23. Common Issues in Analyzing Survey Data • Small sample size • Counts do not meet underlying assumptions of multiple linear regression (e.g., large spike of zero counts) • Predictions not constrained by zero (i.e., negative abundance) • Loss of information by converting counts to presence/absence

  24. Blackburnian Warbler

  25. Poisson Regression • Poisson regression generally performed well as compared to logistic regression • except when the density is high (i.e., small territory size); underlying data approximates normal distribution • At small means (i.e., low density) Poisson regression performed as well as logistic regression without loss of abundance information

  26. Lack of Fit and Poisson Regression • Often attributed to overdisperson, which indicates that the variance and mean are not equal • Or because the rate of the count variable varies between individuals (i.e., heterogeneity)

  27. Nashville Warbler % Correctly Classified = 0.762

  28. Summary of Explanatory Variables

  29. For more information on wide array of statistical approaches to modeling species occurrence and/or abundance:

  30. Practical Considerations • Only 30 – 45% of deviance explained • Difficult to implement for: • Multiple species (with different responses) • Multiple management scenarios • Within a Monte Carlo framework - typically run 1,000 simulations to bootstrap confidence intervals

  31. Optimal Solution • Uniform approach for all 129 species of interest • Easily updated with new information (i.e., new years of data collectoin) • Easily linked to predictions of future habitat conditions • Directly related to forest management practices

  32. Probabilistic Modeling Concept • Use 10 years of field data to generate probabilities of observing X number of individuals in sampled area (6.4ha) • Probabilities are cover type specific • Updated annually to reflect additional data • Avoid issue of how to scale density to a given area

  33. Sample Design • Sampling unit = 6.4 ha • Proportional allocation based on amount of each USFS forest type • Subsample - 2 points per stand, 10 minute point count

  34. not used jack pine red pine white pine upland mixed lowland conifer oak lowland decid aspen/birch northern hardwoods regen conifer regen decid non-forested wetland non-forested upland developed water Land Cover Classification

  35. Observed Probability Matrix

  36. Simulation Methods

  37. Step 1: Subdivide Patches

  38. Step 2: Populate Subdivisions • Draw number from random number generator • Compare to cumulative probability from field data • Determine number of individuals “observed” for each “sample” area

  39. Step 3: Patch Estimate • For subdivisions that are not completely contained in patch, proportionally reduce estimated number of individuals • Sum number of individuals across all subdivisions of a patch

  40. Evaluation of ModelingApproach

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